open Import open Jbuild open Build.O open! No_io module type Params = sig val sctx : Super_context.t end module type Install_params = sig include Params val module_names_of_lib : Library.t -> dir:Path.t -> Module.t list val mlds_of_dir : Documentation.t -> dir:Path.t -> Path.t list end module Archives(P : Params) = struct let ctx = Super_context.context P.sctx let lib_archive (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~ext = Path.relative dir ( ^ ext) let stubs_archive lib ~dir = Library.stubs_archive lib ~dir ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib let dll (lib : Library.t) ~dir = Path.relative dir (sprintf "dll%s_stubs%s" ctx.ext_dll) end module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct module Alias = Build_system.Alias module SC = Super_context open P include (Archives(P)) let lib_dune_file ~dir ~name = Path.relative dir (name ^ ".dune") let gen_lib_dune_file lib = SC.add_rule sctx (Build.arr (fun () -> Format.asprintf "%a@." Sexp.pp (Lib.Sub_system.dump_config lib |> Installed_dune_file.gen)) >>> Build.write_file_dyn (lib_dune_file ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib) ~name:( lib))) let init_meta () = SC.libs_by_package sctx |> Package.Name.Map.iter ~f:(fun ((pkg : Package.t), libs) -> Lib.Set.iter libs ~f:gen_lib_dune_file; let path = Path.append ctx.build_dir pkg.path in SC.on_load_dir sctx ~dir:path ~f:(fun () -> let meta_fn = "META." ^ (Package.Name.to_string in let meta_template = Path.relative path (meta_fn ^ ".template" ) in let meta = Path.relative path meta_fn in let version = let get = match pkg.version_from_opam_file with | Some s -> Build.return (Some s) | None -> let rec loop = function | [] -> Build.return None | candidate :: rest -> let p = Path.relative path candidate in Build.if_file_exists p ~then_:(Build.lines_of p >>^ function | ver :: _ -> Some ver | _ -> Some "") ~else_:(loop rest) in loop [ (Package.Name.to_string ^ ".version" ; "version" ; "VERSION" ] in Super_context.Pkg_version.set sctx pkg get in let template = Build.if_file_exists meta_template ~then_:(Build.lines_of meta_template) ~else_:(Build.return ["# JBUILDER_GEN"]) in let meta_contents = version >>^ fun version -> Gen_meta.gen ~package:(Package.Name.to_string ~version (Lib.Set.to_list libs) in SC.add_rule sctx (Build.fanout meta_contents template >>^ (fun ((meta : Meta.t), template) -> let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in Format.pp_open_vbox ppf 0; List.iter template ~f:(fun s -> if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"#" then match String.extract_blank_separated_words (String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1)) with | ["JBUILDER_GEN"] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@," Meta.pp meta.entries | _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@," s else Format.fprintf ppf "%s@," s); Format.pp_close_box ppf (); Format.pp_print_flush ppf (); Buffer.contents buf) >>> Build.write_file_dyn meta))) let lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~scope ~name (lib : Library.t) = let obj_dir = Utils.library_object_directory ~dir in let make_entry section ?dst fn = Install.Entry.make section fn ~dst:( let dst = match dst with | Some s -> s | None -> Path.basename fn in match sub_dir with | None -> dst | Some dir -> sprintf "%s/%s" dir dst) in let { Mode.Dict.byte; native } = Mode_conf.Set.eval lib.modes ~has_native:(Option.is_some ctx.ocamlopt) in let if_ cond l = if cond then l else [] in let files = let modules = module_names_of_lib lib ~dir in List.concat [ List.concat_map modules ~f:(fun m -> List.concat [ [ Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmi ] ; if_ (native && Module.has_impl m) [ Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir Cmx ] ; List.filter_map Ml_kind.all ~f:(Module.cmt_file m ~obj_dir) ; List.filter_map [m.intf;m.impl] ~f:(function | None -> None | Some f -> Some (Path.relative dir ]) ; if_ byte [ lib_archive ~dir lib ~ext:".cma" ] ; if_ (Library.has_stubs lib) [ stubs_archive ~dir lib ] ; if_ native (let files = [ lib_archive ~dir lib ~ext:".cmxa" ; lib_archive ~dir lib ~ext:ctx.ext_lib ] in if ctx.natdynlink_supported && lib.dynlink then files @ [ lib_archive ~dir lib ~ext:".cmxs" ] else files) ; lib.buildable.js_of_ocaml.javascript_files ~f:(Path.relative dir) ; lib.install_c_headers ~f:(fun fn -> Path.relative dir (fn ^ ".h")) ] in let dlls = if_ (byte && Library.has_stubs lib && lib.dynlink) [dll ~dir lib] in let execs = match lib.kind with | Normal | Ppx_deriver -> [] | Ppx_rewriter -> let pps = [(lib.buildable.loc, Pp.of_string] in let pps = (* This is a temporary hack until we get a standard driver *) let deps = List.concat_map lib.buildable.libraries ~f:Lib_dep.to_lib_names in if List.exists deps ~f:(function | "ppx_driver" | "ppx_type_conv" -> true | _ -> false) then pps @ [match scope with | Some "ppxlib" -> Loc.none, Pp.of_string "ppxlib.runner" | _ -> Loc.none, Pp.of_string "ppx_driver.runner"] else pps in let ppx_exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in [ppx_exe] in List.concat [ files ~f:(make_entry Lib ) ; execs ~f:(make_entry Libexec) ; dlls ~f:(Install.Entry.make Stublibs) ; [make_entry Lib (lib_dune_file ~dir ~name)] ] let is_odig_doc_file fn = List.exists [ "README"; "LICENSE"; "CHANGE"; "HISTORY"] ~f:(fun prefix -> String.is_prefix fn ~prefix) let local_install_rules (entries : Install.Entry.t list) ~package = let install_dir = Config.local_install_dir in entries ~f:(fun entry -> let dst = Path.append install_dir (Install.Entry.relative_installed_path entry ~package) in Build_system.set_package (SC.build_system sctx) entry.src package; SC.add_rule sctx (Build.symlink ~src:entry.src ~dst); Install.Entry.set_src entry dst) let promote_install_file = not ctx.implicit && match ctx.kind with | Default -> true | Opam _ -> false let install_file package_path package entries = let entries = let files = SC.source_files sctx ~src_path:Path.root in String.Set.fold files ~init:entries ~f:(fun fn acc -> if is_odig_doc_file fn then Install.Entry.make Doc (Path.relative ctx.build_dir fn) :: acc else acc) in let entries = let opam = Path.relative package_path (Package.Name.opam_fn package) in Install.Entry.make Lib opam ~dst:"opam" :: entries in let entries = let meta_fn = "META." ^ (Package.Name.to_string package) in let meta = Path.append ctx.build_dir (Path.relative package_path meta_fn) in Install.Entry.make Lib meta ~dst:"META" :: entries in let fn = Path.relative (Path.append ctx.build_dir package_path) (Utils.install_file ~package ~findlib_toolchain:ctx.findlib_toolchain) in let entries = local_install_rules entries ~package in let files = Install.files entries in SC.add_alias_deps sctx (Alias.package_install ~context:ctx ~pkg:package) files ~dyn_deps: (Build_system.package_deps (SC.build_system sctx) package files >>^ fun packages -> Package.Name.Set.to_list packages |> ~f:(fun pkg -> Build_system.Alias.package_install ~context:(SC.context sctx) ~pkg |> Build_system.Alias.stamp_file) |> Path.Set.of_list); SC.add_rule sctx ~mode:(if promote_install_file then Promote_but_delete_on_clean else (* We must ignore the source file since it might be copied to the source tree by another context. *) Ignore_source_files) (Build.path_set files >>^ (fun () -> let entries = match ctx.findlib_toolchain with | None -> entries | Some toolchain -> let prefix = Path.of_string (toolchain ^ "-sysroot") in entries ~f:(Install.Entry.add_install_prefix ~prefix ~package) in Install.gen_install_file entries) >>> Build.write_file_dyn fn) let init_install () = let entries_per_package = List.concat_map (SC.stanzas_to_consider_for_install sctx) ~f:(fun (dir, scope, stanza) -> match stanza with | Library ({ public = Some { package; sub_dir; name; _ }; _ } as lib) -> (lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~scope ~name lib) ~f:(fun x ->, x) | Install { section; files; package}-> files ~f:(fun { Install_conf. src; dst } -> (, Install.Entry.make section (Path.relative dir src) ?dst)) | Documentation ({ package; _ } as d) -> ~f:(fun mld -> (, (Install.Entry.make ~dst:(sprintf "odoc-pages/%s" (Path.basename mld)) Install.Section.Doc mld)) ) (mlds_of_dir d ~dir) | _ -> []) |> Package.Name.Map.of_list_multi in Package.Name.Map.iter (SC.packages sctx) ~f:(fun (pkg : Package.t) -> let stanzas = Option.value (Package.Name.Map.find entries_per_package ~default:[] in install_file pkg.path stanzas) let init_install_files () = if not ctx.implicit then Package.Name.Map.iteri (SC.packages sctx) ~f:(fun pkg { Package.path = src_path; _ } -> let install_fn = Utils.install_file ~package:pkg ~findlib_toolchain:ctx.findlib_toolchain in let path = Path.append ctx.build_dir src_path in let install_alias = Alias.install ~dir:path in let install_file = Path.relative path install_fn in SC.add_alias_deps sctx install_alias (Path.Set.singleton install_file)) let init () = init_meta (); init_install (); init_install_files () end