Refactor action processing and avoid extra work

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-06-08 11:26:21 +01:00
parent 43c2710c43
commit c2f04a4963
1 changed files with 72 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -468,44 +468,41 @@ module Action = struct
| Infer
type resolved_forms =
{ (* Mapping from ${...} forms to their resolutions *)
mutable artifacts : Action.Var_expansion.t String_map.t
; (* Failed resolutions *)
{ (* Failed resolutions *)
mutable failures : fail list
; (* All "name" for ${lib:name:...}/${lib-available:name} forms *)
mutable lib_deps : Build.lib_deps
; mutable vdeps : (unit, Action.Var_expansion.t) Build.t String_map.t
; (* Static deps from ${...} variables. For instance ${exe:...} *)
mutable sdeps : Pset.t
; (* Dynamic deps from ${...} variables. For instance ${read:...} *)
mutable ddeps : (unit, Action.Var_expansion.t) Build.t String_map.t
let add_lib_dep acc lib kind =
acc.lib_deps <- String_map.add acc.lib_deps ~key:lib ~data:kind
let add_artifact ?lib_dep acc ~key result =
(match lib_dep with
| None -> ()
| Some (lib, kind) -> add_lib_dep acc lib kind);
match result with
| Ok exp ->
acc.artifacts <- String_map.add acc.artifacts ~key ~data:exp;
Some exp
| Error fail ->
acc.failures <- fail :: acc.failures;
let add_fail acc fail =
acc.failures <- fail :: acc.failures;
let path_exp path = (Action.Var_expansion.Paths ([path], Concat))
let ok_path x = Ok (path_exp x)
let ok_string x = Ok (Action.Var_expansion.Strings ([x], Concat))
let add_ddep acc ~key dep =
acc.ddeps <- String_map.add acc.ddeps ~key ~data:dep;
let map_result = function
| Ok x -> ok_path x
| Error _ as e -> e
let path_exp path = Action.Var_expansion.Paths ([path], Concat)
let str_exp path = Action.Var_expansion.Strings ([path], Concat)
let expand_step1 sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope t =
(* Static expansion that creates a dependency on the expanded path *)
let static_dep_exp acc path =
acc.sdeps <- Pset.add path acc.sdeps;
Some (path_exp path)
let expand_step1 sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope ~targets_written_by_user t =
let acc =
{ artifacts = String_map.empty
; failures = []
{ failures = []
; lib_deps = String_map.empty
; vdeps = String_map.empty
; sdeps = Pset.empty
; ddeps = String_map.empty
let t =
@ -514,25 +511,30 @@ module Action = struct
let open Action.Var_expansion in
let cos, var = parse_bang key in
match String.lsplit2 var ~on:':' with
| Some ("exe" , s) -> add_artifact acc ~key (ok_path (Path.relative dir s))
| Some ("path" , s) -> add_artifact acc ~key (ok_path (Path.relative dir s))
| Some ("bin" , s) ->
add_artifact acc ~key (A.binary (artifacts sctx) s |> map_result)
| Some ("lib" , s) ->
let lib_dep, res = A.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~from:dir s in
add_artifact acc ~key ~lib_dep:(lib_dep, dep_kind) (map_result res)
| Some ("exe" , s) -> static_dep_exp acc (Path.relative dir s)
| Some ("path" , s) -> static_dep_exp acc (Path.relative dir s)
| Some ("bin" , s) -> begin
match A.binary (artifacts sctx) s with
| Ok path -> static_dep_exp acc path
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
(* "findlib" for compatibility with Jane Street packages which are not yet updated
to convert "findlib" to "lib" *)
| Some (("lib"|"findlib"), s) -> begin
let lib_dep, res = A.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~from:dir s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
match res with
| Ok path -> static_dep_exp acc path
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
| Some ("libexec" , s) -> begin
let lib_dep, res = A.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~from:dir s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
match res with
| Error e ->
acc.failures <- e :: acc.failures;
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
| Ok path ->
if not Sys.win32 || Filename.extension s = ".exe" then begin
let exp = path_exp path in
acc.artifacts <- String_map.add acc.artifacts ~key ~data:exp;
Some exp
static_dep_exp acc path
end else begin
let path_exe = Path.extend_basename path ~suffix:".exe" in
let dep =
@ -540,19 +542,12 @@ module Action = struct
~then_:(Build.path path_exe >>^ fun _ -> path_exp path_exe)
~else_:(Build.path path >>^ fun _ -> path_exp path)
acc.vdeps <- String_map.add acc.vdeps ~key ~data:dep;
add_ddep acc ~key dep
| Some ("lib-available", lib) ->
add_artifact acc ~key ~lib_dep:(lib, Optional)
(ok_string (string_of_bool (Libs.lib_is_available sctx ~from:dir lib)))
(* CR-someday jdimino: allow this only for (jbuild_version jane_street) *)
| Some ("findlib" , s) ->
let lib_dep, res =
A.file_of_lib (artifacts sctx) ~loc ~from:dir s
add_artifact acc ~key ~lib_dep:(lib_dep, Required) (map_result res)
add_lib_dep acc lib Optional;
Some (str_exp (string_of_bool (Libs.lib_is_available sctx ~from:dir lib)))
| Some ("version", s) -> begin
match Scope.resolve scope s with
| Ok p ->
@ -561,54 +556,57 @@ module Action = struct
| None -> Strings ([""], Concat)
| Some s -> Strings ([s], Concat)
acc.vdeps <- String_map.add acc.vdeps ~key ~data:x;
add_ddep acc ~key x
| Error s ->
acc.failures <- { fail = fun () -> loc "%s" s } :: acc.failures
end; None
add_fail acc { fail = fun () -> loc "%s" s }
| Some ("read", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.contents path
>>^ fun s -> Strings ([s], cos)
acc.vdeps <- String_map.add acc.vdeps ~key ~data
end; None
add_ddep acc ~key data
| Some ("read-lines", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.lines_of path
>>^ fun l -> Strings (l, cos)
acc.vdeps <- String_map.add acc.vdeps ~key ~data
end; None
add_ddep acc ~key data
| Some ("read-strings", s) -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data =
Build.strings path
>>^ fun l -> Strings (l, cos)
acc.vdeps <- String_map.add acc.vdeps ~key ~data
end; None
add_ddep acc ~key data
| _ ->
match var with
| "ROOT" -> Some (Paths ([Path.root], cos))
| "ROOT" -> Some (path_exp Path.root)
| "@" -> begin
match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> loc "You cannot use ${@} with inferred rules."
| Static l -> Some (Paths (l, cos))
| _ ->
match expand_var_no_root sctx var with
| Some s -> Some (Strings ([s], cos))
| Some s -> Some (str_exp s)
| None -> None)
(t, acc)
let expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts
~targets_written_by_user ~deps_written_by_user t =
let expand_step2 ~dir ~dynamic_expansions ~deps_written_by_user t =
let open Action.Var_expansion in
U.Partial.expand dir t ~f:(fun _loc key ->
match String_map.find key artifacts with
match String_map.find key dynamic_expansions with
| Some _ as opt -> opt
| None ->
let cos, var = parse_bang key in
match var with
| "@" -> Some (Paths (targets_written_by_user, cos))
| "<" ->
(match deps_written_by_user with
@ -618,15 +616,14 @@ module Action = struct
| dep :: _ ->
Paths ([dep], cos))
| "^" -> Some (Paths (deps_written_by_user, cos))
| "ROOT" -> Some (Paths ([sctx.context.build_dir], cos))
| var ->
match expand_var_no_root sctx var with
| Some s -> Some (Strings ([s], cos))
| None -> None)
| _ -> None)
let run sctx t ~dir ~dep_kind ~targets:targets_written_by_user ~scope
: (Path.t list, Action.t) Build.t =
let t, forms = expand_step1 sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope t in
let t, forms =
expand_step1 sctx t ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets } =
match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:true
@ -667,30 +664,19 @@ module Action = struct
Build.path_set deps
(String_map.fold forms.artifacts ~init:Pset.empty
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:exp acc ->
match exp with
| Action.Var_expansion.Paths (ps, _) ->
Pset.union acc (Pset.of_list ps)
| Strings _ -> acc))
Build.path_set forms.sdeps
Build.arr (fun paths -> ((), paths))
let vdeps = String_map.bindings forms.vdeps in
Build.first (Build.all ( vdeps ~f:snd))
let ddeps = String_map.bindings forms.ddeps in
Build.first (Build.all ( ddeps ~f:snd))
>>^ (fun (vals, deps_written_by_user) ->
let artifacts =
List.fold_left2 vdeps vals ~init:forms.artifacts ~f:(fun acc (var, _) value ->
let dynamic_expansions =
List.fold_left2 ddeps vals ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc (var, _) value ->
String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:value)
let unresolved =
expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts
(match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> []
| Static l -> l)
~deps_written_by_user t
expand_step2 t ~dir ~dynamic_expansions ~deps_written_by_user
Action.Unresolved.resolve unresolved ~f:(fun prog ->
match resolve_program_internal sctx prog with