open Import module Pset = Path.Set type 'a t = | A of string | As of string list | S of 'a t list | Dep of Path.t | Deps of Path.t list | Dep_rel of Path.t * string | Deps_rel of Path.t * string list | Target of Path.t | Path of Path.t | Paths of Path.t list | Dyn of ('a -> nothing t) let rec add_deps ts set = List.fold_left ts ~init:set ~f:(fun set t -> match t with | Dep fn -> Pset.add fn set | Deps fns -> Pset.union set (Pset.of_list fns) | Dep_rel (dir, fn) -> Pset.add (Path.relative dir fn) set | Deps_rel (dir, fns) -> List.fold_left fns ~init:set ~f:(fun set fn -> Pset.add (Path.relative dir fn) set) | S ts -> add_deps ts set | _ -> set) let rec add_targets ts acc = List.fold_left ts ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc t -> match t with | Target fn -> fn :: acc | S ts -> add_targets ts acc | _ -> acc) let expand ~dir ts x = let dyn_deps = ref Path.Set.empty in let add_dep path = dyn_deps := Path.Set.add path !dyn_deps in let rec loop_dyn : nothing t -> string list = function | A s -> [s] | As l -> l | Dep_rel (dir, fn) -> add_dep (Path.relative dir fn); [fn] | Deps_rel (dir, fns) -> List.iter fns ~f:(fun fn -> add_dep (Path.relative dir fn)); fns | Dep fn -> add_dep fn; [Path.reach fn ~from:dir] | Path fn -> [Path.reach fn ~from:dir] | Deps fns -> fns ~f:(fun fn -> add_dep fn; Path.reach ~from:dir fn) | Paths fns -> fns ~f:(Path.reach ~from:dir) | S ts -> List.concat_map ts ~f:loop_dyn | Target _ -> die "Target not allowed under Dyn" | Dyn _ -> assert false in let rec loop = function | A s -> [s] | As l -> l | Dep_rel (_, fn) -> [fn] | Deps_rel (_, fns) -> fns | (Dep fn | Path fn) -> [Path.reach fn ~from:dir] | (Deps fns | Paths fns) -> fns ~f:(Path.reach ~from:dir) | S ts -> List.concat_map ts ~f:loop | Target fn -> [Path.reach fn ~from:dir] | Dyn f -> loop_dyn (f x) in let l = List.concat_map ts ~f:loop in (l, !dyn_deps)