open Import open Jbuild open Build.O open! No_io module SC = Super_context module Backend = struct module M = struct module Info = struct let name = Sub_system_name.make "inline_tests.backend" type t = { loc : Loc.t ; runner_libraries : (Loc.t * string) list ; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t ; generate_runner : (Loc.t * Action.Unexpanded.t) option ; extends : (Loc.t * string) list } type Jbuild.Sub_system_info.t += T of t let loc t = t.loc (* The syntax of the driver sub-system is part of the main dune syntax, so we simply don't create a new one. If we wanted to make the ppx system an extension, then we would create a new one. *) let syntax = Stanza.syntax open Stanza.Of_sexp let parse = record (loc >>= fun loc -> field "runner_libraries" (list (located string)) ~default:[] >>= fun runner_libraries -> Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "flags" >>= fun flags -> field_o "generate_runner" (located Action.Unexpanded.t) >>= fun generate_runner -> field "extends" (list (located string)) ~default:[] >>= fun extends -> return { loc ; runner_libraries ; flags ; generate_runner ; extends }) end type t = { info : Info.t ; lib : Lib.t ; runner_libraries : Lib.t list Or_exn.t ; extends : t list Or_exn.t } let desc ~plural = "inline tests backend" ^ if plural then "s" else "" let desc_article = "an" let lib t = t.lib let extends t = t.extends let instantiate ~resolve ~get lib (info : Info.t) = { info ; lib ; runner_libraries = Result.all ( info.runner_libraries ~f:resolve) ; extends = let open Result.O in Result.all ( info.extends ~f:(fun ((loc, name) as x) -> resolve x >>= fun lib -> match get ~loc lib with | None -> Error (Loc.exnf loc "%S is not an %s" name (desc ~plural:false)) | Some t -> Ok t)) } let to_sexp t = let open Sexp.To_sexp in let lib x = string ( x) in let f x = string ( x.lib) in ((1, 0), record_fields [ field "runner_libraries" (list lib) (Result.ok_exn t.runner_libraries) ; field "flags" Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t ; field_o "generate_runner" Action.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t ( ~f:snd) ; field "extends" (list f) (Result.ok_exn t.extends) ~default:[] ]) end include M include Sub_system.Register_backend(M) end include Sub_system.Register_end_point( struct module Backend = Backend module Info = struct let name = Sub_system_name.make "inline_tests" type t = { loc : Loc.t ; deps : Dep_conf.t list ; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t ; backend : (Loc.t * string) option ; libraries : (Loc.t * string) list } type Jbuild.Sub_system_info.t += T of t let empty loc = { loc ; deps = [] ; flags = Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.standard ; backend = None ; libraries = [] } let loc t = t.loc let backends t = t.backend ~f:(fun x -> [x]) let syntax = Stanza.syntax open Stanza.Of_sexp let parse = eos >>= function | true -> loc >>| empty | false -> record (loc >>= fun loc -> field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[] >>= fun deps -> Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "flags" >>= fun flags -> field_o "backend" (located string) >>= fun backend -> field "libraries" (list (located string)) ~default:[] >>= fun libraries -> return { loc ; deps ; flags ; backend ; libraries }) end let gen_rules c ~(info:Info.t) ~backends = let { Sub_system.Library_compilation_context. super_context = sctx ; dir ; stanza = lib ; scope ; source_modules ; _ } = c in let inline_test_dir = Path.relative dir (sprintf ".%s.inline-tests" in let name = "run" in let main_module_filename = name ^ ".ml" in let main_module_name = Module.Name.of_string name in let modules = Module.Name.Map.singleton main_module_name (Module.make main_module_name ~impl:{ name = main_module_filename ; syntax = OCaml } ~obj_name:name) in let extra_vars = String.Map.singleton "library-name" ([Value.String]) in let runner_libs = let open Result.O in Result.concat_map backends ~f:(fun (backend : Backend.t) -> backend.runner_libraries) >>= fun libs -> Lib.DB.find_many (Scope.libs scope) [] >>= fun lib -> Result.all ( info.libraries ~f:(Lib.DB.resolve (Scope.libs scope))) >>= fun more_libs -> Lib.closure (lib @ libs @ more_libs) in (* Generate the runner file *) SC.add_rule sctx ( let target = Path.relative inline_test_dir main_module_filename in let source_modules = Module.Name.Map.values source_modules in let files ml_kind = Value.L.paths ( List.filter_map source_modules ~f:(fun m -> Module.file m ~dir ml_kind)) in let extra_vars = List.fold_left [ "impl-files", files Impl ; "intf-files", files Intf ] ~init:extra_vars ~f:(fun acc (k, v) -> String.Map.add acc k v) in Build.return [] >>> Build.all (List.filter_map backends ~f:(fun (backend : Backend.t) -> ~f:(fun (loc, action) -> sctx action ~loc ~extra_vars ~dir ~dep_kind:Required ~targets:Alias ~scope))) >>^ (fun actions -> Action.with_stdout_to target (Action.progn actions)) >>> Build.action_dyn ~targets:[target] ()); let cctx = Compilation_context.create () ~super_context:sctx ~scope ~dir:inline_test_dir ~modules ~requires:runner_libs ~flags:(Ocaml_flags.of_list ["-w"; "-24"]); in Exe.build_and_link cctx ~program:{ name; main_module_name } ~linkages:[Exe.Linkage.native_or_custom (SC.context sctx)] ~link_flags:(Build.return ["-linkall"]); let flags = let flags = backends ~f:(fun backend -> @ [info.flags] in Build.all ( flags ~f:(fun flags -> Super_context.expand_and_eval_set sctx flags ~scope ~dir ~extra_vars ~standard:(Build.return []))) >>^ List.concat in SC.add_alias_action sctx (Build_system.Alias.runtest ~dir) ~stamp:(List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "ppx-runner" ; Quoted_string name ]) (let module A = Action in let exe = Path.relative inline_test_dir (name ^ ".exe") in Build.path exe >>> Build.fanout (Super_context.Deps.interpret sctx info.deps ~dir ~scope) flags >>^ fun (_deps, flags) -> A.chdir dir (A.progn ( (Ok exe) flags :: (Module.Name.Map.values source_modules |> List.concat_map ~f:(fun m -> [ Module.file m ~dir Impl ; Module.file m ~dir Intf ]) |> List.filter_map ~f:(fun x -> x) |> ~f:(fun fn -> A.diff ~optional:true fn (Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".corrected")))))) end) let linkme = ()