REM Download and install OCaml and flexlink (unless it was already done). REM Prepare the environment variables,... to use it. OCaml is installed REM at %OCAMLROOT% REM REM If you are using Cygwin, install it in C:\cygwin first and then REM execute this script. Execute bash with the option "-l". REM set OCAMLROOT=%PROGRAMFILES%/OCaml set OCAMLROOT=C:/PROGRA~1/OCaml set OCAMLURL= REM Cygwin is always installed on AppVeyor. Its path must come REM before the one of Git but after those of MSCV and OCaml. set Path=C:\cygwin\bin;%Path% call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 set Path=%OCAMLROOT%\bin;%OCAMLROOT%\bin\flexdll;%Path% set CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%OCAMLROOT%/lib/stublibs set CYGWINBASH=C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe if not exist "%OCAMLROOT%/bin/ocaml.exe" ( echo Downloading OCaml... appveyor DownloadFile "%OCAMLURL%" -FileName "C:\PROGRA~1\" %CYGWINBASH% -lc "cd /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files && unzip -q" del C:\PROGRA~1\ ) if exist %CYGWINBASH% ( REM Make sure that "link" is the MSVC one and not the Cynwin one. %CYGWINBASH% -lc "eval $(/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OCaml/tools/msvs-promote-path)"> ~/.bash_profile" ) set