Improve the path custom conv to use original path when restoring args

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-07-11 16:57:29 +02:00
parent 630c10edaf
commit f9c1d56f55
1 changed files with 28 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -7,12 +7,36 @@ open Fiber.O
bootstrap, so we set this reference here *)
let () = suggest_function := Cmdliner_suggest.value
module Arg = struct
include Arg
let package_name =
Arg.conv ((fun p -> Ok (Package.Name.of_string p)), Package.Name.pp)
module Path : sig
type t
val path : t -> Path.t
val arg : t -> string
val conv : t conv
end = struct
type t = string
let path p = Path.of_filename_relative_to_initial_cwd p
let arg s = s
let conv = Arg.conv ((fun p -> Ok p), Format.pp_print_string)
let path = Path.conv
type common =
{ debug_dep_path : bool
; debug_findlib : bool
; debug_backtraces : bool
; profile : string option
; workspace_file : Path.t option
; workspace_file : Arg.Path.t option
; root : string
; target_prefix : string
; only_packages : Package.Name.Set.t option
@ -83,7 +107,7 @@ module Main = struct
let setup ~log ?external_lib_deps_mode common =
?workspace_file:( ~f:Arg.Path.path common.workspace_file)
@ -185,18 +209,6 @@ let find_root () =
(dir, to_cwd)
module Arg = struct
include Arg
let package_name =
Arg.conv ((fun p -> Ok (Package.Name.of_string p)), Package.Name.pp)
let path =
Arg.conv ((fun p -> Ok (Path.of_filename_relative_to_initial_cwd p))
, Path.pp
let common_footer =
[ `S "BUGS"
@ -263,7 +275,7 @@ let common =
let orig_args =
[ dump_opt "--profile" profile
; dump_opt "--workspace" ( ~f:Path.to_string workspace_file)
; dump_opt "--workspace" ( ~f:Arg.Path.arg workspace_file)
; orig
@ -490,7 +502,7 @@ let common =
let merge config_file no_config =
match config_file, no_config with
| None , false -> `Ok (None , Default)
| Some fn, false -> `Ok (Some "--config-file", This fn)
| Some fn, false -> `Ok (Some "--config-file", This (Arg.Path.path fn))
| None , true -> `Ok (Some "--no-config" , No_config)
| Some _ , true -> incompatible "--no-config" "--config-file"