
- use the new s-expression parsing API
- simplify the types and the parsing

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-06-28 09:53:30 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent f9f5503e81
commit af6f003d13
3 changed files with 91 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Ast = struct
type unexpanded = Unexpanded
type ('a, _) t =
| Element : 'a -> ('a, _) t
| Special : Loc.t * string -> ('a, _) t
| Standard : ('a, _) t
| Union : ('a, 'b) t list -> ('a, 'b) t
| Diff : ('a, 'b) t * ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
| Include : String_with_vars.t -> ('a, unexpanded) t
@ -15,51 +15,75 @@ end
type 'ast generic =
{ ast : 'ast
; loc : Loc.t option
; context: Univ_map.t
; context : Univ_map.t (* Parsing context for Sexp.Of_sexp.parse *)
type ast_expanded = (Loc.t * string, Ast.expanded) Ast.t
type t = ast_expanded generic
let loc t = t.loc
let parse_general sexp ~f =
let rec of_sexp : Sexp.Ast.t -> _ = function
| Atom (loc, A "\\") -> loc "unexpected \\"
| (Atom (_, A "") | Quoted_string (_, _) | Template _ ) as t ->
Ast.Element (f t)
| Atom (loc, A s) as t ->
if s.[0] = ':' then
Special (loc, String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1))
Element (f t)
| List (_, sexps) -> of_sexps [] sexps
and of_sexps acc = function
| Atom (_, A "\\") :: sexps ->
Diff (Union (List.rev acc), of_sexps [] sexps)
| elt :: sexps ->
of_sexps (of_sexp elt :: acc) sexps
| [] -> Union (List.rev acc)
of_sexp sexp
module Parse = struct
open Stanza.Of_sexp
open Ast
let generic ~inc ~elt =
let open Stanza.Of_sexp in
let rec one () =
peek_exn >>= function
| Atom (loc, A "\\") -> loc "unexpected \\"
| (Atom (_, A "") | Quoted_string (_, _)) | Template _ ->
elt >>| fun x -> Element x
| Atom (loc, A s) -> begin
match s with
| ":standard" ->
junk >>> return Standard
| ":include" -> loc
"Invalid use of :include, should be: (:include <filename>)"
| _ when s.[0] = ':' -> loc "undefined symbol %s" s
| _ ->
elt >>| fun x -> Element x
| List (_, Atom (_, A ":include") :: _) -> inc
| List _ -> enter (many [])
and many acc =
peek >>= function
| None -> return (Union (List.rev acc))
| Some (Atom (_, A "\\")) ->
junk >>> many [] >>| fun to_remove ->
Diff (Union (List.rev acc), to_remove)
| Some _ ->
one () >>= fun x ->
many (x :: acc)
one ()
let with_include ~elt =
generic ~elt ~inc:(
sum [ ":include",
String_with_vars.t >>| fun s ->
Include s
let without_include ~elt =
generic ~elt ~inc:(
(loc >>= fun loc -> loc "(:include ...) is not allowed here"))
let t =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
context >>= fun context ->
raw >>| fun sexp ->
let ast =
parse_general sexp ~f:(function
| Template t -> no_templates t.loc "here"
| Atom (loc, A s) | Quoted_string (loc, s) -> (loc, s)
| List _ -> assert false)
{ ast
; loc = Some (Sexp.Ast.loc sexp)
; context
let open Stanza.Of_sexp in
get_all >>= fun context ->
located (Parse.without_include ~elt:(plain_string (fun ~loc s -> (loc, s))))
>>| fun (loc, ast) ->
{ ast; loc = Some loc; context }
let is_standard t =
match (t.ast : ast_expanded) with
| Ast.Special (_, "standard") -> true
| Ast.Standard -> true
| _ -> false
module type Value = sig
@ -101,18 +125,14 @@ module Make(Key : Key)(Value : Value with type key = Key.t) = struct
module Make(M : Named_values) = struct
let eval t ~parse ~special_values =
let eval t ~parse ~standard =
let rec of_ast (t : ast_expanded) =
let open Ast in
match t with
| Element (loc, s) ->
let x = parse ~loc s in
M.singleton x
| Special (loc, name) -> begin
match String.Map.find special_values name with
| Some x -> x
| None -> loc "undefined symbol %s" name
| Standard -> standard
| Union elts -> M.union ( elts ~f:of_ast)
| Diff (left, right) ->
let left = of_ast left in
@ -159,19 +179,17 @@ module Make(Key : Key)(Value : Value with type key = Key.t) = struct
if is_standard t then
standard (* inline common case *)
Ordered.eval t ~parse
~special_values:(String.Map.singleton "standard" standard)
Ordered.eval t ~parse ~standard
let eval_unordered t ~parse ~standard =
if is_standard t then
standard (* inline common case *)
Unordered.eval t ~parse
~special_values:(String.Map.singleton "standard" standard)
Unordered.eval t ~parse ~standard
let standard =
{ ast = Ast.Special (Loc.none, "standard")
{ ast = Ast.Standard
; loc = None
; context = Univ_map.empty
@ -179,55 +197,41 @@ let standard =
let field ?(default=standard) name = Sexp.Of_sexp.field name t ~default
module Unexpanded = struct
type ast = (Sexp.Ast.t, Ast.unexpanded) Ast.t
type ast = (String_with_vars.t, Ast.unexpanded) Ast.t
type t = ast generic
let t =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
context >>= fun context ->
raw >>| fun sexp ->
let rec map (t : (Sexp.Ast.t, Ast.expanded) Ast.t) =
let open Ast in
match t with
| Element x -> Element x
| Union [Special (_, "include"); Element fn] ->
Include (Sexp.Of_sexp.parse String_with_vars.t context fn)
| Union [Special (loc, "include"); _]
| Special (loc, "include") -> loc "(:include expects a single element (do you need to quote the filename?)"
| Special (l, s) -> Special (l, s)
| Union l ->
Union ( l ~f:map)
| Diff (l, r) ->
Diff (map l, map r)
{ ast = map (parse_general sexp ~f:(fun x -> x))
; loc = Some (Sexp.Ast.loc sexp)
let open Stanza.Of_sexp in
get_all >>= fun context ->
located (Parse.with_include ~elt:String_with_vars.t)
>>| fun (loc, ast) ->
{ ast
; loc = Some loc
; context
let sexp_of_t t =
let open Ast in
let rec loop : ast -> Sexp.t = function
| Element sexp -> Usexp.Ast.remove_locs sexp
| Special (_, s) -> Sexp.atom (":" ^ s)
| Element s -> String_with_vars.sexp_of_t s
| Standard -> Sexp.atom ":standard"
| Union l -> List ( l ~f:loop)
| Diff (a, b) -> List [loop a; Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "\\"; loop b]
| Include fn -> List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string ":include"
; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t fn
| Include fn ->
List [ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string ":include"
; String_with_vars.sexp_of_t fn
loop t.ast
let standard = standard
let field ?(default=standard) name = Sexp.Of_sexp.field name t ~default
let field ?(default=standard) name = Stanza.Of_sexp.field name t ~default
let files t ~f =
let rec loop acc (t : ast) =
let open Ast in
match t with
| Element _
| Special _ -> acc
| Element _ | Standard -> acc
| Include fn ->
String.Set.add acc (f fn)
| Union l ->
@ -246,7 +250,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let rec loop (t : ast) =
let open Ast in
match t with
| Special _ | Include _ -> true
| Standard | Include _ -> true
| Element _ -> false
| Union l ->
List.exists l ~f:loop
@ -261,11 +265,8 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let rec expand (t : ast) : ast_expanded =
let open Ast in
match t with
| Element s ->
Element ( Sexp.Ast.loc s
, f (Sexp.Of_sexp.parse String_with_vars.t context s)
| Special (l, s) -> Special (l, s)
| Element s -> Element (String_with_vars.loc s, f s)
| Standard -> Standard
| Include fn ->
let sexp =
let fn = f fn in
@ -279,9 +280,13 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
(String.Map.keys files_contents)
parse_general sexp ~f:(fun sexp ->
(Sexp.Ast.loc sexp,
f (Sexp.Of_sexp.parse String_with_vars.t context sexp)))
let open Stanza.Of_sexp in
~elt:(String_with_vars.t >>| fun s ->
(String_with_vars.loc s, f s)))
| Union l -> Union ( l ~f:expand)
| Diff (l, r) ->
Diff (expand l, expand r)

View File

@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
| Fields (_, _, uc) -> uc
let get key ctx state = (Univ_map.find (get_user_context ctx) key, state)
let context ctx state = (get_user_context ctx, state)
let get_all ctx state = (get_user_context ctx, state)
let set : type a b k. a Univ_map.Key.t -> a -> (b, k) parser -> (b, k) parser
= fun key v t ctx state ->

View File

@ -110,10 +110,9 @@ module Of_sexp : sig
(** Access to the context *)
val get : 'a Univ_map.Key.t -> ('a option, _) parser
val set : 'a Univ_map.Key.t -> 'a -> ('b, 'k) parser -> ('b, 'k) parser
val get_all : (Univ_map.t, _) parser
val set_many : Univ_map.t -> ('a, 'k) parser -> ('a, 'k) parser
val context : (Univ_map.t, _) parser
(** Return the location of the list currently being parsed. *)
val loc : (Loc.t, _) parser