Support version stanzas in dune-project files

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-05-02 16:55:18 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 8d4e1904a2
commit db91543e3f
7 changed files with 64 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -131,6 +131,15 @@ Sets the name of the project:
(name <name>)
Sets the version of the project:
.. code:: scheme
(version <version>)
<package>.opam files
@ -185,25 +194,21 @@ defined in the workspace. While Jbuilder itself makes no use of version
numbers, it can be use by external tools such as
`ocamlfind <>`__.
Jbuilder determines the version of a package by first looking in the
``<package>.opam`` for a ``version`` variable. If not found, it will try
to read the first line of a version file in the same directory as the
``<package>.opam`` file. The version file is any file whose name is, in
order in which they are looked for:
Jbuilder determines the version of a package by trying the following
methods in order:
- ``<package>.version``
- ``version``
- it looks in the ``<package>.opam`` file for a ``version`` variable
- it looks for a ``<package>.version`` file in the same directory and
reads the first line
- it looks for the version specified in the ``dune-project`` if present
- it looks for a ``version`` file and reads the first line
- it looks for a ``VERSION`` file and reads the first line
The version file can be generated by a user rule.
``<package>.version``, ``version`` and ``VERSION`` files may be
If the version can't be determined, Jbuilder just won't assign one.
Note that if you are using `Topkg <>`__
as well in your project, you shouldn't manually set a version in your
``<package>.opam`` file or write/generate on of the file listed above.
See the section about :ref:`using-topkg` for more details.
Odig conventions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ open Import
open Sexp.Of_sexp
type t =
{ name : string
{ name : string
; version : string option
let filename = "dune-project"
@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ let parse ~dir =
(lang >>= fun Dune_0_1 ->
name ~dir >>= fun name ->
return { name })
field_o "version" string >>= fun version ->
return { name; version })
let load ~dir =
let fname = Path.relative dir filename in

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
open Import
type t =
{ name : string
{ name : string
; version : string option
val load : dir:Path.t -> t

View File

@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
>>> Build.write_file_dyn
(lib_dune_file ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib) ~name:( lib)))
let version_from_dune_project (pkg : Package.t) =
let dir = Path.append (SC.build_dir sctx) pkg.path in
let scope = (SC.find_scope_by_dir sctx dir) in
type version_method =
| File of string
| From_dune_project
let init_meta () =
SC.libs_by_package sctx
|> Package.Name.Map.iter ~f:(fun ((pkg : Package.t), libs) ->
@ -63,18 +72,25 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
let rec loop = function
| [] -> Build.return None
| candidate :: rest ->
let p = Path.relative path candidate in
Build.if_file_exists p
~then_:(Build.lines_of p
>>^ function
| ver :: _ -> Some ver
| _ -> Some "")
~else_:(loop rest)
match candidate with
| File fn ->
let p = Path.relative path fn in
Build.if_file_exists p
~then_:(Build.lines_of p
>>^ function
| ver :: _ -> Some ver
| _ -> Some "")
~else_:(loop rest)
| From_dune_project ->
match version_from_dune_project pkg with
| None -> loop rest
| Some _ as x -> Build.return x
[ (Package.Name.to_string ^ ".version"
; "version"
[ File ((Package.Name.to_string ^ ".version")
; From_dune_project
; File "version"
; File "VERSION"
Super_context.Pkg_version.set sctx pkg get

View File

@ -92,15 +92,17 @@ module Scope_info = struct
{ name : Name.t
; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
; root : Path.t
; version : string option
let anonymous =
{ name = None
; packages = Package.Name.Map.empty
; root = Path.root
; version = None
let make = function
let make ?version = function
| [] -> anonymous
| pkg :: rest as pkgs ->
let name =
@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ module Scope_info = struct
Package.Name.Map.of_list_exn ( pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->, pkg))
; root
; version
let package_listing packages =

View File

@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ module Scope_info : sig
scope. *)
; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
; root : Path.t
; version : string option
val make : Package.t list -> t
val make : ?version:string -> Package.t list -> t
(** The anonymous represent the scope at the root of the workspace
when the root of the workspace contains no [<package>.opam]

View File

@ -275,12 +275,17 @@ let load ?extra_ignored_subtrees ?(ignore_promoted_rules=false) () =
match scope, project with
| None, None -> assert false
| Some _, None -> scope
| None, Some { name } ->
| None, Some { name; version } ->
Some { name = Some name
; packages = Package.Name.Map.empty
; root = path
; version
| Some scope, Some { name } -> Some { scope with name = Some name })
| Some scope, Some { name; version } ->
Some { scope with
name = Some name
; version
let scopes =