open Import open Fiber.O let () = Inline_tests.linkme type setup = { build_system : Build_system.t ; stanzas : (Path.t * Jbuild.Scope_info.t * Jbuild.Stanzas.t) list String_map.t ; contexts : Context.t list ; packages : Package.t String_map.t ; file_tree : File_tree.t } let package_install_file { packages; _ } pkg = match String_map.find packages pkg with | None -> Error () | Some p -> Ok (Path.relative p.path (Utils.install_file ~findlib_toolchain:None)) let setup ?(log=Log.no_log) ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps ?workspace ?(workspace_file="jbuild-workspace") ?(use_findlib=true) ?only_packages ?extra_ignored_subtrees ?x ?ignore_promoted_rules () = let conf = Jbuild_load.load ?extra_ignored_subtrees ?ignore_promoted_rules () in Option.iter only_packages ~f:(fun set -> String_set.iter set ~f:(fun pkg -> if not (String_map.mem conf.packages pkg) then die "@{Error@}: I don't know about package %s \ (passed through --only-packages/--release)%s" pkg (hint pkg (String_map.keys conf.packages)))); let workspace = match workspace with | Some w -> w | None -> if Sys.file_exists workspace_file then Workspace.load ?x workspace_file else { merlin_context = Some "default" ; contexts = [Default [ match x with | None -> Native | Some x -> Named x ]] } in Fiber.parallel_map workspace.contexts ~f:(fun ctx_def -> let name = ctx_def in Context.create ctx_def ~merlin:(workspace.merlin_context = Some name) ~use_findlib) >>= fun contexts -> let contexts = List.concat contexts in List.iter contexts ~f:(fun (ctx : Context.t) -> Log.infof log "@[<1>Jbuilder context:@,%a@]@." Sexp.pp (Context.sexp_of_t ctx)); let rule_done = ref 0 in let rule_total = ref 0 in let gen_status_line () = Some (sprintf "Done: %u/%u" !rule_done !rule_total) in let hook (hook : Build_system.hook) = match hook with | Rule_started -> incr rule_total | Rule_completed -> incr rule_done in let build_system = Build_system.create ~contexts ~file_tree:conf.file_tree ~hook in Gen_rules.gen conf ~build_system ~contexts ?only_packages ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps >>= fun stanzas -> Scheduler.set_status_line_generator gen_status_line >>> Fiber.return { build_system ; stanzas ; contexts ; packages = conf.packages ; file_tree = conf.file_tree } let external_lib_deps ?log ~packages () = Scheduler.go ?log (setup () ~filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps:false >>| fun setup -> let install_files = packages ~f:(fun pkg -> match package_install_file setup pkg with | Ok path -> path | Error () -> die "Unknown package %S" pkg) in match String_map.find setup.stanzas "default" with | None -> die "You need to set a default context to use external-lib-deps" | Some stanzas -> let internals = Jbuild.Stanzas.lib_names stanzas in (Build_system.all_lib_deps setup.build_system ~request:(Build.paths install_files)) ~f:(String_map.filteri ~f:(fun name _ -> not (String_set.mem internals name)))) let ignored_during_bootstrap = Path.Set.of_list ( ~f:Path.of_string [ "test" ; "example" ]) (* Called by the script generated by ../ *) let bootstrap () = Colors.setup_err_formatter_colors (); let main () = let anon s = raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "don't know what to do with %s\n" s)) in let subst () = Scheduler.go (Watermarks.subst () ~name:"jbuilder"); exit 0 in let display = ref None in let display_mode = Arg.Symbol ( Config.Display.all ~f:fst, fun s -> display := Some (List.assoc s Config.Display.all)) in let concurrency = ref None in let set r x = r := Some x in Arg.parse [ "-j" , Int (set concurrency), "JOBS concurrency" ; "--dev" , Set Clflags.dev_mode , " set development mode" ; "--display" , display_mode , " set the display mode" ; "--subst" , Unit subst , " substitute watermarks in source files" ; "--debug-backtraces", Set Clflags.debug_backtraces, " always print exception backtraces" ] anon "Usage: boot.exe [-j JOBS] [--dev]\nOptions are:"; Clflags.debug_dep_path := true; let config = (* Only load the configuration with --dev *) if !Clflags.dev_mode then Config.load_user_config_file () else Config.default in let config = Config.merge config { display = !display ; concurrency = !concurrency } in let config = Config.adapt_display config ~output_is_a_tty:(Lazy.force Colors.stderr_supports_colors) in let log = Log.create ~display:config.display () in Scheduler.go ~log ~config (setup ~log ~workspace:{ merlin_context = Some "default" ; contexts = [Default [Native]] } ~use_findlib:false ~extra_ignored_subtrees:ignored_during_bootstrap () >>= fun { build_system = bs; _ } -> Build_system.do_build bs ~request:(Build.path (Path.of_string "_build/default/jbuilder.install"))) in try main () with | Fiber.Never -> exit 1 | exn -> exn; exit 1 let setup = setup ~use_findlib:true ~extra_ignored_subtrees:Path.Set.empty let find_context_exn t ~name = match List.find t.contexts ~f:(fun c -> = name) with | Some ctx -> ctx | None -> die "@{Error@}: Context %S not found!@." name