open Import open Fiber.O let is_a_source_file fn = match Filename.extension fn with | ".flv" | ".gif" | ".ico" | ".jpeg" | ".jpg" | ".mov" | ".mp3" | ".mp4" | ".otf" | ".pdf" | ".png" | ".ttf" | ".woff" -> false | _ -> true let make_watermark_map ~name ~version ~commit = let opam_file = Opam_file.load (Path.of_string (name ^ ".opam")) in let version_num = if String.is_prefix version ~prefix:"v" then String.sub version ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length version - 1) else version in let opam_var name sep = match Opam_file.get_field opam_file name with | None -> Error (sprintf "variable %S not found in opam file" name) | Some value -> let err = Error (sprintf "invalid value for variable %S in opam file" name) in match value with | String (_, s) -> Ok s | List (_, l) -> begin match List.fold_left l ~init:(Ok []) ~f:(fun acc v -> match acc with | Error _ -> acc | Ok l -> match v with | OpamParserTypes.String (_, s) -> Ok (s :: l) | _ -> err) with | Error _ as e -> e | Ok l -> Ok (String.concat ~sep (List.rev l)) end | _ -> err in String.Map.of_list_exn [ "NAME" , Ok name ; "VERSION" , Ok version ; "VERSION_NUM" , Ok version_num ; "VCS_COMMIT_ID" , Ok commit ; "PKG_MAINTAINER" , opam_var "maintainer" ", " ; "PKG_AUTHORS" , opam_var "authors" ", " ; "PKG_HOMEPAGE" , opam_var "homepage" " " ; "PKG_ISSUES" , opam_var "bug-reports" " " ; "PKG_DOC" , opam_var "doc" " " ; "PKG_LICENSE" , opam_var "license" ", " ; "PKG_REPO" , opam_var "dev-repo" " " ] let subst_string s path ~map = let len = String.length s in let longest_var = String.longest (String.Map.keys map) in let loc_of_offset ~ofs ~len = let rec loop lnum bol i = if i = ofs then let pos = { Lexing. pos_fname = Path.to_string path ; pos_cnum = i ; pos_lnum = lnum ; pos_bol = bol } in { Loc.start = pos; stop = { pos with pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + len } } else match s.[i] with | '\n' -> loop (lnum + 1) (i + 1) (i + 1) | _ -> loop lnum bol (i + 1) in loop 1 0 0 in let rec loop i acc = if i = len then acc else match s.[i] with | '%' -> after_percent (i + 1) acc | _ -> loop (i + 1) acc and after_percent i acc = if i = len then acc else match s.[i] with | '%' -> after_double_percent ~start:(i - 1) (i + 1) acc | _ -> loop (i + 1) acc and after_double_percent ~start i acc = if i = len then acc else match s.[i] with | '%' -> after_double_percent ~start:(i - 1) (i + 1) acc | 'A'..'Z' | '_' -> in_var ~start (i + 1) acc | _ -> loop (i + 1) acc and in_var ~start i acc = if i - start > longest_var then loop i acc else if i = len then acc else match s.[i] with | '%' -> end_of_var ~start (i + 1) acc | 'A'..'Z' | '_' -> in_var ~start (i + 1) acc | _ -> loop (i + 1) acc and end_of_var ~start i acc = if i = len then acc else match s.[i] with | '%' -> begin let var = String.sub s ~pos:(start + 2) ~len:(i - start - 3) in match String.Map.find map var with | None -> in_var ~start:(i - 1) (i + 1) acc | Some (Ok repl) -> let acc = (start, i + 1, repl) :: acc in loop (i + 1) acc | Some (Error msg) -> let loc = loc_of_offset ~ofs:start ~len:(i + 1 - start) in loc "%s" msg end | _ -> loop (i + 1) acc in match List.rev (loop 0 []) with | [] -> None | repls -> let result_len = List.fold_left repls ~init:(String.length s) ~f:(fun acc (a, b, repl) -> acc - (b - a) + String.length repl) in let buf = Buffer.create result_len in let pos = List.fold_left repls ~init:0 ~f:(fun pos (a, b, repl) -> Buffer.add_substring buf s pos (a - pos); Buffer.add_string buf repl; b) in Buffer.add_substring buf s pos (len - pos); Some (Buffer.contents buf) let subst_file path ~map = let s = Io.read_file path in let s = if Path.is_root path && String.is_suffix (Path.to_string path) ~suffix:".opam" then "version: \"%%" ^ "VERSION_NUM" ^ "%%\"\n" ^ s else s in match subst_string s ~map path with | None -> () | Some s -> Io.write_file path s let get_name ~files ?name () = let package_names = List.filter_map files ~f:(fun fn -> if Filename.dirname fn = "." then match Filename.split_extension fn with | s, ".opam" -> Some s | _ -> None else None) in if package_names = [] then die "@{Error@}: no .opam files found."; match name with | Some name -> if not (List.mem name ~set:package_names) then die "@{Error@}: file %s.opam doesn't exist." name; name | None -> let shortest = match package_names with | [] -> assert false | first :: rest -> List.fold_left rest ~init:first ~f:(fun acc s -> if String.length s < String.length acc then s else acc) in if List.for_all package_names ~f:(String.is_prefix ~prefix:shortest) then shortest else die "@{Error@}: cannot determine name automatically.\n\ You must pass a [--name] command line argument." let subst_git ?name () = let rev = "HEAD" in let git = match Bin.which "git" with | Some x -> x | None -> Utils.program_not_found "git" in let env = Env.initial in Fiber.fork_and_join (fun () -> Fiber.fork_and_join (fun () -> Process.run_capture Strict git ["describe"; "--always"; "--dirty"] ~env) (fun () -> Process.run_capture Strict git ["rev-parse"; rev] ~env)) (fun () -> Process.run_capture_lines Strict git ["ls-tree"; "-r"; "--name-only"; rev] ~env) >>= fun ((version, commit), files) -> let version = String.trim version in let commit = String.trim commit in let name = get_name ~files ?name () in let watermarks = make_watermark_map ~name ~version ~commit in List.iter files ~f:(fun fn -> if is_a_source_file fn then subst_file (Path.of_string fn) ~map:watermarks); Fiber.return () let subst ?name () = if Sys.file_exists ".git" then subst_git ?name () else Fiber.return ()