Let the parser distinguish quoted strings

Fixes https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/408
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Troestler 2018-01-29 10:14:09 +01:00
parent e8e3698e15
commit c27cb3541e
11 changed files with 54 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let t sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom _ ->
| Atom _ | String _ ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"if you meant for this to be executed with bash, write (bash \"...\") instead"
| List _ -> t sexp

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@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ module Pp_or_flags = struct
PP (Pp.of_string s)
let t = function
| Atom (_, s) -> of_string s
| Atom (_, s) | String (_, s) -> of_string s
| List (_, l) -> Flags (List.map l ~f:string)
let split l =
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ module Dep_conf = struct
fun sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom _ -> File (String_with_vars.t sexp)
| Atom _ | String _ -> File (String_with_vars.t sexp)
| List _ -> t sexp
open Sexp
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ module Lib_dep = struct
let choice = function
| List (_, l) as sexp ->
let rec loop required forbidden = function
| [Atom (_, "->"); fsexp] ->
| [Atom (_, "->"); fsexp] | [String (_, "->"); fsexp] ->
let common = String_set.inter required forbidden in
if not (String_set.is_empty common) then
of_sexp_errorf sexp
@ -366,9 +366,9 @@ module Lib_dep = struct
; forbidden
; file = file fsexp
| Atom (_, "->") :: _ | List _ :: _ | [] ->
| Atom (_, "->") :: _ | String (_, "->") :: _ | List _ :: _ | [] ->
of_sexp_error sexp "(<[!]libraries>... -> <file>) expected"
| Atom (_, s) :: l ->
| (Atom (_, s) | String (_, s)) :: l ->
let len = String.length s in
if len > 0 && s.[0] = '!' then
let s = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(len - 1) in

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let loc t = t.loc
let parse_general sexp ~f =
let rec of_sexp : Sexp.Ast.t -> _ = function
| Atom (loc, "\\") -> Loc.fail loc "unexpected \\"
| Atom (_, "") as t -> Ast.Element (f t)
| (Atom (_, "") | String (_, _)) as t -> Ast.Element (f t)
| Atom (loc, s) as t ->
if s.[0] = ':' then
Special (loc, String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1))
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let parse_general sexp ~f =
let t sexp : t =
let ast =
parse_general sexp ~f:(function
| Atom (loc, s) -> (loc, s)
| Atom (loc, s) | String (loc, s) -> (loc, s)
| List _ -> assert false)
{ ast

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ end
module To_sexp = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a -> t
let unit () = List []
let string s = Atom s
let string s = String s
let int n = Atom (string_of_int n)
let float f = Atom (string_of_float f)
let bool b = Atom (string_of_bool b)
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ end
module Of_sexp = struct
type ast = Ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| List of Loc.t * ast list
type 'a t = ast -> 'a
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let string = function
| Atom (_, s) -> s
| String (_, s) -> s
| List _ as sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
let int sexp =
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
| sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "S-expression of the form (_ _ _) expected"
let list f = function
| Atom _ as sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "List expected"
| (Atom _ | String _) as sexp -> of_sexp_error sexp "List expected"
| List (_, l) -> List.map l ~f
let array f sexp = Array.of_list (list f sexp)
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let make_record_parser_state sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "List expected"
| Atom _ | String _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "List expected"
| List (loc, sexps) ->
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name_map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
@ -299,8 +301,9 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = None; entry = sexp }
| List (_, [name_sexp; value]) -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, name) ->
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = Some value; entry = sexp }
| Atom (_, name) | String (_, name) ->
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = Some value;
entry = sexp }
| List _ ->
of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let sum cstrs sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom (loc, s) -> begin
| Atom (loc, s) | String (loc, s) -> begin
match find_cstr cstrs sexp s with
| C.Tuple t -> Constructor_args_spec.convert t.args t.rest sexp [] (t.make loc)
| C.Record _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "'%s' expect arguments"
@ -416,7 +419,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
| List (loc, name_sexp :: args) ->
match name_sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) ->
| Atom (_, s) | String (_, s) ->
match find_cstr cstrs sexp s with
| C.Tuple t -> Constructor_args_spec.convert t.args t.rest sexp args (t.make loc)
| C.Record r -> record r.parse (List (loc, args))
@ -424,7 +427,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let enum cstrs sexp =
match sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
| Atom (_, s) ->
| Atom (_, s) | String (_, s) ->
List.find cstrs ~f:(fun (name, _) ->
equal_cstr_name name s)

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ end with type sexp := t
module Of_sexp : sig
type ast = Ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| List of Loc.t * ast list
include Combinators with type 'a t = Ast.t -> 'a

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@ -63,7 +63,20 @@ let of_string ~loc s =
; loc
let t sexp = of_string ~loc:(Sexp.Ast.loc sexp) (Sexp.Of_sexp.string sexp)
let unquoted_var t =
match t.items with
| [Var (_, s)] -> Some s
| _ -> None
let t : Sexp.Of_sexp.ast -> t = function
| Atom(loc, s) -> of_string ~loc s
| String(loc, s) ->
(* If [unquoted_var], then add [""] at the end (see [type t]). *)
let t = of_string ~loc s in
(match t.items with
| [Var _ as v] -> {t with items = [v; Text ""] }
| _ -> t)
| List _ as sexp -> Sexp.Of_sexp.of_sexp_error sexp "Atom expected"
let loc t = t.loc
@ -73,11 +86,6 @@ let virt_quoted_var pos s = { loc = Loc.of_pos pos;
items = [Var (Braces, s); Text ""] }
let virt_text pos s = { loc = Loc.of_pos pos; items = [Text s] }
let unquoted_var t =
match t.items with
| [Var (_, s)] -> Some s
| _ -> None
let sexp_of_var_syntax = function
| Parens -> Sexp.Atom "parens"
| Braces -> Sexp.Atom "braces"

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@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ type t
(** A sequence of text and variables. *)
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
(** [t ast] takes an [ast] sexp and return a *)
(** [t ast] takes an [ast] sexp and returns a string-with-vars. This
function distinguishes between unquoted variables such as ${@}
and quoted variables such as "${@}". *)
val loc : t -> Loc.t
(** [loc t] returns the location of [t] — typically, in the jbuild file. *)

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@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ let push_quoted_atom state _char stack =
Buffer.clear state.atom_buffer;
let stack =
if state.ignoring = 0 then
Sexp (Atom (make_loc state ~delta:1, str), stack)
Sexp (String (make_loc state ~delta:1, str), stack)

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@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ end
type t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| List of Loc.t * t list

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@ -64,17 +64,21 @@ end
type t =
| Atom of string
| String of string
| List of t list
type sexp = t
let rec to_string = function
| Atom s -> Atom.serialize s
| String s -> Atom.serialize s
| List l -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (List.map l ~f:to_string |> String.concat ~sep:" ")
let rec pp ppf = function
| Atom s ->
Format.pp_print_string ppf (Atom.serialize s)
| String s ->
Format.pp_print_string ppf (Atom.serialize s)
| List [] ->
Format.pp_print_string ppf "()"
| List (first :: rest) ->
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ let split_string s ~on =
loop 0 0
let rec pp_split_strings ppf = function
| Atom s ->
| Atom s | String s ->
if Atom.must_escape s then begin
if String.contains s '\n' then begin
match split_string s ~on:'\n' with
@ -177,17 +181,20 @@ module Loc = Sexp_ast.Loc
module Ast = struct
type t = Sexp_ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| List of Loc.t * t list
let loc (Atom (loc, _) | List (loc, _)) = loc
let loc (Atom (loc, _) | String (loc, _) | List (loc, _)) = loc
let rec remove_locs : t -> sexp = function
| Atom (_, s) -> Atom s
| String (_, s) -> String s
| List (_, l) -> List (List.map l ~f:remove_locs)
module Token = struct
type t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| Lparen of Loc.t
| Rparen of Loc.t
@ -196,6 +203,7 @@ module Ast = struct
let rec loop acc t =
match t with
| Atom (loc, s) -> Token.Atom (loc, s) :: acc
| String (loc, s) -> Token.String (loc, s) :: acc
| List (loc, l) ->
let shift (pos : Lexing.position) delta =
{ pos with pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + delta }
@ -213,6 +221,7 @@ end
let rec add_loc t ~loc : Ast.t =
match t with
| Atom s -> Atom (loc, s)
| String s -> String (loc, s)
| List l -> List (loc, List.map l ~f:(add_loc ~loc))
module Parser = struct

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@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ end
(** The S-expression type *)
type t =
| Atom of string
| Atom of Atom.t
| String of string (** Quoted string *)
| List of t list
(** Serialize a S-expression *)
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ module Ast : sig
type sexp = t
type t =
| Atom of Loc.t * Atom.t
| String of Loc.t * string (** Quoted string *)
| List of Loc.t * t list
val loc : t -> Loc.t
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ module Ast : sig
module Token : sig
type t =
| Atom of Loc.t * string
| String of Loc.t * string
| Lparen of Loc.t
| Rparen of Loc.t