(** Build rules *) open! Import type t (** {1 Setup} *) (** {2 Creation} *) type hook = | Rule_started | Rule_completed (** Create a new build system. [file_tree] represent the source tree. *) val create : contexts:Context.t list -> file_tree:File_tree.t -> hook:(hook -> unit) -> t type extra_sub_directories_to_keep = | All | These of String.Set.t (** Set the rule generators callback. There must be one callback per build context name. Each callback is used to generate the rules for a given directory in the corresponding build context. It receive the directory for which to generate the rules and the splitted part of the path after the build context. It must return an additional list of sub-directories to keep. This is in addition to the ones that are present in the source tree and the ones that already contain rules. It is expected that [f] only generate rules whose targets are descendant of [dir]. *) val set_rule_generators : t -> (dir:Path.t -> string list -> extra_sub_directories_to_keep) String.Map.t -> unit (** All other functions in this section must be called inside the rule generator callback. *) (** {2 Primitive for rule generations} *) (** Add a rule to the system. This function must be called from the [gen_rules] callback. All the target of the rule must be in the same directory. Assuming that [gen_rules ~dir:a] calls [add_rule r] where [r.dir] is [Some b], one of the following assumption must hold: - [a] and [b] are the same - [gen_rules ~dir:b] calls [load_dir ~dir:a] The call to [load_dir ~dir:a] from [gen_rules ~dir:b] declares a directory dependency from [b] to [a]. There must be no cyclic directory dependencies. *) val add_rule : t -> Build_interpret.Rule.t -> unit (** [prefix_rules t prefix ~f] Runs [f] and adds [prefix] as a dependency to all the rules generated by [f] *) val prefix_rules : t -> (unit, unit) Build.t -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a (** [eval_glob t ~dir re ~f] returns the list of files in [dir] that matches [re] to [f]. The list of files includes the list of targets. *) val eval_glob : t -> dir:Path.t -> Re.re -> string list (** Returns the set of targets in the given directory. *) val targets_of : t -> dir:Path.t -> Path.Set.t (** Load the rules for this directory. *) val load_dir : t -> dir:Path.t -> unit (** [on_load_dir ~dir ~f] remembers to run [f] when loading the rules for [dir]. *) val on_load_dir : t -> dir:Path.t -> f:(unit -> unit) -> unit (** Stamp file that depends on all files of [dir] with extension [ext]. *) val stamp_file_for_files_of : t -> dir:Path.t -> ext:string -> Path.t (** Sets the package this file is part of *) val set_package : t -> Path.t -> Package.Name.t -> unit (** Assuming [files] is the list of files in [_build/install] that belong to package [pkg], [package_deps t pkg files] is the set of direct package dependencies of [package]. *) val package_deps : t -> Package.Name.t -> Path.Set.t -> (unit, Package.Name.Set.t) Build.t (** {2 Aliases} *) module Alias : sig type build_system = t type t val pp : t Fmt.t val make : string -> dir:Path.t -> t val of_user_written_path : loc:Loc.t -> Path.t -> t (** The following always holds: {[ make (name t) ~dir:(dir t) = t ]} *) val name : t -> string val dir : t -> Path.t val fully_qualified_name : t -> Path.t val default : dir:Path.t -> t val runtest : dir:Path.t -> t val install : dir:Path.t -> t val doc : dir:Path.t -> t val private_doc : dir:Path.t -> t val lint : dir:Path.t -> t (** Alias for all the files in [_build/install] that belong to this package *) val package_install : context:Context.t -> pkg:Package.Name.t -> t (** Return the underlying stamp file *) val stamp_file : t -> Path.t (** [dep t = Build.path (stamp_file t)] *) val dep : t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t (** Implements [(alias_rec ...)] in dependency specification *) val dep_rec : t -> loc:Loc.t -> file_tree:File_tree.t -> (unit, unit) Build.t (** Implements [@alias] on the command line *) val dep_rec_multi_contexts : dir:Path.t -> name:string -> file_tree:File_tree.t -> contexts:string list -> (unit, unit) Build.t (** [add_deps store alias ?dyn_deps deps] arrange things so that all [dyn_deps] and [deps] are built as part of the build of alias [alias]. *) val add_deps : build_system -> t -> ?dyn_deps:(unit, Path.Set.t) Build.t -> Path.Set.t -> unit (** [add_action store alias ~stamp action] arrange things so that [action] is executed as part of the build of alias [alias]. [stamp] is any S-expression that is unique and persistent S-expression. *) val add_action : build_system -> t -> context:Context.t -> ?locks:Path.t list -> stamp:Sexp.t -> (unit, Action.t) Build.t -> unit end with type build_system := t (** {1 Building} *) (** ALl the functions in this section must be called outside the rule generator callback. *) (** Do the actual build *) val do_build : t -> request:(unit, 'a) Build.t -> 'a Fiber.t (** {2 Other queries} *) (** File for the [(universe)] dependency. *) val universe_file : Path.t val is_target : t -> Path.t -> bool (** Return all the library dependencies (as written by the user) needed to build this request *) val all_lib_deps : t -> request:(unit, unit) Build.t -> Build.lib_deps Path.Map.t (** Return all the library dependencies required to build this request, by context name *) val all_lib_deps_by_context : t -> request:(unit, unit) Build.t -> Build.lib_deps String.Map.t (** List of all buildable targets *) val all_targets : t -> Path.t list (** Return the list of files that were created in the source tree and needs to be deleted *) val files_in_source_tree_to_delete : unit -> Path.t list (** {2 Build rules} *) (** A fully built rule *) module Rule : sig module Id : sig type t val to_int : t -> int val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t end type t = { id : Id.t ; deps : Path.Set.t ; targets : Path.Set.t ; context : Context.t option ; action : Action.t } end (** Return the list of rules used to build the given targets. If [recursive] is [true], return all the rules needed to build the given targets and their transitive dependencies. *) val build_rules : ?recursive:bool (* default false *) -> t -> request:(unit, unit) Build.t -> Rule.t list Fiber.t (** {1 Misc} *) (** Dump various databases on disk *) val finalize : t -> unit