open Import type t = { name : string ; entries : entry list } and entry = | Comment of string | Rule of rule | Package of t and rule = { var : string ; predicates : predicate list ; action : action ; value : string } and action = Set | Add and predicate = | Pos of string | Neg of string module Parse = struct let error = Loc.fail_lex let next = Meta_lexer.token let package_name lb = match next lb with | String s -> if String.contains s '.' then error lb "'.' not allowed in sub-package names"; s | _ -> error lb "package name expected" let string lb = match next lb with | String s -> s | _ -> error lb "string expected" let lparen lb = match next lb with | Lparen -> () | _ -> error lb "'(' expected" let action lb = match next lb with | Equal -> Set | Plus_equal -> Add | _ -> error lb "'=' or '+=' expected" let rec predicates_and_action lb acc = match next lb with | Rparen -> (List.rev acc, action lb) | Name n -> after_predicate lb (Pos n :: acc) | Minus -> let n = match next lb with | Name p -> p | _ -> error lb "name expected" in after_predicate lb (Neg n :: acc) | _ -> error lb "name, '-' or ')' expected" and after_predicate lb acc = match next lb with | Rparen -> (List.rev acc, action lb) | Comma -> predicates_and_action lb acc | _ -> error lb "')' or ',' expected" let rec entries lb depth acc = match next lb with | Rparen -> if depth > 0 then List.rev acc else error lb "closing parenthesis without matching opening one" | Eof -> if depth = 0 then List.rev acc else error lb "%d closing parentheses missing" depth | Name "package" -> let name = package_name lb in lparen lb; let sub_entries = entries lb (depth + 1) [] in entries lb depth (Package { name; entries = sub_entries } :: acc) | Name var -> let predicates, action = match next lb with | Equal -> ([], Set) | Plus_equal -> ([], Add) | Lparen -> predicates_and_action lb [] | _ -> error lb "'=', '+=' or '(' expected" in let value = string lb in entries lb depth (Rule { var; predicates; action; value } :: acc) | _ -> error lb "'package' or variable name expected" end let pp_action fmt = function | Set -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Set" | Add -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Add" let pp_predicate fmt = function | Pos s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%S" ("+" ^ s) | Neg s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%S" ("-" ^ s) let pp_rule fmt (t : rule) = Fmt.record fmt [ "var", (Fmt.const Fmt.quoted t.var) ; "predicates", (Fmt.const (Fmt.ocaml_list pp_predicate) t.predicates) ; "action", (Fmt.const pp_action t.action) ; "value", (Fmt.const Fmt.quoted t.value) ] module Simplified = struct module Rules = struct type t = { set_rules : rule list ; add_rules : rule list } let pp fmt t = Fmt.record fmt [ "set_rules", Fmt.const (Fmt.ocaml_list pp_rule) t.set_rules ; "add_rules", Fmt.const (Fmt.ocaml_list pp_rule) t.add_rules ] end type t = { name : string ; vars : Rules.t String.Map.t ; subs : t list } let rec pp fmt t = Fmt.record fmt [ "name", Fmt.const Fmt.quoted ; "vars", Fmt.const (String_map.pp Rules.pp) t.vars ; "subs", Fmt.const (Fmt.ocaml_list pp) t.subs ] end let rec simplify t = List.fold_right t.entries ~init: { name = ; vars = String.Map.empty ; subs = [] } ~f:(fun entry (pkg : Simplified.t) -> match entry with | Comment _ -> pkg | Package sub -> { pkg with subs = simplify sub :: pkg.subs } | Rule rule -> let rules = Option.value (String.Map.find pkg.vars rule.var) ~default:{ set_rules = []; add_rules = [] } in let rules = match rule.action with | Set -> { rules with set_rules = rule :: rules.set_rules } | Add -> { rules with add_rules = rule :: rules.add_rules } in { pkg with vars = String.Map.add pkg.vars rule.var rules }) let load p ~name = { name ; entries = Io.with_lexbuf_from_file p ~f:(fun lb -> Parse.entries lb 0 []) } |> simplify let rule var predicates action value = Rule { var; predicates; action; value } let requires ?(preds=[]) pkgs = rule "requires" preds Set (String.concat ~sep:" " pkgs) let version s = rule "version" [] Set s let directory s = rule "directory" [] Set s let archive p s = rule "archive" [Pos p] Set s let plugin p s = rule "plugin" [Pos p] Set s let archives name = [ archive "byte" (name ^ ".cma" ) ; archive "native" (name ^ ".cmxa") ; plugin "byte" (name ^ ".cma" ) ; plugin "native" (name ^ ".cmxs") ] let builtins ~stdlib_dir = let version = version "[distributed with Ocaml]" in let simple name ?dir ?(archive_name=name) deps = let archives = archives archive_name in { name ; entries = (requires deps :: version :: match dir with | None -> archives | Some d -> directory d :: archives) } in let compiler_libs = let sub name deps = Package (simple name deps ~archive_name:("ocaml" ^ name)) in { name = "compiler-libs" ; entries = [ requires [] ; version ; directory "+compiler-libs" ; sub "common" [] ; sub "bytecomp" ["compiler-libs.common" ] ; sub "optcomp" ["compiler-libs.common" ] ; sub "toplevel" ["compiler-libs.bytecomp"] ] } in let str = simple "str" [] ~dir:"+" in let unix = simple "unix" [] ~dir:"+" in let bigarray = simple "bigarray" ["unix"] ~dir:"+" in let threads = { name = "threads" ; entries = [ version ; requires ~preds:[Pos "mt"; Pos "mt_vm" ] ["threads.vm"] ; requires ~preds:[Pos "mt"; Pos "mt_posix"] ["threads.posix"] ; directory "+" ; rule "type_of_threads" [] Set "posix" ; rule "error" [Neg "mt"] Set "Missing -thread or -vmthread switch" ; rule "error" [Neg "mt_vm"; Neg "mt_posix"] Set "Missing -thread or -vmthread switch" ; Package (simple "vm" ["unix"] ~dir:"+vmthreads" ~archive_name:"threads") ; Package (simple "posix" ["unix"] ~dir:"+threads" ~archive_name:"threads") ] } in let num = { name = "num" ; entries = [ requires ["num.core"] ; version ; Package (simple "core" [] ~dir:"+" ~archive_name:"nums") ] } in let libs = (* We do not rely on an "exists_if" ocamlfind variable, because it would produce an error message mentioning a "hidden" package (which could be confusing). *) if Path.exists (Path.relative stdlib_dir "nums.cma") then [ compiler_libs; str; unix; bigarray; threads; num ] else [ compiler_libs; str; unix; bigarray; threads ] in libs ~f:(fun t ->, simplify t) |> String.Map.of_list_exn let string_of_action = function | Set -> "=" | Add -> "+=" let string_of_predicate = function | Pos p -> p | Neg p -> "-" ^ p let pp_list f ppf l = match l with | [] -> () | x :: l -> f ppf x; List.iter l ~f:(fun x -> Format.pp_print_cut ppf (); f ppf x) let pp_print_text ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "\"@["; Format.pp_print_text ppf (String.escape_double_quote s); Format.fprintf ppf "@]\"" let pp_print_string ppf s = Format.fprintf ppf "\"@["; Format.pp_print_string ppf (String.escape_double_quote s); Format.fprintf ppf "@]\"" let pp_quoted_value var = match var with | "archive" | "plugin" | "requires" | "ppx_runtime_deps" | "linkopts" | "jsoo_runtime" -> pp_print_text | _ -> pp_print_string let rec pp ppf entries = Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" (pp_list pp_entry) entries and pp_entry ppf entry = let open Format in match entry with | Comment s -> fprintf ppf "# %s" s | Rule { var; predicates = []; action; value } -> fprintf ppf "@[%s %s %a@]" var (string_of_action action) (pp_quoted_value var) value | Rule { var; predicates; action; value } -> fprintf ppf "@[%s(%s) %s %a@]" var (String.concat ~sep:"," ( predicates ~f:string_of_predicate)) (string_of_action action) (pp_quoted_value var) value | Package { name; entries } -> fprintf ppf "@[package %S (@,%a@]@,)" name pp entries