open! Stdune let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true (* Test that all strings of length <= 3 such that [Dsexp.Atom.is_valid s] are recignized as atoms by the parser *) let string_of_syntax (x : Dsexp.syntax) = match x with | Dune -> "dune" | Jbuild -> "jbuild" let () = [ Dsexp.Dune, Dsexp.Lexer.token, (fun s -> Dsexp.Atom.is_valid s Dune) ; Jbuild, Dsexp.Lexer.jbuild_token, (fun s -> Dsexp.Atom.is_valid s Jbuild) ] |> List.iter ~f:(fun (syntax, lexer, validator) -> for len = 0 to 3 do let s = Bytes.create len in for i = 0 to 1 lsl (len * 8) - 1 do if len > 0 then Bytes.set s 0 (Char.chr ( i land 0xff)); if len > 1 then Bytes.set s 1 (Char.chr ((i lsr 4) land 0xff)); if len > 2 then Bytes.set s 2 (Char.chr ((i lsr 8) land 0xff)); let s = Bytes.unsafe_to_string s in let parser_recognizes_as_atom = match Dsexp.parse_string ~lexer ~fname:"" ~mode:Single s with | exception _ -> false | Atom (_, A s') -> s = s' | _ -> false in let printed_as_atom = match Dsexp.atom_or_quoted_string s with | Atom _ -> true | _ -> false in let valid_dune_atom = validator (Dsexp.Atom.of_string s) in if valid_dune_atom <> parser_recognizes_as_atom then begin Printf.eprintf "Dsexp.Atom.is_valid error:\n\ - syntax = %s\n\ - s = %S\n\ - Dsexp.Atom.is_valid s = %B\n\ - parser_recognizes_as_atom = %B\n" (string_of_syntax syntax) s valid_dune_atom parser_recognizes_as_atom; exit 1 end; if printed_as_atom && not parser_recognizes_as_atom then begin Printf.eprintf "Dsexp.Atom.atom_or_quoted_string error:\n\ - syntax = %s\n\ - s = %S\n\ - printed_as_atom = %B\n\ - parser_recognizes_as_atom = %B\n" (string_of_syntax syntax) s printed_as_atom parser_recognizes_as_atom; exit 1 end done done )