
447 lines
12 KiB

[@@@ocaml.warning "-40"]
(* This module is here to build a version of jbuilder that is capable of
* building itself. It accomplishes this by concatenating all its source files
* into a single .ml file and simply compiling it. The source code of the
* vendored libraries are omitted, being replaced by stubs, just to speed up
* the bootstrapping process. This is possible because the features used in
* jbuilder's jbuild files use a minimal set of features that do not actually
* hit codepaths in which the vendored libraries are used. In order for this to
* continue to work, jbuild files in the jbuilder repository should not use
* globs. *)
module Array = ArrayLabels
module List = ListLabels
module String = struct
include StringLabels
include struct
[@@@warning "-3"]
let capitalize_ascii = String.capitalize
let uncapitalize_ascii = String.uncapitalize
let break s ~pos =
(sub s ~pos:0 ~len:pos,
sub s ~pos ~len:(String.length s - pos))
(* Directories with library names *)
let dirs =
[ "src/which_program" , Some "Which_program"
; "src/stdune/caml" , Some "Caml"
; "src/stdune" , Some "Stdune"
; "src/fiber" , Some "Fiber"
; "src/xdg" , Some "Xdg"
; "src/ocaml-config" , Some "Ocaml_config"
; "vendor/boot" , None
; "src/dsexp" , Some "Dsexp"
; "src" , None
open Printf
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
module Make_map(Key : Map.OrderedType) = struct
include Map.Make(Key)
let of_alist_multi l =
List.fold_left (List.rev l) ~init:empty ~f:(fun acc (k, v) ->
let l =
find k acc
with Not_found ->
add k (v :: l) acc)
module String_map = Make_map(String)
module String_option_map = Make_map(struct type t = string option let compare = compare end)
let () =
match Sys.getenv "OCAMLPARAM" with
| s -> Printf.eprintf "OCAMLPARAM is set to %S\n%!" s
| exception Not_found -> ()
let ( ^/ ) = Filename.concat
let protectx x ~finally ~f =
match f x with
| y -> finally x; y
| exception e -> finally x; raise e
let starts_with s ~prefix =
let plen = String.length prefix in
let slen = String.length s in
slen >= plen && String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:plen = prefix
let exec fmt =
ksprintf (fun cmd ->
print_endline cmd;
Sys.command cmd)
let path_sep =
if Sys.win32 then
let split_path s =
let rec loop i j =
if j = String.length s then
[String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i)]
else if s.[j] = path_sep then
String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) :: loop (j + 1) (j + 1)
loop i (j + 1)
loop 0 0
let path =
match Sys.getenv "PATH" with
| exception Not_found -> []
| s -> split_path s
let exe = if Sys.win32 then ".exe" else ""
let prog_not_found prog =
eprintf "Program %s not found in PATH" prog;
exit 2
let best_prog dir prog =
let fn = dir ^/ prog ^ ".opt" ^ exe in
if Sys.file_exists fn then
Some fn
let fn = dir ^/ prog ^ exe in
if Sys.file_exists fn then
Some fn
let find_prog prog =
let rec search = function
| [] -> None
| dir :: rest ->
match best_prog dir prog with
| None -> search rest
| Some fn -> Some (dir, fn)
search path
let get_prog dir prog =
match best_prog dir prog with
| None -> prog_not_found prog
| Some fn -> fn
let bin_dir, compiler =
match find_prog "ocamlc" with
| None -> prog_not_found "ocamlc"
| Some x -> x
let ocamllex = get_prog bin_dir "ocamllex"
let ocamldep = get_prog bin_dir "ocamldep"
let run_ocamllex src =
let dst = String.sub src ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length src - 1) in
let x = Sys.file_exists dst in
let n = exec "%s -q %s" (Filename.quote ocamllex) src in
if n <> 0 then exit n;
if not x then
at_exit (fun () -> try Sys.remove dst with _ -> ());
type module_info =
{ impl : string
; intf : string option
; name : string
; libname : string option
; fqn : string (** Fully qualified name *)
let fqn libname mod_name =
match libname with
| None -> mod_name
| Some s -> if s = mod_name then s else s ^ "." ^ mod_name
(* Map from module names to ml/mli filenames *)
let modules =
let files_of (dir, libname) =
Sys.readdir dir |> Array.to_list |> List.map ~f:(fun fn ->
(Filename.concat dir fn, libname))
let impls, intfs =
List.map dirs ~f:files_of
|> List.concat
|> List.fold_left ~init:(String_map.empty, String_map.empty)
~f:(fun ((impls, intfs) as acc) (fn, libname) ->
let base = Filename.basename fn in
match String.index base '.' with
| exception Not_found -> acc
| i ->
let base, ext = String.break base i in
let is_boot, ext =
match String.rindex ext '.' with
| exception Not_found -> (false, ext)
| i ->
let a, b = String.break ext i in
if a = ".boot" then
(true, b)
(false, ext)
match ext with
| ".ml" | ".mll" ->
let mod_name = String.capitalize_ascii base in
let fqn = fqn libname mod_name in
if is_boot || not (String_map.mem fqn impls) then
let fn =
if ext = ".mll" then lazy (run_ocamllex fn) else lazy fn
(String_map.add fqn (libname, mod_name, fn) impls, intfs)
| ".mli" ->
let mod_name = String.capitalize_ascii base in
let fqn = fqn libname mod_name in
if is_boot || not (String_map.mem fqn intfs) then
(impls, String_map.add fqn fn intfs)
| _ -> acc)
(fun fqn impl intf ->
match impl with
| None -> None
| Some (libname, name, impl) ->
let impl = Lazy.force impl in
Some { impl
; intf
; name
; libname
; fqn
impls intfs
let split_words s =
let rec skip_blanks i =
if i = String.length s then
match s.[i] with
| ' ' | '\t' -> skip_blanks (i + 1)
| _ -> parse_word i (i + 1)
and parse_word i j =
if j = String.length s then
[String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i)]
match s.[j] with
| ' ' | '\t' -> String.sub s ~pos:i ~len:(j - i) :: skip_blanks (j + 1)
| _ -> parse_word i (j + 1)
skip_blanks 0
let read_lines fn =
let ic = open_in fn in
let rec loop ic acc =
match try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None with
| Some line -> loop ic (line :: acc)
| None -> List.rev acc
let lines = loop ic [] in
close_in ic;
let read_deps files_by_lib =
let out_fn = "boot-depends.txt" in
at_exit (fun () -> Sys.remove out_fn);
List.map files_by_lib ~f:(fun (libname, files) ->
let n =
exec "%s -modules %s > %s"
(Filename.quote ocamldep) (String.concat ~sep:" " files) out_fn
if n <> 0 then exit n;
List.map (read_lines out_fn) ~f:(fun line ->
let i = String.index line ':' in
let unit =
String.sub line ~pos:0 ~len:i
|> Filename.basename
|> (fun s -> String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:(String.index s '.'))
|> String.capitalize_ascii
let deps =
split_words (String.sub line ~pos:(i + 1)
~len:(String.length line - (i + 1)))
let rec resolve deps acc =
match deps with
| [] -> List.rev acc
| dep :: deps ->
let fqn = fqn libname dep in
let acc =
if String_map.mem fqn modules then
fqn :: acc
else if String_map.mem dep modules then
dep :: acc
resolve deps acc
(fqn libname unit, resolve deps [])))
|> List.concat
let topsort deps =
let n = List.length deps in
let deps_by_module = Hashtbl.create n in
List.iter deps ~f:(fun (m, deps) ->
Hashtbl.add deps_by_module m deps);
let not_seen = ref (List.map deps ~f:fst |> String_set.of_list) in
let res = ref [] in
let rec loop m =
if String_set.mem m !not_seen then begin
not_seen := String_set.remove m !not_seen;
List.iter (Hashtbl.find deps_by_module m) ~f:loop;
res := m :: !res
while not (String_set.is_empty !not_seen) do
loop (String_set.choose !not_seen)
List.rev !res
let modules_deps =
let files_by_lib =
List.map (String_map.bindings modules) ~f:(fun (_, x) -> (x.libname, x.impl))
|> String_option_map.of_alist_multi
|> String_option_map.bindings
read_deps files_by_lib
let topsorted_module_names = topsort modules_deps
let topsorted_libs =
let get_lib m =
match (String_map.find m modules).libname with
| None -> ""
| Some s -> s
let libs_deps =
List.map modules_deps ~f:(fun (m, deps) ->
(get_lib m, deps))
|> String_map.of_alist_multi
|> String_map.map
(fun l ->
List.concat l
|> List.map ~f:get_lib
|> String_set.of_list
|> String_set.elements)
|> String_map.bindings
List.map (topsort libs_deps) ~f:(function
| "" -> None
| s -> Some s)
let count_newlines s =
let newlines = ref 0 in
String.iter s ~f:(function
| '\n' -> incr newlines
| _ -> ());
let read_file fn =
let ic = open_in_bin fn in
let data = really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic) in
close_in ic;
let generated_file = "boot.ml"
let pp = run_ocamllex "src/let-syntax/lexer.mll";;
#mod_use "src/let-syntax/lexer.ml";;
let generate_file_with_all_the_sources () =
let oc = open_out_bin generated_file in
let pp = Lexer.create ~oc ~output_fname:generated_file in
let pr fmt = ksprintf (Lexer.print_endline pp) fmt in
let dump fname =
Lexer.apply pp ~fname
let modules_by_lib =
List.map topsorted_module_names ~f:(fun m ->
let info = String_map.find m modules in
(info.libname, info))
|> String_option_map.of_alist_multi
List.iter topsorted_libs ~f:(fun libname ->
let modules = String_option_map.find libname modules_by_lib in
(match libname with
| None -> ()
| Some s -> pr "module %s = struct" s);
let main, modules =
match List.partition modules ~f:(fun m -> Some m.name = libname) with
| [m], l -> (Some m, l)
| [] , l -> (None , l)
| _ , l -> assert false
(match main with
| None -> ()
| Some _ -> pr "module XXXX = struct");
List.iter modules ~f:(fun { name; intf; impl; _ } ->
match intf with
| Some intf ->
pr "module %s : sig" name;
dump intf;
pr "end = struct";
dump impl;
pr "end"
| None ->
pr "module %s = struct" name;
dump impl;
pr "end");
(match main with
| None -> ()
| Some { intf; impl } ->
pr "end";
pr "open XXXX";
match intf with
| Some intf ->
pr "include (struct";
dump impl;
pr "end : sig";
dump intf;
pr "end)"
| None ->
dump impl);
(match libname with
| None -> ()
| Some _ -> pr "end"));
output_string oc "let () = Main.bootstrap ()\n";
close_out oc
let () = generate_file_with_all_the_sources ()
let cleanup ~keep_ml_file =
Array.iter (Sys.readdir ".") ~f:(fun fn ->
if fn <> "boot.exe" &&
starts_with fn ~prefix:"boot." &&
(fn <> "boot.ml" || not keep_ml_file) then
Sys.remove fn)
with _ ->
let () =
let n =
try exec "%s -g -w -40 -o boot.exe unix.cma %s"
(Filename.quote compiler) generated_file
with e -> cleanup ~keep_ml_file:true; raise e
cleanup ~keep_ml_file:(n <> 0);
if n <> 0 then exit n