open Import open Sexp.Of_sexp module Kind = struct type t = | Dune | Jbuilder let sexp_of_t t = Sexp.atom_or_quoted_string (match t with | Dune -> "dune" | Jbuilder -> "jbuilder") end module Name : sig type t = private | Named of string | Anonymous of Path.t val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t val to_string_hum : t -> string val named_of_sexp : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t val encode : t -> string val decode : string -> t val anonymous : Path.t -> t option val named : string -> t option val anonymous_root : t end = struct type t = | Named of string | Anonymous of Path.t let anonymous_root = Anonymous Path.root let compare a b = match a, b with | Named x, Named y -> x y | Anonymous x, Anonymous y -> x y | Named _, Anonymous _ -> Lt | Anonymous _, Named _ -> Gt let to_string_hum = function | Named s -> s | Anonymous p -> sprintf "" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted p) let sexp_of_t = function | Named s -> Sexp.To_sexp.string s | Anonymous p -> List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "anonymous" ; Path.sexp_of_t p ] let validate name = let len = String.length name in len > 0 && String.for_all name ~f:(function | '.' | '/' -> false | _ -> true) let named name = if validate name then Some (Named name) else None let anonymous path = if Path.is_managed path then Some (Anonymous path) else None let named_of_sexp = Sexp.Of_sexp.plain_string (fun ~loc s -> if validate s then Named s else Sexp.Of_sexp.of_sexp_errorf loc "invalid project name") let encode = function | Named s -> s | Anonymous p -> if Path.is_root p then "." else "." ^ (Path.to_string p) ~f:(function | '/' -> '.' | c -> c) let decode = let invalid s = (* Users would see this error if they did "dune build _build/default/.ppx/..." *) die "Invalid encoded project name: %S" s in fun s -> match s with | "" -> invalid s | "." -> anonymous_root | _ when s.[0] = '.' -> let p = Path.of_string (String.split s ~on:'.' |> |> String.concat ~sep:"/") in if not (Path.is_managed p) then invalid s; Anonymous p | _ when validate s -> Named s | _ -> invalid s end module Project_file = struct type t = { file : Path.t ; mutable exists : bool } let sexp_of_t { file; exists } = Sexp.To_sexp.( record [ "file", Path.sexp_of_t file ; "exists", bool exists ]) end type t = { kind : Kind.t ; name : Name.t ; root : Path.Local.t ; version : string option ; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t ; stanza_parser : Stanza.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t ; project_file : Project_file.t } module Lang = struct type t = { syntax : Syntax.t ; stanzas : Stanza.Parser.t list } type instance = { lang : t ; version : Syntax.Version.t } let langs = Hashtbl.create 32 let register syntax stanzas = let name = syntax in if Hashtbl.mem langs name then Exn.code_error "Dune_project.Lang.register: already registered" [ "name", Sexp.To_sexp.string name ]; Hashtbl.add langs name { syntax; stanzas } let parse first_line = let { Dune_lexer. lang = (name_loc, name) ; version = (ver_loc, ver) } = first_line in let ver = Sexp.Of_sexp.parse Syntax.Version.t Univ_map.empty (Atom (ver_loc, Sexp.Atom.of_string ver)) in match Hashtbl.find langs name with | None -> name_loc "Unknown language %S.%s" name (hint name (Hashtbl.keys langs)) | Some t -> Syntax.check_supported t.syntax (ver_loc, ver); { lang = t ; version = ver } let get_exn name = let lang = Option.value_exn (Hashtbl.find langs name) in { lang ; version = Syntax.greatest_supported_version lang.syntax } end module Project_file_edit = struct open Project_file let notify_user s = kerrf ~f:print_to_console "@{Info@}: %s\n" s let ensure_exists t = if not t.exists then begin let ver = (Lang.get_exn "dune").version in let s = sprintf "(lang dune %s)" (Syntax.Version.to_string ver) in notify_user (sprintf "creating file %s with this contents: %s" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted t.file) s); Io.write_file t.file (s ^ "\n") ~binary:false; t.exists <- true end let get t = ensure_exists t; t.file let append t str = let file = get t in let prev = Io.read_file file ~binary:false in notify_user (sprintf "appending this line to %s: %s" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted file) str); Io.with_file_out file ~binary:false ~f:(fun oc -> List.iter [prev; str] ~f:(fun s -> output_string oc s; let len = String.length s in if len > 0 && s.[len - 1] <> '\n' then output_char oc '\n')) end let ensure_project_file_exists t = Project_file_edit.ensure_exists t.project_file let append_to_project_file t str = Project_file_edit.append t.project_file str module Extension = struct type t = { syntax : Syntax.t ; stanzas : Stanza.Parser.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t } type instance = { extension : t ; version : Syntax.Version.t ; loc : Loc.t ; parse_args : Stanza.Parser.t list Sexp.Of_sexp.t -> Stanza.Parser.t list } let extensions = Hashtbl.create 32 let register syntax stanzas = let name = syntax in if Hashtbl.mem extensions name then Exn.code_error "Dune_project.Extension.register: already registered" [ "name", Sexp.To_sexp.string name ]; Hashtbl.add extensions name { syntax; stanzas } let instantiate ~loc ~parse_args (name_loc, name) (ver_loc, ver) = match Hashtbl.find extensions name with | None -> name_loc "Unknown extension %S.%s" name (hint name (Hashtbl.keys extensions)) | Some t -> Syntax.check_supported t.syntax (ver_loc, ver); { extension = t ; version = ver ; loc ; parse_args } (* Extensions that are not selected in the dune-project file are automatically available at their latest version. When used, dune will automatically edit the dune-project file. *) let automatic ~project_file ~f = Hashtbl.foldi extensions ~init:[] ~f:(fun name ext acc -> if f name then let version = Syntax.greatest_supported_version ext.syntax in let parse_args p = let open Sexp.Of_sexp in let dune_project_edited = ref false in parse (enter p) Univ_map.empty (List (Loc.of_pos __POS__, [])) |> ~f:(fun (name, p) -> (name, return () >>= fun () -> if not !dune_project_edited then begin dune_project_edited := true; Project_file_edit.append project_file (Sexp.to_string (List [ Sexp.atom "using" ; Sexp.atom name ; Sexp.atom (Syntax.Version.to_string version) ])) end; p)) in { extension = ext ; version ; loc = Loc.none ; parse_args } :: acc else acc) end let make_parsing_context ~(lang : Lang.instance) ~extensions = let acc = Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key lang.lang.syntax) lang.version in List.fold_left extensions ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (ext : Extension.instance) -> Univ_map.add acc (Syntax.key ext.extension.syntax) ext.version) let key = Univ_map.Key.create ~name:"dune-project" (fun { name; root; version; project_file; kind ; stanza_parser = _; packages = _ } -> Sexp.To_sexp.record [ "name", Name.sexp_of_t name ; "root", Path.Local.sexp_of_t root ; "version", Sexp.To_sexp.(option string) version ; "project_file", Project_file.sexp_of_t project_file ; "kind", Kind.sexp_of_t kind ]) let set t = Sexp.Of_sexp.set key t let get_exn () = let open Sexp.Of_sexp in get key >>| function | Some t -> t | None -> Exn.code_error "Current project is unset" [] let filename = "dune-project" let get_local_path p = match Path.kind p with | External _ -> assert false | Local p -> p let anonymous = lazy ( let lang = Lang.get_exn "dune" in let parsing_context = make_parsing_context ~lang ~extensions:[] in { kind = Dune ; name = Name.anonymous_root ; packages = Package.Name.Map.empty ; root = get_local_path Path.root ; version = None ; stanza_parser = Sexp.Of_sexp.(set_many parsing_context (sum lang.lang.stanzas)) ; project_file = { file = Path.relative Path.root filename; exists = false } }) let default_name ~dir ~packages = match Package.Name.Map.choose packages with | None -> Option.value_exn (Name.anonymous dir) | Some (_, pkg) -> let pkg = Package.Name.Map.fold packages ~init:pkg ~f:(fun pkg acc -> if <= then acc else pkg) in let name = Package.Name.to_string in match Name.named name with | Some x -> x | None -> (Loc.in_file (Path.to_string (Package.opam_file pkg))) "%S is not a valid opam package name." name let name ~dir ~packages = field_o "name" Name.named_of_sexp >>= function | Some x -> return x | None -> return (default_name ~dir ~packages) let parse ~dir ~lang ~packages ~file = record (name ~dir ~packages >>= fun name -> field_o "version" string >>= fun version -> multi_field "using" (loc >>= fun loc -> located string >>= fun name -> located Syntax.Version.t >>= fun ver -> (* We don't parse the arguments quite yet as we want to set the version of extensions before parsing them. *) capture >>= fun parse_args -> return (Extension.instantiate ~loc ~parse_args name ver)) >>= fun extensions -> match String.Map.of_list ( extensions ~f:(fun (e : Extension.instance) -> ( e.extension.syntax, e.loc))) with | Error (name, _, loc) -> loc "Extension %S specified for the second time." name | Ok map -> let project_file : Project_file.t = { file; exists = true } in let extensions = extensions @ Extension.automatic ~project_file ~f:(fun name -> not (String.Map.mem map name)) in let parsing_context = make_parsing_context ~lang ~extensions in let stanzas = List.concat (lang.lang.stanzas :: extensions ~f:(fun (ext : Extension.instance) -> ext.parse_args (Sexp.Of_sexp.set_many parsing_context ext.extension.stanzas))) in return { kind = Dune ; name ; root = get_local_path dir ; version ; packages ; stanza_parser = Sexp.Of_sexp.(set_many parsing_context (sum stanzas)) ; project_file }) let load_dune_project ~dir packages = let fname = Path.relative dir filename in Io.with_lexbuf_from_file fname ~f:(fun lb -> let lang = Lang.parse (Dune_lexer.first_line lb) in let sexp = Sexp.Parser.parse lb ~mode:Many_as_one in Sexp.Of_sexp.parse (parse ~dir ~lang ~packages ~file:fname) Univ_map.empty sexp) let make_jbuilder_project ~dir packages = let lang = Lang.get_exn "dune" in let parsing_context = make_parsing_context ~lang ~extensions:[] in { kind = Jbuilder ; name = default_name ~dir ~packages ; root = get_local_path dir ; version = None ; packages ; stanza_parser = Sexp.Of_sexp.(set_many parsing_context (sum lang.lang.stanzas)) ; project_file = { file = Path.relative dir filename; exists = false } } let load ~dir ~files = let packages = String.Set.fold files ~init:[] ~f:(fun fn acc -> match Filename.split_extension fn with | (pkg, ".opam") when pkg <> "" -> let version_from_opam_file = let opam = Opam_file.load (Path.relative dir fn) in match Opam_file.get_field opam "version" with | Some (String (_, s)) -> Some s | _ -> None in let name = Package.Name.of_string pkg in (name, { Package. name ; path = dir ; version_from_opam_file }) :: acc | _ -> acc) |> Package.Name.Map.of_list_exn in if String.Set.mem files filename then Some (load_dune_project ~dir packages) else if not (Package.Name.Map.is_empty packages) then Some (make_jbuilder_project ~dir packages) else None