open Import open Build.O module SC = Super_context module Program = struct type t = { name : string ; main_module_name : Module.Name.t } end module Linkage = struct type t = { mode : Mode.t ; ext : string ; flags : string list } let byte = { mode = Byte ; ext = ".bc" ; flags = [] } let native = { mode = Native ; ext = ".exe" ; flags = [] } let custom = { mode = Byte ; ext = ".exe" ; flags = ["-custom"] } let native_or_custom (context : Context.t) = match context.ocamlopt with | None -> custom | Some _ -> native let make ~mode ~ext ?(flags=[]) () = { mode ; ext ; flags } let o_flags = ["-output-complete-obj"] let so_flags_windows = o_flags let so_flags_unix = ["-output-complete-obj"; "-runtime-variant"; "_pic"] let of_user_config (ctx : Context.t) (m : Jbuild.Executables.Link_mode.t) = let wanted_mode : Mode.t = match m.mode with | Byte -> Byte | Native -> Native | Best -> Native in let real_mode : Mode.t = match m.mode with | Byte -> Byte | Native -> Native | Best -> if Option.is_some ctx.ocamlopt then Native else Byte in let ext = match wanted_mode, m.kind with | Byte , Exe -> ".bc" | Native , Exe -> ".exe" | Byte , Object -> ".bc" ^ ctx.ext_obj | Native , Object -> ".exe" ^ ctx.ext_obj | Byte , Shared_object -> ".bc" ^ ctx.ext_dll | Native , Shared_object -> ctx.ext_dll in let flags = match m.kind with | Exe -> if wanted_mode = Native && real_mode = Byte then ["-custom"] else [] | Object -> o_flags | Shared_object -> let so_flags = if ctx.os_type = "Win32" then so_flags_windows else so_flags_unix in if real_mode = Native then (* The compiler doesn't pass these flags in native mode. This looks like a bug in the compiler. *) List.concat_map ctx.native_c_libraries ~f:(fun flag -> ["-cclib"; flag]) @ so_flags else so_flags in { ext ; mode = real_mode ; flags } end let link_exe ~dir ~obj_dir ~scope ~requires ~name ~(linkage:Linkage.t) ~top_sorted_modules ?(flags=Ocaml_flags.empty) ?(link_flags=Build.arr (fun _ -> [])) ?(js_of_ocaml=Jbuild.Js_of_ocaml.default) sctx = let ctx = SC.context sctx in let mode = linkage.mode in let exe = Path.relative dir (name ^ linkage.ext) in let compiler = Option.value_exn (Context.compiler ctx mode) in let artifacts ~ext modules = modules ~f:(Module.obj_file ~obj_dir ~ext) in let modules_and_cm_files = Build.memoize "cm files" (top_sorted_modules >>^ fun modules -> (modules, artifacts modules ~ext:(Cm_kind.ext (Mode.cm_kind mode)))) in let register_native_objs_deps build = match mode with | Byte -> build | Native -> build >>> Build.dyn_paths (Build.arr (fun (modules, _) -> artifacts modules ~ext:ctx.ext_obj)) in SC.add_rule sctx (Build.fanout3 (register_native_objs_deps modules_and_cm_files >>^ snd) (Ocaml_flags.get flags mode) link_flags >>> Build.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs -> Build.paths (Lib.L.archive_files libs ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib)) >>> ~context:ctx (Ok compiler) [ Dyn (fun (_, flags,_) -> As flags) ; A "-o"; Target exe ; As linkage.flags ; Dyn (fun (_, _, link_flags) -> As link_flags) ; Arg_spec.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs -> Lib.L.link_flags libs ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir) ; Dyn (fun (cm_files, _, _) -> Deps cm_files) ]); if linkage.ext = ".bc" then let rules = Js_of_ocaml_rules.build_exe sctx ~dir ~js_of_ocaml ~src:exe ~requires in let cm_and_flags = Build.fanout (modules_and_cm_files >>^ snd) (SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx ~scope ~dir js_of_ocaml.flags ~standard:(Build.return (Js_of_ocaml_rules.standard sctx))) in SC.add_rules sctx ( rules ~f:(fun r -> cm_and_flags >>> r)) let build_and_link_many ~dir ~obj_dir ~programs ~modules ~scope ~linkages ?(requires=Ok []) ?already_used ?(flags=Ocaml_flags.empty) ?link_flags ?(js_of_ocaml=Jbuild.Js_of_ocaml.default) sctx = let modules = modules ~f:(Module.set_obj_name ~wrapper:None) in let dep_graphs = Ocamldep.rules sctx ~dir ~modules ?already_used ~alias_module:None ~lib_interface_module:None in (* CR-someday jdimino: this should probably say [~dynlink:false] *) Module_compilation.build_modules sctx ~js_of_ocaml ~dynlink:true ~flags ~scope ~dir ~obj_dir ~dep_graphs ~modules ~alias_module:None ~includes:(Module_compilation.Includes.make sctx ~requires); List.iter programs ~f:(fun {; main_module_name } -> let top_sorted_modules = let main = Option.value_exn (Module.Name.Map.find modules main_module_name) in Ocamldep.Dep_graph.top_closed_implementations dep_graphs.impl [main] in List.iter linkages ~f:(fun linkage -> link_exe sctx ~dir ~obj_dir ~scope ~requires ~name ~linkage ~top_sorted_modules ~js_of_ocaml ~flags ?link_flags)) let build_and_link ~dir ~obj_dir ~program = build_and_link_many ~dir ~obj_dir ~programs:[program]