Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <rudi.grinberg@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-07-09 01:15:46 +07:00
parent e7bc884d26
commit b5b0a43554
1 changed files with 27 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -116,6 +116,33 @@ next
- Adapt the behavior of `dune subst` for dune projects (#960, @diml)
- Add the `lib_root` and `libexec_root` sections to install stanzas
(#947, @diml)
- Add a `Configurator.V1.Flags` module that improves the flag reading/writing
API (#840, @avsm)
- Add a `tests` stanza that simlpified defining regular and expect tests
(#822, @rgrinberg)
- Change the `subst` subcommand to lookup the project name from the
`dune-project` whenever it's available. (#960, @diml)
- The `subst` subcommand no longer looks up the root workspace. Previously this
detection would break the command whenever `-p` wasn't passed. (#960, @diml)
- Add a `# DUNE_GEN` in META template files. This is done for consistency with
`# JBUILDER_GEN`. (#958, @rgrinberg)
- Rename the following variables in dune files:
`SCOPE_ROOT` to `project_root`
`@` to `targets`
`<` to `first-dep`
`^` to `deps`
(#957, @rgrinberg)
- Lowercase all built-in %{variables} in dune files (#956, @rgrinberg)
1.0+beta20 (10/04/2018)