Improve the behavior of "jbuilder exec" on Windows

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Jeremie Dimino 2017-05-31 14:40:58 +01:00
parent f18afbf8aa
commit f210b32fd0
1 changed files with 29 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -757,28 +757,35 @@ let exec =
let go common context prog args =
set_common common ~targets:[];
let log = Log.create () in
Future.Scheduler.go ~log
(Main.setup ~log common >>= fun setup ->
let context =
match List.find setup.contexts ~f:(fun c -> = context) with
| Some ctx -> ctx
| None ->
Format.eprintf "@{<Error>Error@}: Context %S not found!@." context;
die ""
let path = Config.local_install_bin_dir :: context.path in
match Bin.which ~path prog with
| None ->
Format.eprintf "@{<Error>Error@}: Program %S not found!@." prog;
die ""
| Some real_prog ->
let real_prog = Path.to_string real_prog in
let env = Context.env_for_exec context in
if Sys.win32 then ~env Strict real_prog args
Unix.execve real_prog (Array.of_list (prog :: args)) env
let setup = Future.Scheduler.go ~log (Main.setup ~log common) in
let context =
match List.find setup.contexts ~f:(fun c -> = context) with
| Some ctx -> ctx
| None ->
Format.eprintf "@{<Error>Error@}: Context %S not found!@." context;
die ""
let path = Config.local_install_bin_dir :: context.path in
match Bin.which ~path prog with
| None ->
Format.eprintf "@{<Error>Error@}: Program %S not found!@." prog;
die ""
| Some real_prog ->
let real_prog = Path.to_string real_prog in
let env = Context.env_for_exec context in
let argv = Array.of_list (prog :: args) in
if Sys.win32 then
let pid =
Unix.create_process_env real_prog argv env
Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
match snd (Unix.waitpid [] pid) with
| WEXITED 0 -> ()
| WEXITED n -> exit n
| WSIGNALED _ -> exit 255
| WSTOPPED _ -> assert false
Unix.execve real_prog argv env
( Term.(const go
$ common