*********** Terminology *********** - **package**: a package is a set of libraries, executables, ... that are built and installed as one by opam - **project**: a project is a source tree, maybe containing one or more packages - **root**: the root is the directory from where Jbuilder can build things. Jbuilder knows how to build targets that are descendents of the root. Anything outside of the tree starting from the root is considered part of the **installed world**. How the root is determined is explained in :ref:`finding-root`. - **workspace**: the workspace is the subtree starting from the root. It can contain any number of projects that will be built simultaneously by jbuilder - **installed world**: anything outside of the workspace, that Jbuilder takes for granted and doesn't know how to build - **installation**: this is the action of copying build artifacts or other files from the ``/_build`` directory to the installed world - **scope**: a scope determines where private items are visible. Private items include libraries or binaries that will not be installed. In Jbuilder, scopes are sub-trees rooted where at least one ``.opam`` file is present. Moreover, scopes are exclusive. Typically, every project defines a single scope. See :ref:`scopes` for more details - **build context**: a build context is a subdirectory of the ``/_build`` directory. It contains all the build artifacts of the workspace built against a specific configuration. Without specific configuration from the user, there is always a ``default`` build context, which corresponds to the environment in which Jbuilder is executed. Build contexts can be specified by writing a :ref:`jbuild-workspace` file - **build context root**: the root of a build context named ``foo`` is ``/_build/`` - **alias**: an alias is a build target that doesn't produce any file and has configurable dependencies. Aliases are per-directory. However, on the command line, asking for an alias to be built in a given directory will trigger the construction of the alias in all children directories recursively. Jbuilder defines the following standard aliases: - ``runtest`` which runs user defined tests - ``install`` which depends on everything that should be installed - ``doc`` which depends on the generated HTML documentation. See :ref:`documentation` for details. - **environment**: in Jbuilder, each directory has an environment attached to it. The environment determines the default values of various parameters, such as the compilation flags. Inside a scope, each directory inherit the environment from its parent. At the root of every scope, a default environment is used. At any point, the environment can be altered using an :ref:`jbuild-env` stanza. - **build profile**: a global setting that influence various defaults. It can be set from the command line using ``--profile `` or from ``jbuild-workspace`` files. The following profiles are standard: - ``default`` which is the default profile when none is set explicitely - ``release`` which is the profile used for opam releases - ``dev`` which has stricter warnings