Remove useless load_dir

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-03-18 06:38:17 -04:00 committed by Rudi Grinberg
parent a729409fa7
commit c685e8ac6d
5 changed files with 34 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -1397,36 +1397,35 @@ let build_rules ?recursive t ~request =
let set_package t file package =
Hashtbl.add t.packages file package
let package_deps t files =
let package_deps t pkg files =
let rules_seen = ref Id_set.empty in
let packages = ref Package.Name.Set.empty in
let rec loop fn =
match Hashtbl.find t.packages fn with
| Some p ->
| Some p when p <> pkg ->
packages := Package.Name.Set.add !packages p
| None ->
let dir = Path.parent fn in
if Path.is_in_build_dir dir then load_dir t ~dir;
match Hashtbl.find t.files fn with
| None -> ()
| Some (File_spec.T { rule = ir; _ }) ->
if not (Id_set.mem !rules_seen then begin
rules_seen := Id_set.add !rules_seen;
let _, dyn_deps =
match ir.exec with
| Running { rule_evaluation; _ }
| Evaluating_rule { rule_evaluation; _ } ->
Option.value_exn (Fiber.Future.peek rule_evaluation)
| Not_started _ -> assert false
Pset.iter (Pset.union ir.static_deps dyn_deps) ~f:loop
| _ -> loop_deps fn
and loop_deps fn =
match Hashtbl.find t.files fn with
| None -> ()
| Some (File_spec.T { rule = ir; _ }) ->
if not (Id_set.mem !rules_seen then begin
rules_seen := Id_set.add !rules_seen;
let _, dyn_deps =
match ir.exec with
| Running { rule_evaluation; _ }
| Evaluating_rule { rule_evaluation; _ } ->
Option.value_exn (Fiber.Future.peek rule_evaluation)
| Not_started _ -> assert false
Pset.iter (Pset.union ir.static_deps dyn_deps) ~f:loop
let open Build.O in
Build.paths_for_rule files >>^ fun () ->
(* This is a bit ugly, we know that at this point of execution, all
the relevant ivars have been filled *)
Pset.iter files ~f:loop;
(* We know that at this point of execution, all the relevant ivars
have been filled *)
Pset.iter files ~f:loop_deps;
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

View File

@ -80,11 +80,12 @@ val stamp_file_for_files_of : t -> dir:Path.t -> ext:string -> Path.t
(** Sets the package this file is part of *)
val set_package : t -> Path.t -> Package.Name.t -> unit
(** Scan the transitive dependencies of the following files and return
set of packages these files are part of. Do not scan packages
recursively. *)
(** Assuming [files] is the list of files in [_build/install] that
belong to package [pkg], [package_deps t pkg files] is the set of
direct package dependencies of [package]. *)
val package_deps
: t
-> Package.Name.t
-> Path.Set.t
-> (unit, Package.Name.Set.t) Build.t

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@ -244,10 +244,9 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
(Alias.package_install ~context:ctx ~pkg:package)
(Build_system.package_deps (SC.build_system sctx) files
(Build_system.package_deps (SC.build_system sctx) package files
>>^ fun packages ->
Package.Name.Set.remove packages package
|> Package.Name.Set.to_list
Package.Name.Set.to_list packages
|> ~f:(fun pkg ->
~context:(SC.context sctx) ~pkg

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(echo "let () = Printf.printf \"%d %s\" Foo.x Bar.x")))
((deps ((package bar)))
((deps ( (package bar)))
(targets (test.exe))
(action (run ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package bar -o test.exe

View File

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
ocamlopt .bar.objs/bar.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt bar.{a,cmxa}
ocamlopt bar.cmxs
ocamlfind test.exe (exit 2)
(cd _build/default && /Users/rgrinberg/.opam/4.05.0/bin/ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package bar -o test.exe
ocamlfind: Package `foo' not found - required by `bar'
ocamlopt foo.{a,cmxa}
ocamlopt foo.cmxs
ocamlc foo.cma
ocamlfind test.exe
test alias runtest
42 42