Simplify Build_system.eval_glob

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-07-16 15:07:52 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 02ed099693
commit d94a7fe869
1 changed files with 7 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1578,15 +1578,13 @@ let on_load_dir t ~dir ~f =
p.lazy_generators <- f :: lazy_generators
let eval_glob t ~dir re =
let targets = targets_of t ~dir |> Path.Set.to_list |> ~f:Path.basename in
let files =
match File_tree.find_dir t.file_tree dir with
| None -> targets
| Some d ->
String.Set.union (String.Set.of_list targets) (File_tree.Dir.files d)
|> String.Set.to_list
List.filter files ~f:(Re.execp re)
Path.Set.fold (targets_of t ~dir) ~init:[] ~f:(fun path acc ->
let fn = Path.basename path in
if Re.execp re fn then
fn :: acc
|> List.rev
module Alias = struct
include Alias0