Add a --no-buffer option

Following #107
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-05-29 10:57:04 +01:00
parent 9dda44d65d
commit c73b1f1fe3
6 changed files with 47 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -9,17 +9,18 @@ let () = suggest_function := Jbuilder_cmdliner.Cmdliner_suggest.value
let (>>=) = Future.(>>=)
type common =
{ concurrency : int
; debug_dep_path : bool
; debug_findlib : bool
; dev_mode : bool
; verbose : bool
; workspace_file : string option
; root : string
; target_prefix : string
; only_packages : String_set.t option
{ concurrency : int
; debug_dep_path : bool
; debug_findlib : bool
; dev_mode : bool
; verbose : bool
; workspace_file : string option
; root : string
; target_prefix : string
; only_packages : String_set.t option
; capture_outputs : bool
; (* Original arguments for the external-lib-deps hint *)
orig_args : string list
orig_args : string list
let prefix_target common s = common.target_prefix ^ s
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ let set_common c ~targets =
Clflags.debug_findlib := c.debug_findlib;
Clflags.dev_mode := c.dev_mode;
Clflags.verbose := c.verbose;
Clflags.capture_outputs := c.capture_outputs;
Clflags.workspace_root := c.root;
if c.root <> Filename.current_dir_name then
Sys.chdir c.root;
@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ let common =
(root, only_packages, orig)
@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ let common =
; debug_findlib
; dev_mode
; verbose
; capture_outputs = not no_buffer
; workspace_file
; root
; orig_args
@ -184,6 +188,23 @@ let common =
& info ["verbose"] ~docs
~doc:"Print detailed information about commands being run")
let no_buffer =
& flag
& info ["no-buffer"] ~docs ~docv:"DIR"
~doc:{|Do not buffer the output of commands executed by jbuilder.
By default jbuilder buffers the output of subcommands, in order
to prevent interleaving when multiple commands are executed
in parallel. However, this can be an issue when debugging
long running tests. With $(b,--no-buffer), commands have direct
access to the terminal. Note that as a result their output won't
be captured in the log file.
You should use this option in conjunction with $(b,-j 1),
to avoid interleaving. Additionally you should use
$(b,--verbose) as well, to make sure that commands are printed
before they are being executed.|})
let workspace_file =
& opt (some file) None
@ -242,6 +263,7 @@ let common =
$ dfindlib
$ dev
$ verbose
$ no_buffer
$ workspace_file
$ root_and_only_packages

View File

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ let strip_colors_for_stderr s =
colors. Since we support colors in the output of commands, we force it via specific
environment variables if stderr supports colors. *)
let setup_env_for_colors = lazy(
if Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors then begin
if !Clflags.capture_outputs && Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors then begin
let set var value =
match Sys.getenv var with
| exception Not_found -> Unix.putenv var value

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ let debug_dep_path = ref false
let dev_mode = ref false
let workspace_root = ref "."
let external_lib_deps_hint = ref []
let capture_outputs = ref true

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@ -29,3 +29,6 @@ val workspace_root : string ref
(** The command line for "Hint: try: jbuilder external-lib-deps ..." *)
val external_lib_deps_hint : string list ref
(** Capture the output of sub-commands *)
val capture_outputs : bool ref

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@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~base_env ~env_extra ~name ~merlin ~use_findli
OCAML_COLOR is not supported so we use OCAMLPARAM. OCaml 4.02 doesn't support
'color' in OCAMLPARAM, so we just don't force colors with 4.02. *)
let ocaml_version = Scanf.sscanf version "%u.%u" (fun a b -> a, b) in
if Lazy.force Ansi_color.stderr_supports_colors
if !Clflags.capture_outputs
&& Lazy.force Ansi_color.stderr_supports_colors
&& ocaml_version > (4, 02)
&& ocaml_version < (4, 05) then
let value =

View File

@ -619,16 +619,17 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Format.eprintf "@{<kwd>Running@}[@{<id>%d@}]: %s@." id
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line);
let argv = Array.of_list (job.prog :: job.args) in
let output_filename, output_fd =
let output_filename, stdout_fd, stderr_fd, to_close =
match job.stdout_to, job.stderr_to with
| Terminal, _ | _, Terminal ->
| (Terminal, _ | _, Terminal) when !Clflags.capture_outputs ->
let fn = Temp.create "jbuilder" ".output" in
(Some fn, Unix.openfile fn [O_WRONLY; O_SHARE_DELETE] 0)
let fd = Unix.openfile fn [O_WRONLY; O_SHARE_DELETE] 0 in
(Some fn, fd, fd, Some fd)
| _ ->
(None, Unix.stdin)
(None, Unix.stdout, Unix.stderr, None)
let stdout, close_stdout = get_std_output job.stdout_to ~default:output_fd in
let stderr, close_stderr = get_std_output job.stderr_to ~default:output_fd in
let stdout, close_stdout = get_std_output job.stdout_to ~default:stdout_fd in
let stderr, close_stderr = get_std_output job.stderr_to ~default:stderr_fd in
Option.iter job.dir ~f:(fun dir -> Sys.chdir dir);
let pid =
match job.env with
@ -640,7 +641,7 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Unix.stdin stdout stderr
Option.iter job.dir ~f:(fun _ -> Sys.chdir cwd);
if Option.is_some output_filename then Unix.close output_fd;
Option.iter to_close ~f:Unix.close;
close_std_output close_stdout;
close_std_output close_stderr;