open Import module Var = struct type t = string let compare = if Sys.win32 then ( fun a b -> (String.lowercase a) (String.lowercase b) ) else ( ) end module Map = Map.Make(Var) type t = { vars : string Map.t ; mutable unix : string array option } let make vars = { vars ; unix = None } let get t k = Map.find t.vars k let to_unix t = match t.unix with | Some v -> v | None -> let res = Map.foldi ~init:[] ~f:(fun k v acc -> (sprintf "%s=%s" k v)::acc ) t.vars |> Array.of_list in t.unix <- Some res; res let of_unix arr = Array.to_list arr |> ~f:(fun s -> match String.lsplit2 s ~on:'=' with | None -> Sexp.code_error "Env.of_unix: entry without '=' found in the environ" ["var", Sexp.To_sexp.string s] | Some (k, v) -> (k, v)) |> Map.of_list_multi |> ~f:(function | [] -> assert false | x::_ -> x) let initial = make (of_unix (Unix.environment ())) let add t ~var ~value = make (Map.add t.vars var value) let extend t ~vars = make (Map.union t.vars vars ~f:(fun _ _ v -> Some v)) let extend_env x y = extend x ~vars:y.vars let sexp_of_t t = let open Sexp.To_sexp in (list (pair string string)) (Map.to_list t.vars) let diff x y = Map.merge x.vars y.vars ~f:(fun _k vx vy -> match vy with | Some _ -> None | None -> vx) |> make let update t ~var ~f = make (Map.update t.vars var ~f)