Abstract the ppx driver system

- remove hard-coded knowledge of ocaml-migrate-parsetree and ppx_driver
- get the exact driver parameters directly from the driver itself

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <jdimino@janestreet.com>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-02-28 16:32:55 +00:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 9358bd5d64
commit b35fbbd7b2
18 changed files with 319 additions and 255 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ next
- In dune files, add support for block strings, allowing to nicely
format blocks of texts (#837, @diml)
- Remove hard-coded knowledge of ppx_driver and
ocaml-migrate-parsetree (#576, @diml)
1.0+beta20 (10/04/2018)
@ -176,7 +179,6 @@ next
- Add a hack to be able to build ppxlib, until beta20 which will have
generic support for ppx drivers
1.0+beta18 (25/02/2018)

View File

@ -30,44 +30,6 @@ Jbuilder you can write the folliwing ``META.foo.template`` file:
blah = "..."
.. _custom-driver:
Using a custom ppx driver
You can use a custom ppx driver by putting it as the last library in ``(pps
...)`` forms. An example of alternative driver is `ppx_driver
<https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_driver>`__. To use it instead of
``ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main``, simply write ``ppx_driver.runner`` as
the last library:
.. code:: scheme
(preprocess (pps (ppx_sexp_conv ppx_bin_prot ppx_driver.runner)))
Driver expectation
Jbuilder will invoke the executable resulting from linking the libraries
given in the ``(pps ...)`` form as follows:
.. code:: bash
ppx.exe <flags-written-by-user> --dump-ast -o <output-file> \
[--cookie library-name="<name>"] [--impl|--intf] <source-file>
Where ``<source-file>`` is either an implementation (``.ml``) or
interface (``.mli``) OCaml source file. The command is expected to write
a binary OCaml AST in ``<output-file>``.
Additionally, it is expected that if the executable is invoked with
``--as-ppx`` as its first argument, then it will behave as a standard
ppx rewriter as passed to ``-ppx`` option of OCaml. This is for two
- to improve interoperability with build systems other than Jbuilder
- so that it can be used with merlin
Findlib integration and limitations

View File

@ -1045,11 +1045,6 @@ dependencies. Note that it is important that all these libraries are linked with
``-linkall``. Jbuilder automatically uses ``-linkall`` when the ``(kind ...)``
field is set to ``ppx_rewriter`` or ``ppx_deriver``.
It is guaranteed that the last library in the list will be linked last. You can
use this feature to use a custom ppx driver. By default Jbuilder will use
``ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main``. See the section about
:ref:`custom-driver` for more details.
Per module preprocessing specification

View File

@ -12,4 +12,8 @@ build: [
["./boot.exe" "-j" jobs]
available: [ ocaml-version >= "4.02.3" ]
conflicts: [ "jbuilder" {!= "transition"} ]
conflicts: [
"jbuilder" {!= "transition"}
"ppx_driver" {< "v0.10.3"}
"ocaml-migrate-parsetree" {< "1.0.8"}

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module Backend = struct
(List.map info.extends
~f:(fun ((loc, name) as x) ->
resolve x >>= fun lib ->
match get lib with
match get ~loc lib with
| None ->
Error (Loc.exnf loc "%S is not an %s" name
(desc ~plural:false))

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
Build.write_file_dyn meta)))
let lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~scope ~name (lib : Library.t) =
let lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~name (lib : Library.t) =
let obj_dir = Utils.library_object_directory ~dir lib.name in
let make_entry section ?dst fn =
Install.Entry.make section fn
@ -184,25 +184,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
match lib.kind with
| Normal | Ppx_deriver -> []
| Ppx_rewriter ->
let pps = [(lib.buildable.loc, Pp.of_string lib.name)] in
let pps =
(* This is a temporary hack until we get a standard driver *)
let deps =
List.concat_map lib.buildable.libraries ~f:Lib_dep.to_lib_names
if List.exists deps ~f:(function
| "ppx_driver" | "ppx_type_conv" -> true
| _ -> false) then
pps @ [match Scope.name scope with
| Named "ppxlib" ->
Loc.none, Pp.of_string "ppxlib.runner"
| _ ->
Loc.none, Pp.of_string "ppx_driver.runner"]
let ppx_exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
[Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver_for_public_lib sctx ~name]
[ List.map files ~f:(make_entry Lib )
@ -292,10 +274,10 @@ module Gen(P : Install_params) = struct
let init_install () =
let entries_per_package =
List.concat_map (SC.stanzas_to_consider_for_install sctx)
~f:(fun (dir, scope, stanza) ->
~f:(fun (dir, _scope, stanza) ->
match stanza with
| Library ({ public = Some { package; sub_dir; name; _ }; _ } as lib) ->
List.map (lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~scope ~name lib)
List.map (lib_install_files ~dir ~sub_dir ~name lib)
~f:(fun x -> package.name, x)
| Install { section; files; package}->
List.map files ~f:(fun { Install_conf. src; dst } ->

View File

@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ module Dep_conf = struct
module Preprocess = struct
type pps = { pps : (Loc.t * Pp.t) list; flags : string list }
type pps = { loc : Loc.t; pps : (Loc.t * Pp.t) list; flags : string list }
type t =
| No_preprocessing
| Action of Loc.t * Action.Unexpanded.t
@ -258,11 +258,24 @@ module Preprocess = struct
let t =
[ cstr "no_preprocessing" nil No_preprocessing
; cstr "action" (located Action.Unexpanded.t @> nil)
(fun (loc, x) -> Action (loc, x))
; cstr "pps" (list Pp_or_flags.t @> nil) (fun l ->
; cstr "action" (located Action.Unexpanded.t @> nil) (fun (loc, x) ->
Action (loc, x))
; cstr "pps" (cstr_loc (list Pp_or_flags.t @> nil)) (fun loc l ->
let pps, flags = Pp_or_flags.split l in
Pps { pps; flags })
let pps =
(* Compatibility hacks. We can remove them when switching
to Dune and make these cases errors. *)
match pps with
| [] ->
[(loc, Pp.of_string "ocaml-migrate-parsetree")]
| _ ->
List.map pps ~f:(fun ((loc, pp) as x) ->
match Pp.to_string pp with
| "ppx_driver.runner" -> (loc, Pp.of_string "ppx_driver")
| "ppxlib.runner" -> (loc, Pp.of_string "ppxlib")
| _ -> x)
Pps { loc; pps; flags })
let pps = function

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ end
module Preprocess : sig
type pps =
{ pps : (Loc.t * Pp.t) list
{ loc : Loc.t
; pps : (Loc.t * Pp.t) list
; flags : string list

View File

@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ module Sub_system = struct
type t
type sub_system += T of t
val instantiate
: resolve:(Loc.t * string -> (lib, exn) result)
-> get:(lib -> t option)
: resolve:(Loc.t * string -> lib Or_exn.t)
-> get:(loc:Loc.t -> lib -> t option)
-> lib
-> Info.t
-> t
@ -495,8 +495,14 @@ module Sub_system = struct
let (module M : S') = impl in
match info with
| M.Info.T info ->
let get ~loc lib' =
if lib.unique_id = lib'.unique_id then
Loc.fail loc "Library %S depends on itself" lib.name
M.get lib'
(M.for_instance, M.instantiate ~resolve ~get:M.get lib info)
(M.for_instance, M.instantiate ~resolve ~get lib info)
| _ -> assert false
let dump_config lib =
@ -697,7 +703,7 @@ and find_internal db name ~stack : status =
| Some x -> x
| None -> resolve_name db name ~stack
and resolve_dep db name ~allow_private_deps ~loc ~stack : (t, exn) result =
and resolve_dep db name ~allow_private_deps ~loc ~stack : t Or_exn.t =
match find_internal db name ~stack with
| St_initializing id ->
Error (Dep_stack.dependency_cycle stack id)

View File

@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ module Sub_system : sig
type sub_system += T of t
val instantiate
: resolve:(Loc.t * string -> lib Or_exn.t)
-> get:(lib -> t option)
-> get:(loc:Loc.t -> lib -> t option)
-> lib
-> Info.t
-> t

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module Preprocess = struct
| Other, Other -> Other
| Pps _, Other -> a
| Other, Pps _ -> b
| Pps { pps = pps1; flags = flags1 },
Pps { pps = pps2; flags = flags2 } ->
| Pps { loc = _; pps = pps1; flags = flags1 },
Pps { loc = _; pps = pps2; flags = flags2 } ->
match List.compare flags1 flags2 ~compare:String.compare with
| Eq ->
@ -98,12 +98,15 @@ let add_source_dir t dir =
let ppx_flags sctx ~dir:_ ~scope ~src_dir:_ { preprocess; libname; _ } =
match preprocess with
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
(Path.to_absolute_filename exe
:: "--as-ppx"
:: Preprocessing.cookie_library_name libname
@ flags)
| Pps { loc = _; pps; flags } -> begin
match Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps with
| Ok exe ->
(Path.to_absolute_filename exe
:: "--as-ppx"
:: Preprocessing.cookie_library_name libname
@ flags)
| Error _ -> []
| Other -> []
let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ~scope ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open Import
type t
val make
: ?requires:(Lib.t list, exn) result
: ?requires:Lib.t list Or_exn.t
-> ?flags:(unit, string list) Build.t
-> ?preprocess:Jbuild.Preprocess.t
-> ?libname:string

View File

@ -16,91 +16,158 @@ let pped_module ~dir m ~f =
f kind (Path.relative dir file.name) (Path.relative dir pp_fname);
{ file with name = pp_fname })
let migrate_driver_main = "ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main"
module Driver = struct
module M = struct
module Info = struct
let name = Sub_system_name.make "ppx.driver"
type t =
{ loc : Loc.t
; flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; lint_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; main : string
; replaces : (Loc.t * string) list
type Jbuild.Sub_system_info.t += T of t
let loc t = t.loc
open Sexp.Of_sexp
let short = None
let parse =
(record_loc >>= fun loc ->
Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "flags" >>= fun flags ->
Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.field "lint_flags" >>= fun lint_flags ->
field "main" string >>= fun main ->
field "replaces" (list (located string)) ~default:[]
>>= fun replaces ->
{ loc
; flags
; lint_flags
; main
; replaces
let parsers =
[ (1, 0),
{ Jbuild.Sub_system_info.
; parse
type t =
{ info : Info.t
; lib : Lib.t
; replaces : t list Or_exn.t
let desc ~plural = "ppx driver" ^ if plural then "s" else ""
let desc_article = "a"
let lib t = t.lib
let replaces t = t.replaces
let instantiate ~resolve ~get lib (info : Info.t) =
{ info
; lib
; replaces =
let open Result.O in
(List.map info.replaces
~f:(fun ((loc, name) as x) ->
resolve x >>= fun lib ->
match get ~loc lib with
| None ->
Error (Loc.exnf loc "%S is not a %s" name
(desc ~plural:false))
| Some t -> Ok t))
let to_sexp t =
let open Sexp.To_sexp in
let f x = string (Lib.name x.lib) in
((1, 0),
[ "flags" , Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
; "lint_flags" , Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
; "main" , string t.info.main
; "replaces" , list f (Result.ok_exn t.replaces)
include M
include Sub_system.Register_backend(M)
let ppx_exe sctx ~key =
Path.relative (SC.build_dir sctx) (".ppx/" ^ key ^ "/ppx.exe")
let no_driver_error pps =
let has name =
List.exists pps ~f:(fun lib -> Lib.name lib = name)
List.find ["ocaml-migrate-parsetree"; "ppxlib"; "ppx_driver"] ~f:has
| Some name ->
"No ppx driver found.\n\
Hint: Try upgrading or reinstalling %S." name
| None ->
"No ppx driver found.\n\
It seems that these ppx rewriters are not compatible with jbuilder."
let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target pps =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let mode = Context.best_mode ctx in
let compiler = Option.value_exn (Context.compiler ctx mode) in
let pps = pps @ [Pp.of_string migrate_driver_main] in
let driver, libs =
let resolved_pps =
Lib.DB.resolve_pps lib_db
(List.map pps ~f:(fun x -> (Loc.none, x)))
let driver_and_libs =
let open Result.O in
Result.map_error ~f:(fun e ->
(* Extend the dependency stack as we don't have locations at
this point *)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun e ->
Dep_path.prepend_exn e
(Preprocess (pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list :> string list)))
let driver =
match resolved_pps with
| Ok l -> List.last l
| Error _ -> None
Result.bind resolved_pps ~f:Lib.closure
|> Result.map ~f:Build.return
|> Build.of_result)
let libs =
Build.record_lib_deps ~kind:dep_kind
(List.map pps ~f:(fun pp -> Lib_dep.of_pp (Loc.none, pp)))
let libs =
(* Put the driver back at the end, just before migrate_driver_main *)
match driver with
| None -> libs
| Some driver ->
libs >>^ fun libs ->
let libs, drivers =
List.partition_map libs ~f:(fun lib ->
if lib == driver || Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
let user_driver, migrate_driver =
List.partition_map drivers ~f:(fun lib ->
if Lib.name lib = migrate_driver_main then
Right lib
Left lib)
libs @ user_driver @ migrate_driver
(* Provide a better error for migrate_driver_main given that this
is an implicit dependency *)
let libs =
match Lib.DB.available lib_db migrate_driver_main with
| false ->
Build.fail { fail = fun () ->
die "@{<error>Error@}: I couldn't find '%s'.\n\
I need this library in order to use ppx rewriters.\n\
See the manual for details.\n\
Hint: opam install ocaml-migrate-parsetree"
| true ->
Dep_path.prepend_exn e
(Preprocess (pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list :> string list)))
(Lib.DB.resolve_pps lib_db
(List.map pps ~f:(fun x -> (Loc.none, x)))
>>= Lib.closure
>>= fun resolved_pps ->
Driver.select_replaceable_backend resolved_pps ~loc:Loc.none
>>| fun driver ->
(driver, resolved_pps))
(* CR-someday diml: what we should do is build the .cmx/.cmo once
and for all at the point where the driver is defined. *)
let ml = Path.relative (Option.value_exn (Path.parent target)) "ppx.ml" in
SC.add_rule sctx
(Build.of_result_map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (driver, _) ->
Build.return (sprintf "let () = %s ()\n" driver.info.main))
(Lib.L.archive_files ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib))
Build.write_file_dyn ml);
SC.add_rule sctx
(Build.record_lib_deps ~kind:dep_kind (Lib_deps.of_pps pps)
Build.of_result_map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (_, libs) ->
Build.paths (Lib.L.archive_files libs ~mode ~ext_lib:ctx.ext_lib))
Build.run ~context:ctx (Ok compiler)
[ A "-o" ; Target target
; Dyn (Lib.L.link_flags ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir)
; Arg_spec.of_result
(Result.map driver_and_libs ~f:(fun (_driver, libs) ->
Lib.L.compile_and_link_flags ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir
; Dep ml
let gen_rules sctx components =
@ -122,47 +189,23 @@ let gen_rules sctx components =
build_ppx_driver sctx pps ~lib_db ~dep_kind:Required ~target:exe
| _ -> ()
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps =
let driver, names =
match List.rev_map pps ~f:(fun (_loc, pp) -> Pp.to_string pp) with
| [] -> (None, [])
| driver :: rest -> (Some driver, rest)
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let name_and_scope_for_key name =
match Lib.DB.find (Scope.libs scope) name with
| Error _ ->
(* XXX unknown but assume it's public *)
(name, None)
| Ok lib ->
(Lib.name lib,
match Lib.status lib with
| Private scope_name -> Some scope_name
| Public _ | Installed -> None)
let driver, scope_for_key =
match driver with
| None -> (None, None)
| Some driver ->
let name, scope_for_key = name_and_scope_for_key driver in
(Some name, scope_for_key)
let names, scope_for_key =
List.fold_left names ~init:([], scope_for_key)
~f:(fun (names, scope_for_key) lib ->
let name, scope_for_key' = name_and_scope_for_key lib in
(name :: names,
match scope_for_key, scope_for_key' with
| Some a, Some b -> assert (a = b); scope_for_key
| Some _, None -> scope_for_key
| None , Some _ -> scope_for_key'
| None , None -> None))
let names = List.sort ~compare:String.compare names in
let ppx_driver_exe sctx libs =
let names =
match driver with
| None -> names
| Some driver -> names @ [driver]
List.rev_map libs ~f:Lib.name
|> List.sort ~compare:String.compare
let scope_for_key =
List.fold_left libs ~init:None ~f:(fun acc lib ->
let scope_for_key =
match Lib.status lib with
| Private scope_name -> Some scope_name
| Public _ | Installed -> None
match acc, scope_for_key with
| Some a, Some b -> assert (a = b); acc
| Some _, None -> acc
| None , Some _ -> scope_for_key
| None , None -> None)
let key =
match names with
@ -174,9 +217,23 @@ let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps =
| None -> key
| Some scope_name -> SC.Scope_key.to_string key scope_name
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
ppx_exe sctx ~key
let get_ppx_driver_for_public_lib sctx ~name =
ppx_exe sctx ~key:name
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope pps =
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let open Result.O in
Lib.DB.resolve_pps (Scope.libs scope) pps
>>= fun libs ->
Lib.closure libs
Driver.select_replaceable_backend ~loc ~replaces:Driver.replaces
>>= fun driver ->
Ok (ppx_driver_exe sctx libs, driver)
let target_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "@"
let root_var = String_with_vars.virt_var __POS__ "ROOT"
@ -206,22 +263,14 @@ let setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir (m : Module.t) =
SC.add_rule sctx (rule f.name ml.name);
let uses_ppx_driver ~pps =
match (List.last pps : (_ * Pp.t) option :> (_ * string) option) with
| Some (_, ("ppx_driver.runner" | "ppxlib.runner")) -> true
| Some _ | None -> false
let promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver fn build =
if not uses_ppx_driver then
[ build
; Build.return
(Action.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".ppx-corrected"))
let promote_correction fn build ~suffix =
[ build
; Build.return
(Action.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix))
let lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope = Staged.stage (
let alias = Build_system.Alias.lint ~dir in
@ -251,34 +300,42 @@ let lint_module sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~lib_name ~scope = Staged.stage (
~targets:(Static [])
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
| Pps { loc; pps; flags } ->
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
(* This hack is needed until -null is standard:
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then
[ "-null"; "-diff-cmd"; "-" ]
let corrected_suffix = ".lint-corrected" in
let driver_and_flags =
let open Result.O in
get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope pps >>| fun (exe, driver) ->
let extra_vars =
String_map.singleton "corrected-suffix"
(Action.Var_expansion.Strings ([corrected_suffix], Split))
Build.memoize "ppx flags"
(SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx driver.info.lint_flags
~standard:(Build.return [])))
(fun ~source ~ast ->
Module.iter ast ~f:(fun kind src ->
let args =
[ args
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind
; Dep (Path.relative dir src.name)
add_alias src.name
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(promote_correction ~suffix:corrected_suffix
(Option.value_exn (Module.file ~dir source kind))
(Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx) (Ok ppx_exe) args))
(Build.of_result_map driver_and_flags ~f:(fun (exe, flags) ->
flags >>>
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok exe)
[ args
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind
; Dep (Path.relative dir src.name)
; Dyn (fun x -> As x)
fun ~(source : Module.t) ~ast ->
Per_module.get lint source.name ~source ~ast)
@ -325,31 +382,49 @@ let make sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~lint ~preprocess
|> setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir in
if lint then lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe = get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let uses_ppx_driver = uses_ppx_driver ~pps in
| Pps { loc; pps; flags } ->
let args : _ Arg_spec.t =
S [ As flags
; A "--dump-ast"
; As (cookie_library_name lib_name)
; As (if uses_ppx_driver then ["-diff-cmd"; "-"] else [])
let corrected_suffix = ".ppx-corrected" in
let driver_and_flags =
let open Result.O in
get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope pps >>| fun (exe, driver) ->
let extra_vars =
String_map.singleton "corrected-suffix"
(Action.Var_expansion.Strings ([corrected_suffix], Split))
Build.memoize "ppx flags"
(SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx driver.info.flags
~standard:(Build.return [])))
(fun m ~lint ->
let ast = setup_reason_rules sctx ~dir m in
if lint then lint_module ~ast ~source:m;
pped_module ast ~dir ~f:(fun kind src dst ->
SC.add_rule sctx
(promote_correction ~uses_ppx_driver
(promote_correction ~suffix:corrected_suffix
(Option.value_exn (Module.file m ~dir kind))
(preprocessor_deps >>^ ignore
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok ppx_exe)
[ args
; A "-o"; Target dst
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind; Dep src
Build.of_result_map driver_and_flags
~f:(fun (exe, flags) ->
Build.run ~context:(SC.context sctx)
(Ok exe)
[ args
; A "-o"; Target dst
; Ml_kind.ppx_driver_flag kind; Dep src
; Dyn (fun x -> As x)
let pp_modules t ?(lint=true) modules =
Module.Name.Map.map modules ~f:(fun (m : Module.t) ->
@ -357,3 +432,10 @@ let pp_modules t ?(lint=true) modules =
let pp_module_as t ?(lint=true) name m =
Per_module.get t name m ~lint
let get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps =
let sctx = SC.host sctx in
let open Result.O in
Lib.DB.resolve_pps (Scope.libs scope) pps
>>| fun libs ->
ppx_driver_exe sctx libs

View File

@ -37,9 +37,14 @@ val pp_module_as
(** Get a path to a cached ppx driver *)
val get_ppx_driver
: Super_context.t
: Super_context.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> (Loc.t * Jbuild.Pp.t) list
-> Path.t Or_exn.t
val get_ppx_driver_for_public_lib
: Super_context.t
-> name:string
-> Path.t
(** [cookie_library_name lib_name] is ["--cookie"; lib_name] if [lib_name] is not

View File

@ -43,15 +43,20 @@ module Register_backend(M : Backend) = struct
(M.desc ~plural:false))
| Some t -> Ok t
let written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan =
let written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan ~no_backend_error =
match written_by_user with
| Some l -> l
| None -> List.filter_map to_scan ~f:get
| [] ->
(Loc.exnf loc "No %s found." (M.desc ~plural:false))
| [] -> begin
match no_backend_error with
| Some f ->
Error (Loc.exnf loc "%s" (f to_scan))
| None ->
(Loc.exnf loc "No %s found." (M.desc ~plural:false))
| l -> Ok l
let too_many_backends ~loc backends =
@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ module Register_backend(M : Backend) = struct
let select_extensible_backends ~loc ?written_by_user ~extends to_scan =
let open Result.O in
written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan
>>= fun backends ->
top_closure backends ~deps:extends
>>= fun backends ->
@ -82,9 +88,10 @@ module Register_backend(M : Backend) = struct
Error (too_many_backends ~loc roots)
let select_replaceable_backend ~loc ?written_by_user ~replaces to_scan =
let select_replaceable_backend ~loc ?written_by_user ~replaces
?no_backend_error to_scan =
let open Result.O in
written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan
written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan ~no_backend_error
>>= fun backends ->
Result.concat_map backends ~f:replaces
>>= fun replaced_backends ->

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module type S = sig
(** Create an instance of the sub-system *)
val instantiate
: resolve:(Loc.t * string -> Lib.t Or_exn.t)
-> get:(Lib.t -> t option)
-> get:(loc:Loc.t -> Lib.t -> t option)
-> Lib.t
-> Info.t
-> t
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module type Registered_backend = sig
: loc:Loc.t
-> ?written_by_user:t list
-> replaces:(t -> t list Or_exn.t)
-> ?no_backend_error:(Lib.t list -> string)
-> Lib.t list
-> t Or_exn.t

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
ocamlopt .w_omp_driver.eobjs/w_omp_driver.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt w_omp_driver.exe
$ dune build ./w_ppx_driver.exe --display short
ocamlopt .ppx/ppx_driver.runner/ppx.exe
ocamlopt .ppx/ppx_driver/ppx.exe
ppx w_ppx_driver.pp.ml
ocamldep w_ppx_driver.pp.ml.d
ocamlc .w_ppx_driver.eobjs/w_ppx_driver.{cmi,cmo,cmt}

View File

@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
((name a_kernel)
(public_name a.kernel)
(libraries (ocaml-migrate-parsetree))
(kind ppx_rewriter)))