Allow 'ocamlfind printconf path' to fail

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-02-27 11:37:28 +00:00
parent 4dca707479
commit bd9033f9bb
10 changed files with 126 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ let install_uninstall ~what =
get_prefix context ~from_command_line:prefix >>= fun prefix ->
( install_files ~f:(fun path -> (Path.to_string opam_installer) Strict (Path.to_string opam_installer)
[ sprintf "-%c" what.[0]
; "--prefix"
; Path.to_string prefix

View File

@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ module List = ListLabels
module String = struct
include StringLabels
let capitalize_ascii = String.capitalize_ascii
let uncapitalize_ascii = String.uncapitalize_ascii
include struct
[@@@warning "-3"]
let capitalize_ascii = String.capitalize
let uncapitalize_ascii = String.uncapitalize
open Printf
@ -269,7 +272,7 @@ end
output_string oc s;
pos_in_generated_file := !pos_in_generated_file + count_newlines s;
List.iter modules ~f:(fun m ->
let base = String.uncapitalize m in
let base = String.uncapitalize_ascii m in
let mli = sprintf "src/%s.mli" base in
let ml = sprintf "src/" base in
if Sys.file_exists mli then begin

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ let run ?(dir=Path.root) ?stdout_to ?env ?(extra_targets=[]) prog args =
prim ~targets
(fun (prog, args) ->
let stdout_to = stdout_to ~f:Path.to_string in ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ?stdout_to ?env Strict ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ?stdout_to ?env
(Path.reach prog ~from:dir) args)
let run_capture_gen ~f ?(dir=Path.root) ?env prog args =
@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ let run_capture_gen ~f ?(dir=Path.root) ?env prog args =
prim ~targets
(fun (prog, args) ->
f ?dir:(Some (Path.to_string dir)) ?env (Path.reach prog ~from:dir) args)
f ?dir:(Some (Path.to_string dir)) ?env
Future.Strict (Path.reach prog ~from:dir) args)
let run_capture ?dir ?env prog args =
run_capture_gen ~f:Future.run_capture ?dir ?env prog args
@ -181,8 +182,8 @@ let action ~targets =
List.iter touches ~f:(fun fn ->
close_out (open_out_bin (Path.to_string fn)));
let stdout_to = stdout_to ~f:Path.to_string in ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ~env ?stdout_to (Path.reach ~from:dir prog)
args) Strict ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ~env ?stdout_to
(Path.reach ~from:dir prog) args)
let echo fn =
create_file ~target:fn (fun data ->

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let opam_config_var ~env ~cache var =
match Bin.opam with
| None -> return None
| Some fn ->
Future.run_capture (Path.to_string fn) ~env ["config"; "var"; var]
Future.run_capture Strict (Path.to_string fn) ~env ["config"; "var"; var]
>>| fun s ->
let s = String.trim s in
Hashtbl.add cache ~key:var ~data:s;
@ -126,8 +126,11 @@ let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~env ~name ~merlin =
| None ->
return []
| Some fn ->
Future.run_capture_lines ~env (Path.to_string fn) ["printconf"; "path"]
>>| ~f:Path.absolute)
Future.run_capture_lines ~env (Accept [127])
(Path.to_string fn) ["printconf"; "path"]
>>| function
| Ok lines -> lines ~f:Path.absolute
| Error _ -> [])
>>| fun (a, b) ->
match a @ b with
| [] -> [Path.relative (Path.parent dir) "lib"]
@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~env ~name ~merlin =
x :: acc)
|> List.rev)
(Future.run_capture_lines ~env (Path.to_string ocamlc) ["-config"])
(Future.run_capture_lines ~env Strict (Path.to_string ocamlc) ["-config"])
>>= fun (findlib_path, ocamlc_config) ->
let ocamlc_config = ocamlc_config ~f:(fun line ->
@ -272,9 +275,9 @@ let create_for_opam ?root ~switch ~name ?(merlin=false) () =
(match root with
| Some root -> return root
| None ->
Future.run_capture_line (Path.to_string fn) ["config"; "var"; "root"])
Future.run_capture_line Strict (Path.to_string fn) ["config"; "var"; "root"])
>>= fun root ->
Future.run_capture (Path.to_string fn)
Future.run_capture Strict (Path.to_string fn)
["config"; "env"; "--root"; root; "--switch"; switch; "--sexp"]
>>= fun s ->
let vars =

View File

@ -134,62 +134,103 @@ let rec all_unit = function
x >>= fun () ->
all_unit l
type ('a, 'b) failure_mode =
| Strict : ('a, 'a) failure_mode
| Accept : int list -> ('a, ('a, int) result) failure_mode
let accepted_codes : type a b. (a, b) failure_mode -> int list = function
| Strict -> [0]
| Accept codes -> 0 :: codes
let map_result
: type a b. (a, b) failure_mode -> int t -> f:(unit -> a) -> b t
= fun mode future ~f ->
match mode with
| Strict -> future >>| fun _ -> f ()
| Accept _ ->
future >>| function
| 0 -> Ok (f ())
| n -> Error n
type job =
{ prog : string
; args : string list
; dir : string option
; stdout_to : string option
; env : string array option
; ivar : unit Ivar.t
; ivar : int Ivar.t
; ok_codes : int list
let to_run : job Queue.t = Queue.create ()
let run ?dir ?stdout_to ?env prog args =
let run_internal ?dir ?stdout_to ?env fail_mode prog args =
let dir =
match dir with
| Some "." -> None
| _ -> dir
create (fun ivar ->
Queue.push { prog; args; dir; stdout_to; env; ivar } to_run)
Queue.push { prog
; args
; dir
; stdout_to
; env
; ivar
; ok_codes = accepted_codes fail_mode
} to_run)
let tmp_files = ref String_set.empty
let () =
at_exit (fun () ->
let fns = !tmp_files in
tmp_files := String_set.empty;
String_set.iter fns ~f:(fun fn ->
try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ()))
let run ?dir ?stdout_to ?env fail_mode prog args =
map_result fail_mode (run_internal ?dir ?stdout_to ?env fail_mode prog args)
let run_capture_gen ?dir ?env prog args ~f =
let fn = Filename.temp_file "jbuild" ".output" in
tmp_files := String_set.add fn !tmp_files;
run ?dir ~stdout_to:fn ?env prog args >>= fun () ->
let s = f fn in
Sys.remove fn;
tmp_files := String_set.remove fn !tmp_files;
return s
module Temp = struct
let tmp_files = ref String_set.empty
let () =
at_exit (fun () ->
let fns = !tmp_files in
tmp_files := String_set.empty;
String_set.iter fns ~f:(fun fn ->
try Sys.remove fn with _ -> ()))
let create prefix suffix =
let fn = Filename.temp_file prefix suffix in
tmp_files := String_set.add fn !tmp_files;
let destroy fn =
Sys.remove fn;
tmp_files := String_set.remove fn !tmp_files
let run_capture_gen ?dir ?env fail_mode prog args ~f =
let fn = Temp.create "jbuild" ".output" in
map_result fail_mode (run_internal ?dir ~stdout_to:fn ?env fail_mode prog args)
~f:(fun () ->
let x = f fn in
Temp.destroy fn;
let run_capture = run_capture_gen ~f:read_file
let run_capture_lines = run_capture_gen ~f:lines_of_file
let run_capture_line ?dir ?env prog args =
run_capture_lines ?dir ?env prog args >>| function
| [x] -> x
| l ->
let cmdline =
let s = String.concat (prog :: args) ~sep:" " in
match dir with
| None -> s
| Some dir -> sprintf "cd %s && %s" dir s
match l with
| [] ->
die "command returned nothing: %s" cmdline
| _ ->
die "command returned too many lines: %s\n%s"
cmdline (String.concat l ~sep:"\n")
let run_capture_line ?dir ?env fail_mode prog args =
run_capture_gen ?dir ?env fail_mode prog args ~f:(fun fn ->
match lines_of_file fn with
| [x] -> x
| l ->
let cmdline =
let s = String.concat (prog :: args) ~sep:" " in
match dir with
| None -> s
| Some dir -> sprintf "cd %s && %s" dir s
match l with
| [] ->
die "command returned nothing: %s" cmdline
| _ ->
die "command returned too many lines: %s\n%s"
cmdline (String.concat l ~sep:"\n"))
module Scheduler = struct
let colorize_prog s =
@ -302,7 +343,7 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Sys.remove job.output_filename;
Temp.destroy job.output_filename;
Option.iter job.log ~f:(fun oc ->
Printf.fprintf oc "$ %s\n%s"
(Ansi_color.strip job.command_line)
@ -316,10 +357,14 @@ module Scheduler = struct
if not exiting then begin
match status with
| WEXITED 0 ->
| WEXITED n when List.mem n ~set:job.job.ok_codes ->
if output <> "" then
Format.eprintf "@{<kwd>Output@}[@{<id>%d@}]:\n%s%!" output;
Ivar.fill job.job.ivar ()
if n <> 0 then
"@{<warning>Warning@}: Command [@{<id>%d@}] exited with code %d, \
but I'm ignore it, hope that's OK.\n%!" n;
Ivar.fill job.job.ivar n
| WEXITED n ->
Format.eprintf "\n@{<kwd>Command@} [@{<id>%d@}] exited with code %d:\n\
@{<prompt>$@} %s\n%s%!"
@ -380,7 +425,7 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Format.eprintf "@{<kwd>Running@}[@{<id>%d@}]: %s@." id
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line);
let argv = Array.of_list (job.prog :: job.args) in
let output_filename = Filename.temp_file "jbuilder" ".output" in
let output_filename = Temp.create "jbuilder" ".output" in
let output_fd = Unix.openfile output_filename [O_WRONLY] 0 in
let stdout, close_stdout =
match job.stdout_to with

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(** Simplified Async/Lwt like monad *)
open Import
type 'a t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
@ -13,34 +15,46 @@ val all_unit : unit t list -> unit t
val with_exn_handler : (unit -> 'a) -> handler:(exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> unit) -> 'a
(** How to handle sub-process failures *)
type ('a, 'b) failure_mode =
| Strict : ('a, 'a) failure_mode
(** Fail if the process exits with anything else than [0] *)
| Accept : int list -> ('a, ('a, int) result) failure_mode
(** Accept the following non-zero exit codes, and return [Error code] if the process
exists with one of these codes. *)
(** [run ?dir ?stdout_to prog args] spawns a sub-process and wait for its termination *)
val run
: ?dir:string
-> ?stdout_to:string
-> ?env:string array
-> (unit, 'a) failure_mode
-> string
-> string list
-> unit t
-> 'a t
(** Run a command and capture its output *)
val run_capture
: ?dir:string
-> ?env:string array
-> (string, 'a) failure_mode
-> string
-> string list
-> string t
-> 'a t
val run_capture_line
: ?dir:string
-> ?env:string array
-> (string, 'a) failure_mode
-> string
-> string list
-> string t
-> 'a t
val run_capture_lines
: ?dir:string
-> ?env:string array
-> (string list, 'a) failure_mode
-> string
-> string list
-> string list t
-> 'a t
module Scheduler : sig
val go : ?log:out_channel -> 'a t -> 'a

View File

@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
[String.capitalize name]))
[String.capitalize_ascii name]))
(Dep compiler)

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ end
(Path.to_string file)
(read_file (Path.to_string file));
run ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ~env:context.env Strict ~dir:(Path.to_string dir) ~env:context.env
(Path.to_string context.Context.ocaml)
[ Path.reach ~from:dir wrapper
; Path.reach ~from:dir generated_jbuild

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let module_name sexp =
String.iter s ~f:(function
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '_' -> ()
| _ -> invalid_module_name sexp);
String.capitalize s
String.capitalize_ascii s
let module_names sexp = String_set.of_list (list module_name sexp)

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
(map_fname start.pos_fname) start.pos_lnum start_c stop_c msg
| Fatal_error "" -> ()
| Fatal_error msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize msg)
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize_ascii msg)
| Findlib.Package_not_found pkg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Findlib package %S not found.@}\n" pkg
| Code_error msg ->