
55 lines
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(** Command line arguments specification *)
(** This module implements a small DSL to specify the command line
argument of a program as well as the dependencies and targets of
the program at the same time.
For instance to represent the argument of [ocamlc -o src/foo.exe
src/foo.ml], one might write:
[ A "-o"
; Target (Path.relatie dir "foo.exe")
; Dep (Path.relative dir "foo.ml")
This DSL was inspired from the ocamlbuild API. *)
open! Import
(** [A] stands for "atom", it is for command line arguments that are
neither dependencies nor targets.
[Path] is similar to [A] in the sense that it defines a command
line argument that is neither a dependency or target. However, the
difference between the two is that [A s] produces exactly the
argument [s], while [Path p] produces a string that depends on
where the command is executed. For instance [Path (Path.of_string
"src/foo.ml")] will translate to "../src/foo.ml" if the command is
started from the "test" directory. *)
type 'a t =
| A of string
| As of string list
| S of 'a t list
| Concat of string * 'a t list (** Concatenation with a custom separator *)
| Dep of Path.t (** A path that is a dependency *)
| Deps of Path.t list
| Target of Path.t
| Path of Path.t
| Paths of Path.t list
| Hidden_deps of Path.t list
| Hidden_targets of Path.t list
(** Register dependencies but produce no argument *)
| Dyn of ('a -> nothing t)
val add_deps : _ t list -> Path.Set.t -> Path.Set.t
val add_targets : _ t list -> Path.t list -> Path.t list
val expand : dir:Path.t -> 'a t list -> 'a -> string list * Path.Set.t
(** [quote_args quote args] is [As \[quote; arg1; quote; arg2; ...\]] *)
val quote_args : string -> string list -> _ t
val of_result : 'a t Or_exn.t -> 'a t
val of_result_map : 'a Or_exn.t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t