Suffix all alias files, to avoid clashes with doc

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-05-12 16:50:19 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 87c958f2e0
commit dd79bdd8d1
4 changed files with 69 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ type t =
let aliases_path = Path.(relative root) "_build/.aliases"
let suffix = "-" ^ String.make 32 '0'
let of_path path =
if not (Path.is_local path) then
die "Aliases are only supported for local paths!\n\
Tried to reference alias %S"
(Path.to_string path);
{ name = Name.make path
; file = Path.append aliases_path path
; file = Path.extend_basename (Path.append aliases_path path) ~suffix
let make name ~dir = of_path (Path.relative dir name)
@ -32,6 +34,13 @@ let dep t = Build.path t.file
let file t = t.file
let file_with_digest_suffix t ~digest =
let dir = Path.parent t.file in
let base = Path.basename t.file in
let len = String.length base in
Path.relative dir
(String.sub base ~pos:0 ~len:(len - 32) ^ Digest.to_hex digest)
let default = make "DEFAULT"
let runtest = make "runtest"
let install = make "install"

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ val lib_cm_all : dir:Path.t -> string -> Cm_kind.t -> t
val dep : t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
val file : t -> Path.t
val file_with_digest_suffix : t -> digest:Digest.t -> Path.t
module Store : sig
type t
val create : unit -> t

View File

@ -335,65 +335,66 @@ module Scheduler = struct
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } -> sprintf "%s 2> %s" s fn
let pp_purpose ppf = function
| Internal_job ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(internal)"
| Build_job targets ->
let rec split_paths targets_acc ctxs_acc = function
| [] -> List.rev targets_acc, String_set.(elements (of_list ctxs_acc))
| path :: rest ->
| Internal_job ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(internal)"
| Build_job targets ->
let rec split_paths targets_acc ctxs_acc = function
| [] -> List.rev targets_acc, String_set.(elements (of_list ctxs_acc))
| path :: rest ->
match Path.extract_build_context path with
| None ->
split_paths (Path.to_string path :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
split_paths (Path.to_string path :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
| Some ("default", filename) ->
split_paths (Path.to_string filename :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
split_paths (Path.to_string filename :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
| Some (".aliases", filename) ->
let ctxs_acc, filename = match Path.extract_build_context filename with
| None -> ctxs_acc, Path.to_string filename
| Some (ctx, fn) ->
let strip_digest fn =
let fn = Path.to_string fn in
match String.rsplit2 fn ~on:'-' with
| None -> fn
| Some (name, digest) ->
match Digest.from_hex digest with
| _ -> name
| exception (Invalid_argument _) -> fn in
let ctxs_acc =
if ctx = "default" then ctxs_acc else ctx :: ctxs_acc in
ctxs_acc, strip_digest fn in
split_paths (("alias " ^ filename) :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
let ctxs_acc, filename =
match Path.extract_build_context filename with
| None -> ctxs_acc, Path.to_string filename
| Some (ctx, fn) ->
let strip_digest fn =
let fn = Path.to_string fn in
match String.rsplit2 fn ~on:'-' with
| None -> assert false
| Some (name, digest) ->
assert (String.length digest = 32);
let ctxs_acc =
if ctx = "default" then ctxs_acc else ctx :: ctxs_acc in
ctxs_acc, strip_digest fn in
split_paths (("alias " ^ filename) :: targets_acc) ctxs_acc rest
| Some (ctx, filename) ->
split_paths (Path.to_string filename :: targets_acc) (ctx :: ctxs_acc) rest in
let target_names, contexts = split_paths [] [] targets in
let target_names_grouped_by_prefix = target_names ~f:Filename.split_extension_after_dot
|> String_map.of_alist_multi
|> String_map.bindings
let pp_comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "," in
let pp_group ppf (prefix, suffixes) =
match suffixes with
| [] -> assert false
| [suffix] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s" prefix suffix
| _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s{%a}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma Format.pp_print_string)
let pp_contexts ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| ctxs ->
Format.fprintf ppf " @{<details>[%a]@}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma
(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s))
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_group)
split_paths (Path.to_string filename :: targets_acc) (ctx :: ctxs_acc) rest in
let target_names, contexts = split_paths [] [] targets in
let target_names_grouped_by_prefix = target_names ~f:Filename.split_extension_after_dot
|> String_map.of_alist_multi
|> String_map.bindings
let pp_comma ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "," in
let pp_group ppf (prefix, suffixes) =
match suffixes with
| [] -> assert false
| [suffix] -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s" prefix suffix
| _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s{%a}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma Format.pp_print_string)
let pp_contexts ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| ctxs ->
Format.fprintf ppf " @{<details>[%a]@}"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma
(fun ppf s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s))
Format.fprintf ppf "%a%a"
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_comma pp_group)
type running_job =
{ id : int

View File

@ -489,9 +489,9 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
Sexp.List [deps ; action]
|> Sexp.to_string
|> Digest.string
|> Digest.to_hex in
let alias = Alias.make ~dir in
let digest_path = Path.extend_basename (Alias.file alias) ~suffix:("-" ^ digest) in
let digest_path = Alias.file_with_digest_suffix alias ~digest in
Alias.add_deps (SC.aliases sctx) alias [digest_path];
let deps = SC.Deps.interpret sctx ~dir alias_conf.deps in
SC.add_rule sctx