Replace promote actions by diff actions + promote command (#421)

* Remove (promote ...) and (promote-if ...)
* Remove `--promote ...`
* Add (diff ...) and (diff? ...)
* Add `jbuilder promote` and `--auto-promote`
* Fix #423
This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-01-18 11:32:20 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9347d4a767
commit b06aad431e
No known key found for this signature in database
25 changed files with 486 additions and 370 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ reinstall: uninstall reinstall
$(BIN) runtest --dev
$(BIN) promote
accept-corrections: promote
$(BIN) build --dev @install @runtest --workspace --root .
@ -34,13 +39,8 @@ doc:
cd doc && sphinx-build . _build
update-jbuilds: $(BIN)
$(BIN) build --dev @jbuild --promote copy
for i in `find . -name \*.corrected`; do \
cp $$i $${i%.corrected}; \
$(BIN) build --dev @doc/runtest --auto-promote
.DEFAULT_GOAL := default
.PHONY: default install uninstall reinstall clean test doc
.PHONY: accept-corrections
.PHONY: promote accept-corrections

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type common =
; capture_outputs : bool
; x : string option
; diff_command : string option
; promote_mode : Clflags.Promote_mode.t
; auto_promote : bool
; (* Original arguments for the external-lib-deps hint *)
orig_args : string list
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let set_common c ~targets =
Sys.chdir c.root;
Clflags.workspace_root := Sys.getcwd ();
Clflags.diff_command := c.diff_command;
Clflags.promote_mode := c.promote_mode;
Clflags.auto_promote := c.auto_promote;
Clflags.external_lib_deps_hint :=
[ ["jbuilder"; "external-lib-deps"; "--missing"]
@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ let common =
(root, only_packages, promote_mode, orig)
(root, only_packages, orig)
let root, to_cwd =
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ let common =
; orig_args
; target_prefix = String.concat ~sep:"" ( to_cwd ~f:(sprintf "%s/"))
; diff_command
; promote_mode
; auto_promote
; only_packages = only_packages
~f:(fun s -> String_set.of_list (String.split s ~on:','))
@ -279,23 +280,12 @@ let common =
targets given on the command line. It is only intended
for scripts.|})
let promote =
let mode =
(Arg.parser_of_kind_of_string ~kind:"promotion mode"
fun ppf mode ->
Format.pp_print_string ppf
(Clflags.Promote_mode.to_string mode)))
let auto_promote =
& opt (some mode) None
& info ["promote"] ~docs
~doc:"How to interpret promote actions. $(b,copy) means to print
a diff and copy the generated files to the source tree when
they differ. $(b,copy) is the default. $(b,check) means to
only print a diff without copying files. $(b,ignore) means
to ignore promote action altogether.")
& flag
& info ["auto-promote"] ~docs
~doc:"Automatically promote files. This is similar to running
$(b,jbuilder promote) after the build.")
let for_release = "for-release-of-packages" in
let frop =
@ -308,38 +298,32 @@ let common =
packages as well as getting reproducible builds.|})
let root_and_only_packages =
let merge root only_packages promote release =
let merge root only_packages release =
let fail opt =
`Error (true,
"Cannot use -p/--%s and %s simultaneously"
for_release opt)
match release, root, only_packages, promote with
| Some _, Some _, _, _ -> fail "--root"
| Some _, _, Some _, _ -> fail "--only-packages"
| Some _, _, _, Some _ -> fail "--promote"
| Some pkgs, None, None, None ->
match release, root, only_packages with
| Some _, Some _, _ -> fail "--root"
| Some _, _, Some _ -> fail "--only-packages"
| Some pkgs, None, None ->
`Ok (Some ".",
Some pkgs,
["-p"; pkgs]
| None, _, _, _ ->
| None, _, _ ->
`Ok (root,
Option.value promote ~default:Clflags.Promote_mode.Copy,
[ dump_opt "--root" root
; dump_opt "--only-packages" only_packages
; dump_opt "--promote"
( promote ~f:Clflags.Promote_mode.to_string)
Term.(ret (const merge
$ root
$ only_packages
$ promote
$ frop))
let x =
@ -364,6 +348,7 @@ let common =
$ no_buffer
$ workspace_file
$ diff_command
$ auto_promote
$ root_and_only_packages
$ x
@ -1088,6 +1073,28 @@ let utop =
$ Arg.(value & pos_right 0 string [] ( [] ~docv:"ARGS")))
, "utop" ~doc ~man )
let promote =
let doc = "Promote files from the last run" in
let man =
; `P {|Considering all actions of the form $(b,(diff a b)) that failed
in the last run of jbuilder, $(b,jbuilder promote) does the following:
If $(b,a) is present in the source tree but $(b,b) isn't, $(b,b) is
copied over to $(b,a) in the source tree. The idea behind this is that
you might use $(b,(diff file.expected file.generated)) and then call
$(b,jbuilder promote) to promote the generated file.
; `Blocks help_secs
] in
let go common =
set_common common ~targets:[];
Action.Promotion.promote_files_registered_in_last_run ()
( Term.(const go
$ common)
, "promote" ~doc ~man )
let all =
[ installed_libraries
; external_lib_deps
@ -1100,6 +1107,7 @@ let all =
; subst
; rules
; utop
; promote
let default =

View File

@ -16,5 +16,5 @@
(run bash ${} ${bin:jbuilder})))
((name jbuild)
(action (promote ( as
((name runtest)
(action (diff

View File

@ -53,6 +53,15 @@
((section man)
(files (jbuilder-installed-libraries.1))))
((targets (jbuilder-promote.1))
(action (with-stdout-to ${@}
(run ${bin:jbuilder} promote --help=groff)))))
((section man)
(files (jbuilder-promote.1))))
((targets (jbuilder-rules.1))
(action (with-stdout-to ${@}

View File

@ -555,15 +555,15 @@ For instance:
(rule (with-stdout-to (run ./gen-jbuild.exe)))
((name jbuild)
(action (promote ( as
((name runtest)
(action (diff
With this jbuild file, running jbuilder as follow will replace the
```` file in the source tree by the generated one:
.. code:: shell
$ jbuilder build @jbuild
$ jbuilder build @runtest --auto-promote
Common items
@ -1014,13 +1014,12 @@ The following constructions are available:
and ``cmd`` on Windows
- ``(bash <cmd>)`` to execute a command using ``/bin/bash``. This is obviously
not very portable
- ``(promote <files-to-promote>)`` copy generated files to the source
tree. See `Promotion`_ for more details
- ``(promote-if <files-to-promote>)`` is the same as ``(promote
<files-to-promote>)`` except that a form ``(<a> as <b>)`` is ignored
when ``<a>`` doesn't exists. Additionally, ``<a>`` won't be copied
if ``<b>`` doesn't already exist. This can be used with command that
only produce a correction when differences are found
- ``(diff <file1> <file2>)`` is similar to ``(run diff <file1>
<file2>)`` but is better and allows promotion. See `Diffing and
promotion`_ for more details
- ``(diff? <file1> <file2>)`` is the same as ``(diff <file1>
<file2>)`` except that it is ignored when ``<file1>`` or ``<file2>``
doesn't exists
As mentioned ``copy#`` inserts a line directive at the beginning of
the destination file. More precisely, it inserts the following line:
@ -1138,37 +1137,69 @@ is global to all build contexts, simply use an absolute filename:
.. _ocaml-syntax:
Diffing and promotion
``(diff <file1> <file2>)`` is very similar to ``(run diff <file1>
<file2>)``. In particular it behaves in the same way:
- when ``<file1>`` and ``<file2>`` are equal, it doesn't nothing
- when they are not, the differences are shown and the action fails
However, it is different for the following reason:
- the exact command used to diff files can be configured via the
``--diff-command`` command line argument. Note that it is only
called when the files are not byte equals
- by default, it will use ``patdiff`` if it is installed. ``patdiff``
is a better diffing program. You can install it via opam with:
.. code:: sh
$ opam install patdiff
- since ``(diff a b)`` is a builtin action, Jbuilder knowns that ``a``
and ``b`` are needed and so you don't need to specify them
explicitly as dependencies
- you can use ``(diff? a b)`` after a command that might or might not
produce ``b``. For cases where commands optionally produce a
*corrected* file
- it allows promotion. See below
The ``(promote (<file1> as <file2>) (<file3> as <file4>) ...)`` and
``(promote-if (<file1> as <file2>) (<file3> as <file4>) ...)`` actions
can be used to copy generated files to the source tree.
Whenever an action ``(diff <file1> <file2>)`` or ``(diff? <file1>
<file2>)`` fails because the two files are different, jbuilder allows
you to promote ``<file2>`` as ``<file1>`` if ``<file1>`` is a source
file and ``<file2>`` is a generated file.
This method is used when one wants to commit a generated file that is
independent of the systems where it is generated. Typically this can
be used to:
More precisely, let's consider the following jbuild file:
- cut dependencies and/or speed up the build in release mode: we use
the file in the source tree rather than re-generate it
- support bootstrap cycles
- simplify the review when the generated code is easier to review than
the generator
.. code:: scheme
How jbuilder interprets promotions can be controlled using the
``--promote`` command line argument. The following behaviors are
(with-stdout-to data.out (run ./test.exe)))
- ``--promote copy``: when the two files given in a ``(<a> as <b>)``
form are different, jbuilder prints a diff and copies ``<a>`` to
``<b>`` directly in the source
tree. This is the default
- ``--promote check``: Jbuilder just checks that the two files are
equal and print a diff when there are not
- ``--promote ignore``: ``promote`` actions are simply ignored
((name runtest)
(action (diff data.expected data.out))))
Note that ``-p/--for-release-of-packages`` implies ``--promote
Where ``data.expected`` is a file committed in the source
repository. You can use the following workflow to update your test:
- update the code of your test
- run ``jbuilder runtest``. The diff action will fail and a diff will
be printed
- check the diff to make sure it is what you expect
- run ``jbuilder promote``. This will copy the generated ``data.out``
file to ``data.expected`` directly in the source tree
You can also use ``jbuilder runtest --auto-promote`` which will
automatically do the promotion.
OCaml syntax

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ module Outputs = struct
| Outputs -> "outputs"
module Promote_mode = Action_intf.Promote_mode
module type Sexpable = sig
type t
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
@ -31,14 +29,6 @@ module Make_ast
include Ast
let promoted_file sexp =
match sexp with
| List (_, [src; Atom (_, "as"); dst]) ->
{ Promote. src = Path.t src; dst = Path.t dst }
| _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp
"(<file1> as <file2>) expected"
let rec t sexp =
let path = Path.t and string = String.t in
@ -69,16 +59,13 @@ struct
; cstr "system" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> System cmd)
; cstr "bash" (string @> nil) (fun cmd -> Bash cmd)
; cstr "write-file" (path @> string @> nil) (fun fn s -> Write_file (fn, s))
; cstr_rest "promote" nil promoted_file
(fun files -> Promote { mode = Always; files })
; cstr_rest "promote-if" nil promoted_file
(fun files -> Promote { mode = If_corrected_file_exists; files })
; cstr "diff" (path @> path @> nil)
(fun file1 file2 -> Diff { optional = false; file1; file2 })
; cstr "diff?" (path @> path @> nil)
(fun file1 file2 -> Diff { optional = true ; file1; file2 })
let sexp_of_promoted_file (file : Promote.file) =
Sexp.List [Path.sexp_of_t file.src; Atom "as"; Path.sexp_of_t file.dst]
let rec sexp_of_t : _ -> Sexp.t =
let path = Path.sexp_of_t and string = String.sexp_of_t in
@ -110,10 +97,10 @@ struct
| Remove_tree x -> List [Atom "remove-tree"; path x]
| Mkdir x -> List [Atom "mkdir"; path x]
| Digest_files paths -> List [Atom "digest-files"; List ( paths ~f:path)]
| Promote { mode = Always; files } ->
List (Atom "promote" :: files ~f:sexp_of_promoted_file)
| Promote { mode = If_corrected_file_exists; files } ->
List (Atom "promote-if" :: files ~f:sexp_of_promoted_file)
| Diff { optional = false; file1; file2 } ->
List [Atom "diff"; path file1; path file2]
| Diff { optional = true; file1; file2 } ->
List [Atom "diff?"; path file1; path file2]
let run prog args = Run (prog, args)
let chdir path t = Chdir (path, t)
@ -137,8 +124,7 @@ struct
let remove_tree path = Remove_tree path
let mkdir path = Mkdir path
let digest_files files = Digest_files files
let promote files = Promote { mode = Always; files }
let promote_if files = Promote { mode = If_corrected_file_exists; files }
let diff ?(optional=false) file1 file2 = Diff { optional; file1; file2 }
module Make_mapper
@ -172,12 +158,8 @@ module Make_mapper
| Remove_tree x -> Remove_tree (f_path x)
| Mkdir x -> Mkdir (f_path x)
| Digest_files x -> Digest_files ( x ~f:f_path)
| Promote p ->
let files = p.files ~f:(fun { Src.Promote. src; dst } ->
{ Dst.Promote.src = f_path src; dst = f_path dst })
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
Diff { optional; file1 = f_path file1; file2 = f_path file2 }
module Prog = struct
@ -424,15 +406,11 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
| Digest_files x ->
Digest_files ( x ~f:(E.path ~dir ~f))
| Promote p ->
let files = p.files ~f:(fun { Promote.src; dst } ->
{ Unresolved.Promote.
src = E.path ~dir ~f src
; dst = Path.drop_build_context (E.path ~dir ~f dst)
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
Diff { optional
; file1 = E.path ~dir ~f file1
; file2 = E.path ~dir ~f file2
module E = struct
@ -534,15 +512,11 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
Mkdir res
| Digest_files x ->
Digest_files ( x ~f:(E.path ~dir ~f))
| Promote p ->
let files = p.files ~f:(fun { Promote.src; dst } ->
{ Partial.Promote.
src = E.path ~dir ~f src
; dst = E.path ~dir ~f dst
Promote { mode = p.mode; files }
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
Diff { optional
; file1 = E.path ~dir ~f file1
; file2 = E.path ~dir ~f file2
let fold_one_step t ~init:acc ~f =
@ -565,7 +539,7 @@ let fold_one_step t ~init:acc ~f =
| Remove_tree _
| Mkdir _
| Digest_files _
| Promote _ -> acc
| Diff _ -> acc
include Make_mapper(Ast)(Ast)
@ -597,6 +571,89 @@ let get_std_output : _ -> Future.std_output_to = function
| None -> Terminal
| Some (fn, oc) -> Opened_file { filename = fn; tail = false; desc = Channel oc }
module Promotion = struct
module File = struct
type t =
{ src : Path.t
; dst : Path.t
let t = function
| Sexp.Ast.List (_, [src; Atom (_, "as"); dst]) ->
{ src = Path.t src
; dst = Path.t dst
| sexp ->
Sexp.Of_sexp.of_sexp_errorf sexp "(<file> as <file>) expected"
let sexp_of_t { src; dst } =
Sexp.List [Path.sexp_of_t src; Atom "as"; Path.sexp_of_t dst]
let db : t list ref = ref []
let register t = db := t :: !db
let promote { src; dst } =
Format.eprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
~src:(Path.to_string src)
~dst:(Path.to_string dst)
let db_file = "_build/.to-promote"
let dump_db db =
if Sys.file_exists "_build" then begin
match db with
| [] -> if Sys.file_exists db_file then Sys.remove db_file
| l ->
Io.write_file db_file
(String.concat ~sep:""
( l ~f:(fun x -> Sexp.to_string (File.sexp_of_t x) ^ "\n")))
let load_db () =
if Sys.file_exists db_file then
Sexp.load ~fname:db_file ~mode:Many
|> ~f:File.t
let group_by_targets db = db ~f:(fun { File. src; dst } ->
(dst, src))
|> Path.Map.of_alist_multi
(* Sort the list of possible sources for deterministic behavior *)
|> ~f:(List.sort
let do_promote db =
let by_targets = group_by_targets db in
Path.Map.iter by_targets ~f:(fun ~key:dst ~data:srcs ->
match srcs with
| [] -> assert false
| src :: others ->
File.promote { src; dst };
List.iter others ~f:(fun path ->
Format.eprintf " -> ignored %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)))
let finalize () =
let db =
if !Clflags.auto_promote then
(do_promote !File.db; [])
dump_db db
let promote_files_registered_in_last_run () =
let db = load_db () in
do_promote db;
dump_db []
type exec_context =
{ context : Context.t option
; purpose : Future.purpose
@ -688,7 +745,7 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
| Copy_and_add_line_directive (src, dst) ->
Io.with_file_in (Path.to_string src) ~f:(fun ic ->
Io.with_file_out (Path.to_string dst) ~f:(fun oc ->
let fn = Path.drop_build_context src in
let fn = Path.drop_optional_build_context src in
let directive =
if List.mem (Path.extension fn) ~set:[".c"; ".cpp"; ".h"] then
@ -736,37 +793,24 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
(Marshal.to_string data [])
exec_echo stdout_to s
| Promote { mode; files } ->
let promote_mode = !Clflags.promote_mode in
if promote_mode = Ignore then
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
if (optional && not (Path.exists file1 && Path.exists file2)) ||
Io.read_file (Path.to_string file1) = Io.read_file (Path.to_string file2) then
return ()
else begin
let files =
match mode with
| Always -> files
| If_corrected_file_exists ->
List.filter files ~f:(fun file -> Path.exists file.Promote.src)
let is_copied_from_source_tree file =
match Path.drop_build_context file with
| None -> false
| Some file -> Path.exists file
let not_ok =
List.filter files ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
let src_contents = Io.read_file (Path.to_string src) in
let dst_contents = Io.read_file (Path.to_string dst) in
src_contents <> dst_contents)
match not_ok with
| [] -> return ()
| _ ->
if promote_mode = Copy then
Future.Scheduler.at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands (fun () ->
List.iter not_ok ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
if mode = Always || Path.exists dst then begin
Format.eprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
Io.copy_file ~src:(Path.to_string src) ~dst:(Path.to_string dst)
Future.all_unit ( not_ok ~f:(fun { Promote. src; dst } ->
Diff.print dst src))
if is_copied_from_source_tree file1 &&
not (is_copied_from_source_tree file2) then begin
{ src = file2
; dst = Option.value_exn (Path.drop_build_context file1)
Print_diff.print file1 file2
and redirect outputs fn t ~ectx ~dir ~env_extra ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
@ -832,13 +876,6 @@ module Infer = struct
open Outcome
let infer_promote mode files ~init ~f =
if mode = Promote_mode.If_corrected_file_exists ||
!Clflags.promote_mode = Ignore then
List.fold_left files ~init ~f
let ( +@ ) acc fn = { acc with targets = S.add fn acc.targets }
let ( +< ) acc fn = { acc with deps = S.add fn acc.deps }
@ -858,8 +895,8 @@ module Infer = struct
| Ignore (_, t) -> infer acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:infer
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file -> acc +< file.Promote.src)
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
if optional then acc else acc +< file1 +< file2
| Echo _
| System _
| Bash _
@ -901,9 +938,8 @@ module Infer = struct
| Ignore (_, t) -> partial acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:partial
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<?)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file ->
acc +<? file.Unexpanded.Partial.Promote.src)
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
if optional then acc else acc +<? file1 +<? file2
| Echo _
| System _
| Bash _
@ -931,9 +967,8 @@ module Infer = struct
| Ignore (_, t) -> partial_with_all_targets acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:partial_with_all_targets
| Digest_files l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:(+<?)
| Promote { mode; files } ->
infer_promote mode files ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc file ->
acc +<? file.Unexpanded.Partial.Promote.src)
| Diff { optional; file1; file2 } ->
if optional then acc else acc +<? file1 +<? file2
| Echo _
| System _
| Bash _

View File

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ end
module Outputs : module type of struct include Action_intf.Outputs end
module Promote_mode = Action_intf.Promote_mode
(** result of the lookup of a program, the path to it or information about the
failure and possibly a hint how to fix it *)
module Prog : sig
@ -38,11 +36,10 @@ include Action_intf.Ast
with type string := string
include Action_intf.Helpers
with type program := Prog.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
with type promote_file := Promote.file
with type t := t
with type program := Prog.t
with type path := Path.t
with type string := string
with type t := t
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t
@ -130,3 +127,21 @@ module Infer : sig
(** If [all_targets] is [true] and a target cannot be determined statically, fail *)
val partial : all_targets:bool -> Unexpanded.Partial.t -> Outcome.t
module Promotion : sig
module File : sig
type t =
{ src : Path.t
; dst : Path.t
(** Register a file to promote *)
val register : t -> unit
(** Promote all registered files if [!Clflags.auto_promote]. Otherwise dump the list of
registered files to [_build/.to-promote]. *)
val finalize : unit -> unit
val promote_files_registered_in_last_run : unit -> unit

View File

@ -5,23 +5,18 @@ module Outputs = struct
| Outputs (** Both Stdout and Stderr *)
module Promote_mode = struct
type t =
| If_corrected_file_exists
| Always
module type Ast = sig
type program
type path
type string
module Promote : sig
module Diff : sig
type file = { src : path; dst : path }
type t =
{ mode : Promote_mode.t
; files : file list
{ optional : bool
; file1 : path
; file2 : path
@ -44,7 +39,7 @@ module type Ast = sig
| Remove_tree of path
| Mkdir of path
| Digest_files of path list
| Promote of Promote.t
| Diff of Diff.t
module type Helpers = sig
@ -52,7 +47,6 @@ module type Helpers = sig
type path
type string
type t
type promote_file
val run : program -> string list -> t
val chdir : path -> t -> t
@ -76,6 +70,5 @@ module type Helpers = sig
val remove_tree : path -> t
val mkdir : path -> t
val digest_files : path list -> t
val promote : promote_file list -> t
val promote_if : promote_file list -> t
val diff : ?optional:bool -> Path.t -> Path.t -> t

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let is_standard = function
| _ -> false
let dep_rec ~loc ~file_tree t =
let path = Path.parent (Fq_name.path |> Path.drop_build_context in
let path = Path.parent (Fq_name.path |> Path.drop_optional_build_context in
let name = Path.basename (Fq_name.path in
match File_tree.find_dir file_tree path with
| None -> { fail = fun () ->

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module Internal_rule = struct
| None ->
(Path.drop_build_context (Path.relative dir "jbuild")))
(Path.drop_optional_build_context (Path.relative dir "jbuild")))
module File_kind = struct
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ let add_spec t fn spec ~copy_source =
| Yes _ -> assert false
| Not_possible ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Delete file %s to get rid of this warning."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted (Path.drop_build_context fn))
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted (Path.drop_optional_build_context fn))
| No ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"To keep the current behavior and get rid of this warning, add a field \
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ let create ~contexts ~file_tree ~rules =
Pset.elements set
|> ~f:(fun p -> sprintf "- %s"
(Path.drop_build_context p)))
(Path.drop_optional_build_context p)))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n"
in (Internal_rule.loc rule ~dir:(Path.parent (Pset.choose leftover_targets)))
@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ The following targets are not:
at_exit (fun () -> dump_trace t);
Future.Scheduler.at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands Action.Promotion.finalize;
let remove_old_artifacts t =

View File

@ -11,21 +11,4 @@ let external_lib_deps_hint = ref []
let capture_outputs = ref true
let debug_backtraces = ref false
let diff_command = ref None
module Promote_mode = struct
type t =
| Ignore
| Check
| Copy
let to_string = function
| Ignore -> "ignore"
| Check -> "check"
| Copy -> "copy"
let of_string = function
| "ignore" -> Some Ignore
| "check" -> Some Check
| "copy" -> Some Copy
| _ -> None
let promote_mode = ref Promote_mode.Copy
let auto_promote = ref false

View File

@ -39,15 +39,5 @@ val debug_backtraces : bool ref
(** Command to use to diff things *)
val diff_command : string option ref
module Promote_mode : sig
type t =
| Ignore (** We ignore 'promote' stanzas and actions *)
| Check (** Just check for equality *)
| Copy (** If the correction is different,
copy the file to the source tree *)
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t option
val promote_mode : Promote_mode.t ref
(** Automatically promote files *)
val auto_promote : bool ref

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
open Import
let ( >>= ) = Future.( >>= )
let print file1 file2 =
let loc = Loc.in_file (Path.to_string file1) in
let fallback () =
die "%aFiles \"%s\" and \"%s\" differ." Loc.print loc
(Path.to_string file1) (Path.to_string file2)
let normal_diff () =
match Bin.which "diff" with
| None -> fallback ()
| Some prog ->
Format.eprintf "%a@?" Loc.print loc; Strict (Path.to_string prog)
["-u"; Path.to_string file1; Path.to_string file2]
>>= fun () ->
die "diff reported no differences on \"%s\" and \"%s\""
(Path.to_string file1) (Path.to_string file2)
match !Clflags.diff_command with
| Some cmd ->
let sh, arg = Utils.system_shell_exn ~needed_to:"print diffs" in
let q fn = Filename.quote (Path.to_string fn) in
let cmd = sprintf "%s %s %s" cmd (q file1) (q file2) in Strict (Path.to_string sh) [arg; cmd]
>>= fun () ->
die "command reported no differences: %s" cmd
| None ->
match Bin.which "patdiff" with
| None -> normal_diff ()
| Some prog -> Strict (Path.to_string prog)
[ "-keep-whitespace"
; "-location-style"; "omake"
; "-unrefined"
; Path.to_string file1
; Path.to_string file2
>>= fun () ->
(* Use "diff" if "patdiff" reported no differences *)
normal_diff ()

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
- external library %S is required in %s\n\
This cannot work.\n"
(Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:(Path.drop_build_context defined_locally_in))
(Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:(Path.drop_optional_build_context defined_locally_in))
(Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:required_locally_in);

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =
| Lib.Internal (path, _) ->
let spath =
Path.drop_build_context path
Path.drop_optional_build_context path
|> Path.reach ~from:remaindir
let bpath = Path.reach path ~from:remaindir in

View File

@ -378,6 +378,9 @@ let extract_build_context_dir t =
let drop_build_context t = (extract_build_context t) ~f:snd
let drop_optional_build_context t =
match extract_build_context t with
| None -> t
| Some (_, t) -> t

View File

@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ val extract_build_context : t -> (string * t) option
val extract_build_context_dir : t -> (t * t) option
(** Drop the "_build/blah" prefix *)
val drop_build_context : t -> t
val drop_build_context : t -> t option
(** Drop the "_build/blah" prefix if present, return [t] otherwise *)
val drop_optional_build_context : t -> t
val is_in_build_dir : t -> bool

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
open Import
let ( >>= ) = Future.( >>= )
let print path1 path2 =
let dir, file1, file2 =
Path.extract_build_context_dir path1,
Path.extract_build_context_dir path2
| Some (dir1, f1), Some (dir2, f2) when dir1 = dir2 ->
(Path.to_string dir1, Path.to_string f1, Path.to_string f2)
| _ ->
(".", Path.to_string path1, Path.to_string path2)
let loc = Loc.in_file file1 in
let fallback () =
die "%aFiles %s and %s differ." Loc.print loc
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path1)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path2)
let normal_diff () =
match Bin.which "diff" with
| None -> fallback ()
| Some prog ->
Format.eprintf "%a@?" Loc.print loc; ~dir Strict (Path.to_string prog)
["-u"; file1; file2]
>>= fun () ->
fallback ()
match !Clflags.diff_command with
| Some cmd ->
let sh, arg = Utils.system_shell_exn ~needed_to:"print diffs" in
let cmd =
sprintf "%s %s %s" cmd (quote_for_shell file1) (quote_for_shell file2)
in ~dir Strict (Path.to_string sh) [arg; cmd]
>>= fun () ->
die "command reported no differences: %s"
(if dir = "." then
sprintf "cd %s && %s" (quote_for_shell dir) cmd)
| None ->
match Bin.which "patdiff" with
| None -> normal_diff ()
| Some prog -> ~dir Strict (Path.to_string prog)
[ "-keep-whitespace"
; "-location-style"; "omake"
; "-unrefined"
; file1
; file2
>>= fun () ->
(* Use "diff" if "patdiff" reported no differences *)
normal_diff ()

View File

@ -924,10 +924,9 @@ module PP = struct
[ build
; Build.return
[{ src = Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".ppx-corrected"
; dst = Path.drop_build_context fn
(A.diff ~optional:true
(Path.extend_basename fn ~suffix:".ppx-corrected")
let lint_module sctx ~(source : Module.t) ~(ast : Module.t) ~dir

View File

@ -11,21 +11,30 @@
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/redirections)))
(chdir test-cases/redirections
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/misc)))
(chdir test-cases/misc
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/github20)))
(chdir test-cases/github20
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest-js)
@ -34,21 +43,29 @@
(chdir test-cases/js_of_ocaml
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(setenv NODE ${bin:node}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)))))))
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected))))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/github24)))
(chdir test-cases/github24
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/menhir)))
(chdir test-cases/menhir
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
@ -56,123 +73,177 @@
(chdir test-cases/github25/root
(setenv OCAMLPATH ../findlib-packages
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected))))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/lib-available)))
(chdir test-cases/lib-available
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/copy_files)))
(chdir test-cases/copy_files
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/aliases)))
(chdir test-cases/aliases
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/force-test)))
(chdir test-cases/force-test
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/meta-gen)))
(chdir test-cases/meta-gen
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/exec-cmd)))
(chdir test-cases/exec-cmd
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/ocaml-syntax)))
(chdir test-cases/ocaml-syntax
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/gen-opam-install-file)))
(chdir test-cases/gen-opam-install-file
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/reason)))
(chdir test-cases/reason
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/odoc)))
(chdir test-cases/odoc
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/select)))
(chdir test-cases/select
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/multiple-private-libs)))
(chdir test-cases/multiple-private-libs
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/ppx-rewriter)))
(chdir test-cases/ppx-rewriter
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} -ocamlv ${ocaml_version} -skip-versions 4.02.3 run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/utop)))
(chdir test-cases/utop
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/c-stubs)))
(chdir test-cases/c-stubs
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/cross-compilation)))
(chdir test-cases/cross-compilation
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((files_recursively_in test-cases/promote)))
(chdir test-cases/promote
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder} (run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t))))))
(setenv JBUILDER ${bin:jbuilder}
(run ${exe:cram.exe} run.t)
(diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))))

View File

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
((name blah)
(action (promote (x.gen as x)))))
(action (diff x x.gen))))

View File

@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
$ echo titi > x
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah --promote check
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah 2>&1 | sed 's/.*false.*/DIFF/'
sh (internal) (exit 1)
/usr/bin/sh -c 'false '\''x'\'' '\''_build/default/x.gen'\'''
$ cat x
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah --promote ignore
$ $JBUILDER promote --root .
Promoting _build/default/x.gen to x.
$ cat x
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah
$ cat x
$ echo titi > x
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah --auto-promote 2>&1 | sed 's/.*false.*/DIFF/'
sh (internal) (exit 1)
/usr/bin/sh -c 'false '\''x'\'' '\''_build/default/x.gen'\'''
Promoting _build/default/x.gen to x.
$ cat x
$ $JBUILDER build --root . -j1 --diff-command false @blah
$ cat x

View File

@ -1,43 +1,4 @@
open StdLabels
module Print_diff = struct
let patdiff_cmd ~use_color =
let args =
List.concat [
["-location-style omake"];
(if use_color then ["-unrefined"] else ["-ascii"]);
String.concat ~sep:" " ("patdiff" :: args)
let print ?diff_command ?(use_color=false) ~file1 ~file2 () =
let exec cmd =
let cmd =
Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s 1>&2" cmd (Filename.quote file1) (Filename.quote file2)
match Sys.command cmd with
| 0 -> true
| 1 -> false
| n -> Printf.eprintf "%S exited with code %d\n" cmd n; exit 2
match diff_command with
| Some s -> ignore (exec s : bool)
| None ->
let has_patdiff =
let dev_null = if Sys.win32 then "nul" else "/dev/null" in
Printf.ksprintf Sys.command "patdiff -version > %s 2> %s"
dev_null dev_null = 0
if has_patdiff then begin
if exec (patdiff_cmd ~use_color) then begin
(* Use "diff" if "patdiff" reported no differences *)
Printf.eprintf "File \"%s\", line 1, characters 0-0:\n%!" file1;
ignore (exec "diff -u" : bool);
end else
ignore (exec "diff -u" : bool)
open! StdLabels
let read_file file =
let ic = open_in_bin file in
@ -58,33 +19,11 @@ let run_expect_test file ~f =
let expected = f file_contents lexbuf in
(* Temporary hack, if we are in the default context, put the .corrected in the source
tree: *)
let concat a b =
match b with
| ".." -> Filename.dirname a
| "." -> a
| _ -> Filename.concat a b
let rec loop path after =
let basename = Filename.basename path in
if basename = "_build" then
match after with
| "default" :: after ->
List.fold_left after ~init:(Filename.dirname path) ~f:concat
| _ ->
List.fold_left after ~init:path ~f:concat
loop (Filename.dirname path) (basename :: after)
let file = loop (Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) file) [] in
let corrected_file = file ^ ".corrected" in
if file_contents <> expected then begin
let oc = open_out_bin corrected_file in
output_string oc expected;
close_out oc;
Print_diff.print () ~file1:file ~file2:corrected_file;
exit 1
end else begin
if Sys.file_exists corrected_file then Sys.remove corrected_file;
exit 0

View File

@ -15,32 +15,47 @@
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/src/*.cmi)
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/vendor/re/*.cmi)
(files_recursively_in findlib-db)))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT} (run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})))))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT}
(run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})
(diff? ${<} ${<}.corrected))))))
((name runtest)
(deps (filename.mlt
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/src/*.cmi)
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/vendor/re/*.cmi)))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT} (run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})))))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT}
(run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})
(diff? ${<} ${<}.corrected))))))
((name runtest)
(deps (import_dot_map.mlt
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/src/*.cmi)
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/vendor/re/*.cmi)))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT} (run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})))))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT}
(run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})
(diff? ${<} ${<}.corrected))))))
((name runtest)
(deps (action.mlt
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/src/*.cmi)
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/vendor/re/*.cmi)))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT} (run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})))))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT}
(run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})
(diff? ${<} ${<}.corrected))))))
((name runtest)
(deps (path.mlt
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/src/*.cmi)
(glob_files ${SCOPE_ROOT}/vendor/re/*.cmi)))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT} (run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})))))
(action (chdir ${SCOPE_ROOT}
(run ${exe:expect_test.exe} ${<})
(diff? ${<} ${<}.corrected))))))