* A fast, portable and opinionated build system Jbuilder is a build system that was designed to simplify the release of Jane Street packages. It should however cover the needs of a wide range of OCaml packages. It reads metadata from \"jbuild\" files following a very simple s-expression syntax. ** Overview Jbuilder is fast, has very low-overhead and supports parallel builds on all platforms. It has no system dependencies: all you need to build jbuilder and packages using jbuilder is OCaml. You don't need =make= or =bash= as long as the packages themselves don't use =bash= explicitely. This hasn't been tested yet, but in theory one should be able to install OCaml on Windows with a binary installer and then use only the Windows Console to build Jbuilder and packages using Jbuilder. ** Features *** Multi-package development Jbuilder supports multi-package development by simply dropping multiple repositories into the same directory. You just need to create an empty file =jbuild-workspace= to mark the root of your workspace. *** Multi-context builds Jbuilders supports multi-context builds, such as building against several opam roots/switches simultaneously. This helps maintaining packages across several versions of OCaml and gives cross-compilation for free; when you need a program to run on the host, you simply use the one from the corresponding host context. *** Defining several packages in one repository Jbuilder supports building several packages from the same repository. When building via opam, it is able to correctly use already installed libraries instead of the one present in the tarball. The magic invocation is =jbuilder build-package = which starts by filtering out everything that is part of another opam package. *** Develop with jenga, release with jbuilder Jbuilder is intended as a fast release build system. Eventually we'll have jenga rules that are able to understand the jbuilder rules. This means that one will be able to use jenga as a confortable development build system that knows how to do polling builds or talk to emacs and use jbuilder to release packages with as few requirements as possible. ** Status Jbuilder is still in its infancy and in active development. One vital thing that is still missing is a proper CLI. It is planned to add one by dropping a copy of [[http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner][cmdliner]] inside jbuilder. Most of the core functionality is already there however. What you can do right now is write some jbuild files, and invoke jbuilder at the root of your project as follows: #+begin_src $ jbuilder .install #+end_src Building the =.install= file will build all the things that need to be installed. ** Roadmap Following is the current plan for the future of jbuild. *** CLI Add a proper [[http://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner][cmdliner]] based CLI. Jbuilder will include a copy of cmdliner to avoid the extra dependency. *** Documentation Document the usage and design of Jbuilder. *** Stable jbuild types Add a stable version of the jbuild format so that one can write =(jbuild_format 1)= inside jbuild files and be sure that they will work with future versions of jbuild. The standard jbuild format will evolve with the format used inside Jane Street so that it can be used to easily build Jane Street packages. *** Finding the project/workspace root Currently =jbuilder= assumes that the root of the project/workspace is where it is started. Eventually this will be changed as follows: - if there is a =jbuild-workspace= in a parent directory, it marks the root; - if not found, look for a =opam= or =package.opam= file in parent directories; - if not found, look for a =.git=, =.hg=, ... file in parent directories; - if not found, use the current directory as root. *** Cross-compilation Everything needed for cross-compilation is implemented. One essentially need to add a function =host_exe : Path.t -> Path.t= inside build contexts to make it all work, as well as a way to define the build contexts. These could be defined inside =jbuild-workspace= as follows: #+begin_src scheme (context ((name foo) (switch 4.04.0))) (context ((name foo+mingw) (switch 4.04.0+mingw) (host foo))) #+end_src