Ignore all directories starting with '.' pr '_'

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-05-19 12:36:06 +01:00
parent 503bc4532b
commit c6dac87ee9
2 changed files with 21 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -111,9 +111,14 @@ will be automatically installed as well.
By default Jbuilder traverses the whole source tree. To ignore a
subtree, simply write a ``jbuild-ignore`` file in the parent directory
containing the name of the sub-directories to ignore.
By default Jbuilder traverses the whole source tree, ignoring the
following files and directories:
- any file that start with ``.#``
- any directory that start with either ``.`` or ``_``
To ignore a subtree, simply write a ``jbuild-ignore`` file in the
parent directory containing the name of the sub-directories to ignore.
So for instance, if you write ``foo`` in ``src/jbuild-ignore``, then
``src/foo`` won't be traversed and any ``jbuild`` file it contains will

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@ -35,25 +35,24 @@ type t =
let root t = t.root
let ignore_file = function
| ""
| "_opam"
| "_build"
| ".git"
| ".hg"
| "_darcs"
| "." -> true
| fn -> fn.[0] = '.' && fn.[1] = '#'
let ignore_file fn ~is_directory =
fn = "" || fn = "." ||
(is_directory && (fn.[0] = '.' || fn.[0] = '_')) ||
(fn.[0] = '.' && fn.[1] = '#')
let load path =
let rec walk path : Dir.t =
let files, sub_dirs =
Path.readdir path
|> List.filter ~f:(fun fn ->
not (ignore_file fn))
|> List.partition_map ~f:(fun fn ->
let path = Path.relative path fn in
if Path.exists path && Path.is_directory path then
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun fn ->
let path = Path.relative path fn in
let is_directory = Path.exists path && Path.is_directory path in
if ignore_file fn ~is_directory then
Some (fn, path, is_directory))
|> List.partition_map ~f:(fun (fn, path, is_directory) ->
if is_directory then
Inr (fn, walk path)
Inl fn)