Strengthen the parsing of the (lang ...) line

It now has to be the first line of the dune-project file and the
lexical conventions are stricter than the rest of the syntax.

This will allow making changes to the lexical conventions of the
language in the future.

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-05-31 16:36:55 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 39e74826f4
commit f0e448dc36
8 changed files with 104 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let user_config_file =
Path.relative (Path.of_string Xdg.config_dir) "dune/config"
let load_config_file p =
t (Io.Sexp.load_many_as_one p)
t (Io.Sexp.load p ~mode:Many_as_one)
let load_user_config_file () =
if Path.exists user_config_file then

src/dune_lexer.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(** Returns [true] if the input starts with "(* -*- tuareg -*- *)" *)
val is_script : Lexing.lexbuf -> bool
type first_line =
{ lang : Loc.t * string
; version : Loc.t * string
(** Parse the first line of a dune-project file. *)
val first_line : Lexing.lexbuf -> first_line

View File

@ -1,3 +1,64 @@
type first_line =
{ lang : Loc.t * string
; version : Loc.t * string
let make_loc lexbuf : Loc.t =
{ start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf
; stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf
let invalid_lang_line start lexbuf =
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p <- start;
Loc.fail_lex lexbuf
"Invalid first line, expected: (lang <lang> <version>)"
let newline = '\r'? '\n'
let blank = [' ' '\t']
let atom_char = [^';' '(' ')' '"' '#' '|' '\000'-'\032']
rule is_script = parse
| "(* -*- tuareg -*- *)" { true }
| "" { false }
and first_line = parse
| '(' blank* "lang"
{ let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
let lang = atom start lexbuf in
let version = atom start lexbuf in
first_line_end start lexbuf;
{ lang; version }
| ""
{ let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
to_eol lexbuf;
invalid_lang_line start lexbuf
and atom start = parse
| blank+
{ atom start lexbuf
| atom_char+ as s
{ (make_loc lexbuf, s)
| _ | eof
{ to_eol lexbuf;
invalid_lang_line start lexbuf
and first_line_end start = parse
| blank* ')' blank* (newline | eof)
{ ()
| ""
{ to_eol lexbuf;
invalid_lang_line start lexbuf
and to_eol = parse
| [^'\r' '\n']*
{ ()

View File

@ -131,22 +131,6 @@ let anonymous =
let filename = "dune-project"
type lang =
| Dune_0_1
let lang =
let name =
[ ("dune", ()) ]
let version ver =
match string ver with
| "0.1" -> Dune_0_1
| _ ->
of_sexp_error ver "unsupported version of the dune language"
field_multi "lang" (name @> version @> nil) (fun () v -> v)
let default_name ~dir ~packages =
match Package.Name.Map.choose packages with
| None -> Option.value_exn (Name.anonymous dir)
@ -173,8 +157,7 @@ let name ~dir ~packages =
let parse ~dir packages =
(lang >>= fun Dune_0_1 ->
name ~dir ~packages >>= fun name ->
(name ~dir ~packages >>= fun name ->
field_o "version" string >>= fun version ->
return { lang = Dune (0, 1)
; name
@ -185,8 +168,20 @@ let parse ~dir packages =
let load_dune_project ~dir packages =
let fname = Path.relative dir filename in
let sexp = Io.Sexp.load_many_as_one fname in
parse ~dir packages sexp
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file fname ~f:(fun lb ->
let { Dune_lexer. lang; version } = Dune_lexer.first_line lb in
(match lang with
| _, "dune" -> ()
| loc, s -> loc "%s is not a supported langauge. \
Only the dune language is supported." s);
(match version with
| _, "0.1" -> ()
| loc, s -> loc "Unsupported version of the dune language. \
The only supported version is 0.1." s);
let sexp = Sexp.Parser.parse lb ~mode:Many_as_one in
parse ~dir packages sexp)
let make_jbuilder_project ~dir packages =
{ lang = Jbuilder

View File

@ -82,16 +82,6 @@ let compare_files fn1 fn2 = (read_file fn1) (read_file fn2)
let buf_len = 65_536
module Sexp = struct
open Sexp
let load ?lexer path ~mode =
with_lexbuf_from_file path ~f:(Usexp.Parser.parse ~mode ?lexer)
let load_many_as_one ?lexer path =
match load ?lexer path ~mode:Many with
| [] -> Ast.List (Loc.in_file (Path.to_string path), [])
| x :: l ->
let last = Option.value (List.last l) ~default:x in
let loc = { (Ast.loc x) with stop = (Ast.loc last).stop } in
Ast.List (loc, x :: l)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ val read_all : in_channel -> string
module Sexp : sig
val load : ?lexer:Usexp.Lexer.t -> Path.t -> mode:'a Sexp.Parser.Mode.t -> 'a
val load_many_as_one : ?lexer:Usexp.Lexer.t -> Path.t -> Sexp.Ast.t

View File

@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ module Ast = struct
if should_be_atom s then Atom (loc, A s)
else Quoted_string (loc, s)
let loc (Atom (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) | List (loc, _)) = loc
let loc (Atom (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) | List (loc, _)) = loc
let rec remove_locs : t -> sexp = function
| Atom (_, s) -> Atom s
@ -306,19 +306,28 @@ module Parser = struct
module Mode = struct
type 'a t =
| Single : Ast.t t
| Many : Ast.t list t
| Single : Ast.t t
| Many : Ast.t list t
| Many_as_one : Ast.t t
let make_result : type a. a t -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Ast.t list -> a
= fun t lexbuf sexps ->
match t with
| Many -> sexps
| Single ->
| Single -> begin
match sexps with
| [sexp] -> sexp
| [] -> error (make_loc lexbuf) "no s-expression found in input"
| _ :: sexp :: _ ->
error (Ast.loc sexp) "too many s-expressions found in input"
| Many -> sexps
| Many_as_one ->
match sexps with
| [] -> List (Loc.in_file lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_fname, [])
| x :: l ->
let last = List.fold_left l ~init:x ~f:(fun _ x -> x) in
let loc = { (Ast.loc x) with stop = (Ast.loc last).stop } in
List (loc, x :: l)
let rec loop depth lexer lexbuf acc =

View File

@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ end
module Parser : sig
module Mode : sig
type 'a t =
| Single : Ast.t t
| Many : Ast.t list t
| Single : Ast.t t
| Many : Ast.t list t
| Many_as_one : Ast.t t
val parse