Get rid of Path.is_file

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-04-25 16:18:32 +07:00
parent 5eb444e357
commit e310f17237
7 changed files with 8 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ module Promotion = struct
let dump_db db =
if Sys.file_exists "_build" then begin
match db with
| [] -> if Path.is_file db_file then Path.unlink_no_err db_file
| [] -> if Path.exists db_file then Path.unlink_no_err db_file
| l ->
Io.write_file db_file
(String.concat ~sep:""
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ module Promotion = struct
let load_db () =
if Path.is_file db_file then
if Path.exists db_file then
Io.Sexp.load db_file ~mode:Many
|> ~f:File.t

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Promoted_to_delete = struct
let add p = db := p :: !db
let load () =
if Path.is_file fn then
if Path.exists fn then
Io.Sexp.load fn ~mode:Many
|> ~f:Path.t
@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ module Trace = struct
let load () =
let trace = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
if Path.is_file file then begin
if Path.exists file then begin
let sexp = Io.Sexp.load file ~mode:Single in
let bindings =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ let update_universe t =
(* To workaround the fact that [mtime] is not precise enough on OSX *)
Utils.Cached_digest.remove universe_file;
let n =
if Path.is_file universe_file then
if Path.exists universe_file then (Io.Sexp.load ~mode:Single universe_file) + 1

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ let load_config_file p =
t (Io.Sexp.load_many_as_one p)
let load_user_config_file () =
if Path.is_file user_config_file then
if Path.exists user_config_file then
load_config_file user_config_file

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ let setup ?(log=Log.no_log)
match workspace with
| Some w -> w
| None ->
if Path.is_file workspace_file then
if Path.exists workspace_file then
Workspace.load ?x workspace_file
{ merlin_context = Some "default"

View File

@ -431,9 +431,6 @@ let readdir t = Sys.readdir (to_string t) |> Array.to_list
let is_directory t =
try Sys.is_directory (to_string t)
with Sys_error _ -> false
let is_file t =
try Sys.file_exists (to_string t)
with Sys_error _ -> false
let rmdir t = Unix.rmdir (to_string t)
let win32_unlink fn =

View File

@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ val insert_after_build_dir_exn : t -> string -> t
val exists : t -> bool
val readdir : t -> string list
val is_directory : t -> bool
val is_file : t -> bool
val rmdir : t -> unit
val unlink : t -> unit
val unlink_no_err : t -> unit

View File

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ module Cached_digest = struct
Io.write_file db_file (Sexp.to_string sexp)
let load () =
if Path.is_file db_file then begin
if Path.exists db_file then begin
let sexp = Io.Sexp.load db_file ~mode:Single in
let bindings =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in