open! Import module Dir = struct type t = { path : Path.t ; files : String.Set.t ; sub_dirs : t String_map.t ; ignored : bool } let path t = t.path let files t = t.files let sub_dirs t = t.sub_dirs let ignored t = t.ignored let file_paths t = Path.Set.of_string_set t.files ~f:(Path.relative t.path) let sub_dir_names t = String_map.foldi t.sub_dirs ~init:String.Set.empty ~f:(fun s _ acc -> String.Set.add acc s) let sub_dir_paths t = String_map.foldi t.sub_dirs ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun s _ acc -> Path.Set.add acc (Path.relative t.path s)) let rec fold t ~traverse_ignored_dirs ~init:acc ~f = if not traverse_ignored_dirs && t.ignored then acc else let acc = f t acc in String_map.fold t.sub_dirs ~init:acc ~f:(fun t acc -> fold t ~traverse_ignored_dirs ~init:acc ~f) end type t = { root : Dir.t ; dirs : Dir.t Path.Map.t } let root t = t.root let ignore_file fn ~is_directory = fn = "" || fn = "." || (is_directory && (fn.[0] = '.' || fn.[0] = '_')) || (fn.[0] = '.' && fn.[1] = '#') let load ?(extra_ignored_subtrees=Path.Set.empty) path = let rec walk path ~ignored : Dir.t = let files, sub_dirs = Path.readdir path |> List.filter_partition_map ~f:(fun fn -> let path = Path.relative path fn in let is_directory = Path.is_directory path in if ignore_file fn ~is_directory then Skip else if is_directory then Right (fn, path) else Left fn) in let files = String.Set.of_list files in let ignored_sub_dirs = if not ignored && String.Set.mem files "jbuild-ignore" then let ignore_file = Path.to_string (Path.relative path "jbuild-ignore") in let files = Io.lines_of_file ignore_file in let remove_subdirs index fn = if Filename.dirname fn = Filename.current_dir_name then true else begin Loc.(warn (of_pos (ignore_file, index + 1, 0, String.length fn)) "subdirectory expression %s ignored" fn); false end in String.Set.of_list (List.filteri ~f:remove_subdirs files) else String.Set.empty in let sub_dirs = sub_dirs ~f:(fun (fn, path) -> let ignored = ignored || String.Set.mem ignored_sub_dirs fn || Path.Set.mem extra_ignored_subtrees path in (fn, walk path ~ignored)) |> String_map.of_list_exn in { path ; files ; sub_dirs ; ignored } in let root = walk path ~ignored:false in let dirs = Dir.fold root ~init:Path.Map.empty ~traverse_ignored_dirs:true ~f:(fun dir acc -> Path.Map.add acc dir.path dir) in { root ; dirs } let fold t ~traverse_ignored_dirs ~init ~f = Dir.fold t.root ~traverse_ignored_dirs ~init ~f let find_dir t path = Path.Map.find t.dirs path let files_of t path = match find_dir t path with | None -> Path.Set.empty | Some dir -> Path.Set.of_string_set (Dir.files dir) ~f:(Path.relative path) let file_exists t path fn = match Path.Map.find t.dirs path with | None -> false | Some { files; _ } -> String.Set.mem files fn let exists t path = Path.Map.mem t.dirs path || file_exists t (Path.parent path) (Path.basename path) let files_recursively_in t ?(prefix_with=Path.root) path = match find_dir t path with | None -> Path.Set.empty | Some dir -> Dir.fold dir ~init:Path.Set.empty ~traverse_ignored_dirs:true ~f:(fun dir acc -> let path = Path.append prefix_with (Dir.path dir) in String.Set.fold (Dir.files dir) ~init:acc ~f:(fun fn acc -> Path.Set.add acc (Path.relative path fn)))