***************** API documentation ***************** Jbuilder supports generating API documentation for libraries using the `odoc tool `__ in HTML format. For this to work you need to have odoc installed and have documentation comments in your OCaml source files following the syntax described in the the section ``Text formatting`` of the `OCaml manual `_. Generated pages =============== Jbuilder stores the generated HTML pages in ``_build//_doc``. It creates one sub-directory per public library and generates an ``index.html`` file in each sub-directory. The documentation is never installed on the system by Jbuilder. It is meant to be read locally while developing and then published on the www when releasing packages. Building the documentation ========================== To build the documentaion, you can simply use the ``doc`` alias, which depends on the generated HTML pages for all the public libraries. For instance: .. code:: bash $ jbuilder build @doc Custom library indexes ====================== If the directory where a library lives contains a file named ``.mld``, Jbuilder will generate the library index from this file. ```` is what you put in the ``(name ...)`` field of the library's jbuild file. Such a file must contains text using the same syntax as ocamldoc comments.