Temporarily remove (foreach ...)

Currently (foreach ...) is too general and variables can be used
anywhere inside S-expressions.

We need to sort out how we are going to handle meta-programming first
as this might impact how we implement (foreach ...).

In any case, it's better not to have it in 1.0.0.
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-06-02 18:26:13 +01:00
parent 9eb215055e
commit f713c7ab98
1 changed files with 1 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -841,57 +841,6 @@ module Alias_conf = struct
module Foreach = struct
let rec pattern = function
| List (_, l) -> Sexp.List (List.map l ~f:pattern)
| Atom (loc, s) ->
match String_with_vars.of_string ~loc s |> String_with_vars.just_a_var with
| None ->
Loc.fail loc "atom of the form ${...} expected"
| Some v -> Atom v
let pattern sexp = (Sexp.Ast.loc sexp, pattern sexp)
let values = list (fun x -> x)
let rec pattern_match env (patt : Sexp.t) (value : Sexp.Ast.t) =
match patt with
| Atom p -> begin
match value with
| List (loc, _) -> Loc.fail loc "atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) -> (p, s) :: env
| List p ->
match value with
| Atom (loc, _) -> Loc.fail loc "list expected"
| List (loc, l) ->
if List.length l <> List.length p then
Loc.fail loc "list of length %d expected" (List.length p)
List.fold_left2 p l ~init:env ~f:pattern_match
let rec expand_sexp f = function
| List (loc, l) -> List (loc, expand_sexps f l)
| Atom (loc, s) ->
Atom (loc,
String_with_vars.of_string ~loc s
|> String_with_vars.expand ~f)
and expand_sexps f = function
| [] -> []
| sexp :: sexps -> expand_sexp f sexp :: expand_sexps f sexps
let expand (loc, pat) vals sexps =
List.concat_map vals ~f:(fun value ->
let env =
match String_map.of_alist (pattern_match [] pat value) with
| Ok env -> env
| Error (dup, _, _) ->
Loc.fail loc "variable %s appears twice in this pattern" dup
expand_sexps (fun _loc v -> String_map.find v env) sexps)
module Stanza = struct
type t =
| Library of Library.t
@ -908,7 +857,7 @@ module Stanza = struct
| None -> [Executables exe]
| Some i -> [Executables exe; Install i]
let rec v1 pkgs =
let v1 pkgs =
[ cstr "library" (Library.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Library x])
; cstr "executable" (Executables.v1_single pkgs @> nil) execs
@ -919,10 +868,6 @@ module Stanza = struct
; cstr "menhir" (Menhir.v1 @> nil) (fun x -> rules (Menhir.v1_to_rule x))
; cstr "install" (Install_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Install x])
; cstr "alias" (Alias_conf.v1 pkgs @> nil) (fun x -> [Alias x])
; cstr_rest "foreach" (Foreach.pattern @> Foreach.values @> nil) (fun x -> x)
(fun pat vals sexps ->
let sexps = Foreach.expand pat vals sexps in
List.concat_map sexps ~f:(v1 pkgs))
(* Just for validation and error messages *)
; cstr "jbuild_version" (Jbuild_version.t @> nil) (fun _ -> [])