
109 lines
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open Import
let parse_sub_systems ~parsing_context sexps =
List.filter_map sexps ~f:(fun sexp ->
let name, ver, data =
Sexp.Of_sexp.(parse (triple string (located Syntax.Version.t) raw)
parsing_context) sexp
match Sub_system_name.get name with
| None ->
(* We ignore sub-systems that are not internally known. These
correspond to plugins that are not in use in the current
workspace. *)
| Some name -> Some (name, (Sexp.Ast.loc sexp, ver, data)))
|> Sub_system_name.Map.of_list
|> (function
| Ok x -> x
| Error (name, _, (loc, _, _)) ->
Loc.fail loc "%S present twice" (Sub_system_name.to_string name))
|> Sub_system_name.Map.mapi ~f:(fun name (_, version, data) ->
let (module M) = Dune_file.Sub_system_info.get name in
Syntax.check_supported M.syntax version;
let parsing_context =
(* We set the syntax to the version used when generating this subsystem.
We cannot do this for jbuild defined subsystems however since those use
1.0 as the version. Which would correspond to the dune syntax (because
subsystems share the syntax of the dune lang) *)
match Univ_map.find_exn parsing_context (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) with
| (0, 0) ->
| (_, _) ->
Univ_map.add parsing_context (Syntax.key M.syntax) (snd version)
M.T (Sexp.Of_sexp.parse M.parse parsing_context data))
let of_sexp =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
let version =
plain_string (fun ~loc -> function
| "1" -> (0, 0)
| "2" -> (1, 0)
| v ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
"Unsupported version %S, only version 1 is supported" v)
[ "dune",
(version >>= fun version ->
set (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) version
(let%map parsing_context = get_all
and sub_systems = list raw
parse_sub_systems ~parsing_context sub_systems))
let load fname =
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file fname ~f:(fun lexbuf ->
(* Installed dune files are versioned but they don't use the
[(lang ...)] line which was introduced after. Installed dune
files in version 1 are using the jbuild syntax and version 2
are using the dune syntax, so we start by lexing the first
tokens with the dune lexer until we reach the file version, at
which point we can decide what lexer to use for the reset of
the file. *)
let state = ref 0 in
let lexer = ref Sexp.Lexer.token in
let lexer lb =
let token : Sexp.Lexer.Token.t = !lexer lb in
(match !state, token with
| 0, Lparen -> state := 1
| 1, Atom (A "dune") -> state := 2
| 2, Atom (A "1") -> state := 3; lexer := Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token
| 2, Atom (A "2") -> state := 3; lexer := Sexp.Lexer.token
| 2, Atom (A version) ->
Loc.fail (Sexp.Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf) "Unsupported version %S" version
| 3, _ -> ()
| _ ->
Loc.fail (Sexp.Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf)
"This <lib>.dune file looks invalid, it should \
contain a S-expression of the form (dune x.y ..)"
Sexp.Of_sexp.parse of_sexp Univ_map.empty
(Sexp.Parser.parse ~lexer ~mode:Single lexbuf))
let gen ~(dune_version : Syntax.Version.t) confs =
let sexps =
Sub_system_name.Map.to_list confs
|> List.map ~f:(fun (name, (ver, conf)) ->
let (module M) = Dune_file.Sub_system_info.get name in
Sexp.List [ Sexp.atom (Sub_system_name.to_string name)
; Syntax.Version.sexp_of_t ver
; conf
[ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "dune"
; Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string
(match dune_version with
| (0, 0) -> "1"
| (x, _) when x >= 1 -> "2"
| (_, _) ->
Exn.code_error "Cannot generate dune with unknown version"
["dune_version", Syntax.Version.sexp_of_t dune_version])
; List sexps