open Stdune let sprintf = Printf.sprintf module Sexp = struct let fields fields = fields ~f:(fun (k, s) -> Usexp.List (Usexp.atom k :: s)) let strings fields = Usexp.List ( fields ~f:Usexp.atom_or_quoted_string) let constr name args = Usexp.List (Usexp.atom name :: args) let parse s = Usexp.parse_string ~fname:"" ~mode:Single s |> Usexp.Ast.remove_locs end let alias ?action name ~deps = Sexp.constr "alias" (Sexp.fields ( [ "name", [Usexp.atom name] ; "deps", deps ] @ (match action with | None -> [] | Some a -> ["action", [a]]))) module Test = struct type t = { name : string ; env : (string * Usexp.t) option ; skip_ocaml : string option ; skip_platforms : Platform.t list ; enabled : bool ; js : bool ; external_deps : bool } let make ?env ?skip_ocaml ?(skip_platforms=[]) ?(enabled=true) ?(js=false) ?(external_deps=false) name = { name ; env ; skip_ocaml ; skip_platforms ; external_deps ; enabled ; js } let pp_sexp fmt t = let open Usexp in let skip_version = match t.skip_ocaml with | None -> [] | Some s -> ["-skip-versions"; s] in let skip_platforms = Platform.to_cmd t.skip_platforms in let action = List [ atom "chdir" ; atom (sprintf "test-cases/%s" ; List [ atom "progn" ; Usexp.List ([ atom "run" ; Sexp.parse "%{exe:cram.exe}" ] @ ( ~f:Usexp.atom_or_quoted_string (skip_version @ skip_platforms @ ["-test"; "run.t"]))) ; Sexp.strings ["diff?"; "run.t"; "run.t.corrected"] ] ] in let action = match t.env with | None -> action | Some (k, v) -> List [ atom "setenv" ; atom_or_quoted_string k ; v ; action ] in alias ~deps:( [ Sexp.strings ["package"; "dune"] ; Sexp.strings [ "source_tree" ; sprintf "test-cases/%s"] ] ) ~action |> Usexp.pp Dune fmt end let exclusions = let open Test in let odoc = make ~external_deps:true ~skip_ocaml:"4.02.3" in [ make "js_of_ocaml" ~external_deps:true ~js:true ~env:("NODE", Sexp.parse "%{bin:node}") ; make "github25" ~env:("OCAMLPATH", Usexp.atom "./findlib-packages") ; odoc "odoc" ; odoc "odoc-unique-mlds" ; odoc "github717-odoc-index" ; odoc "multiple-private-libs" ; make "ppx-rewriter" ~skip_ocaml:"4.02.3" ~external_deps:true ; make "output-obj" ~skip_platforms:[Mac; Win] ~skip_ocaml:"<4.06.0" ; make "github644" ~external_deps:true ; make "private-public-overlap" ~external_deps:true ; make "reason" ~enabled:false ; make "menhir"~external_deps:true ; make "utop"~external_deps:true ; make "configurator" ~skip_platforms:[Win] ; make "github764" ~skip_platforms:[Win] ] let all_tests = lazy ( Sys.readdir "test-cases" |> Array.to_list |> List.filter ~f:(fun s -> not (String.contains s '.')) |> List.sort |> ~f:(fun name -> match List.find exclusions ~f:(fun (t : Test.t) -> = name) with | None -> Test.make name | Some t -> t ) ) let pp_group fmt (name, tests) = alias name ~deps:( ( tests ~f:(fun (t : Test.t) -> Sexp.strings ["alias";]))) |> Usexp.pp Dune fmt let () = let tests = Lazy.force all_tests in (* The runtest target has a "specoial" definition. It includes all tests except for js and disabled tests *) tests |> List.iter ~f:(fun t -> Format.printf "%a@.@." Test.pp_sexp t); [ "runtest", (fun (t : Test.t) -> not t.js && t.enabled) ; "runtest-no-deps", (fun (t : Test.t) -> not t.external_deps && t.enabled) ; "runtest-disabled", (fun (t : Test.t) -> not t.enabled) ; "runtest-js", (fun (t : Test.t) -> t.js && t.enabled) ] |> ~f:(fun (name, predicate) -> (name, List.filter tests ~f:predicate)) |> Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@.@.") pp_group Format.std_formatter