Requires that atoms are unquoted is some contexts

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Troestler 2018-01-29 22:51:20 +01:00
parent 73f529ae82
commit f9e17f76e0
1 changed files with 21 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -127,27 +127,22 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let string = function
| Atom (_, s) -> s
| Quoted_string (_, s) -> s
| List _ as sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
| List _ as sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom or quoted string expected"
let int sexp =
let s = string sexp in
int_of_string s
with _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp "Integer expected"
let int sexp = match sexp with
| Atom (_, s) -> (try int_of_string s
with _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Integer expected")
| _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Integer expected"
let float sexp =
let s = string sexp in
float_of_string s
with _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp "Float expected"
let float sexp = match sexp with
| Atom (_, s) -> (try float_of_string s
with _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Float expected")
| _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Float expected"
let bool sexp =
match string sexp with
| "true" -> true
| "false" -> false
| _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "'true' or 'false' expected"
let bool = function
| Atom (_, "true") -> true
| Atom (_, "false") -> false
| sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "'true' or 'false' expected"
let pair fa fb = function
| List (_, [a; b]) -> (fa a, fb b)
@ -301,10 +296,10 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = None; entry = sexp }
| List (_, [name_sexp; value]) -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, name) | Quoted_string (_, name) ->
| Atom (_, name) ->
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = Some value;
entry = sexp }
| List _ ->
| List _ | Quoted_string _ ->
of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
| _ ->
@ -410,24 +405,25 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let sum cstrs sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom (loc, s) | Quoted_string (loc, s) -> begin
| Atom (loc, s) -> begin
match find_cstr cstrs sexp s with
| C.Tuple t -> Constructor_args_spec.convert t.args sexp [] (t.make loc)
| C.Record _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "'%s' expect arguments"
| Quoted_string _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
| List (_, []) -> of_sexp_error sexp "non-empty list expected"
| List (loc, name_sexp :: args) ->
match name_sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) | Quoted_string (_, s) ->
| Quoted_string _ | List _ -> of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) ->
match find_cstr cstrs sexp s with
| C.Tuple t -> Constructor_args_spec.convert t.args sexp args (t.make loc)
| C.Record r -> record r.parse (List (loc, args))
let enum cstrs sexp =
match sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) | Quoted_string (_, s) ->
| Quoted_string _ | List _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) ->
List.find cstrs ~f:(fun (name, _) ->
equal_cstr_name name s)