Update the manual

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-03-06 14:23:15 +00:00
parent da43937663
commit a90b436020
2 changed files with 58 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -155,3 +155,7 @@ between =jbuild_plugin= and =jbuilder=.
Note that =doc/jbuild= is an OCaml script. To simplify the bootstrap,
we should just convert it back to a static =jbuild= file.
** Support =(preprocess (action <DSL>))=
Support specifying preprocessor commands using the action DSL, for
improved portability.

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@ -716,50 +716,37 @@ is still interpreted in the same way as if it was passed to the =-pp=
option. In particular it is executed using the system shell (=sh= or
=cmd= depending on the OS). Note that you shouldn't make assumption
about where the command is run from, this is an implementation detail
of Jbuilder and might change in the Future.
of Jbuilder and might change in the Future. Eventually Jbuilder will
support =(action <action>)= using the same DSL as described in the
[[User actions][user actions section]].
=<ppx-rewriters-and-flags>= is expected to be a list where each
element is either a command line flag if starting with a =-= or the
name of a library. Libraries listed here should typically be libraries
implementing an OCaml AST rewriter and registering themselves as such.
Jbuilder will build a single executable by linking all these lbraries
and their dependencies. As such, the last library listed should
typically be a /runner/, i.e. a small library that executes all the
rewriting registered by the previous libraries on the AST given as
input. Note that it is important that such a runner library is built
with =(library_flag (-linkall))=, otherwise the OCaml compiler will
drop it as it will think that it is unused.
For instance, to use [[https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_driver][ppx_driver]] based ppx rewriters, you need to put
=ppx_driver.runner= as the last element:
name of a library. Additionnally, any sub-list will be treated as a
list of command line arguments. So for instance from the following
=preprocess= field:
#+begin_src scheme
(preprocess (pps (ppx_sexp_conv ppx_bin_prot ppx_driver.runner)))
(preprocess (pps (ppx1 -foo ppx2 (-bar 42))))
There is currently no driver that can be used for ppx rewriters that
are not based on ppx driver. See [[https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/issues/14][this ticket]] for more details.
The list of libraries will be =ppx1= and =ppx2= and the command line
arguments will be: =-foo -bar 42=.
****** Driver expectation
Libraries listed here should be libraries implementing an OCaml AST
rewriter and registering themselves using the
[[https://github.com/let-def/ocaml-migrate-parsetree][ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver API]].
Jbuilder will invoke the executable resulting from linking the
libraries given in the =(pps ...)= form as follow:
Jbuilder will build a single executable by linking all these lbraries
and their dependencies. Note that it is important that all these
libraries are linked with =-linkall=. Jbuilder automatically uses
=-linkall= when the =(kind ...)= field is set to =ppx_rewriter= or
#+begin_src sh
ppx.exe <flags-written-by-user> --dump-ast -o <output-file> <source-file>
Where =<source-file>= is either a =.ml= or =.mli= file. The command is
expected to write a binary OCaml AST in =<output-file>=.
Additionally, it is expected that if the executable is invoked with
=--as-ppx= as its first argument, then it will behave as a standard
ppx rewirter as passed to =-ppx= option of OCaml. This is for two
- to improve interoperability with build systems that Jbuilder
- so that it can be used with merlin
It is guaranteed that the last library in the list will be linked
last. You can use this feature to use a custom ppx driver. By default
Jbuilder will use =ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main=. See the
[[Using a custom ppx driver][section about using a custom ppx driver]] for more details.
****** Per module pre-processing specification
@ -1164,3 +1151,36 @@ Additionally, Jbuilder provides a simpler mechanism for this scheme:
just write or generate a =META.<package>.template= file containing a
line of the form =# JBUILDER_GEN=. Jbuilder will automatically insert
its generated =META= contents in place of this line.
** Using a custom ppx driver
You can use a custom ppx driver by putting it as the last library in
=(pps ...)= forms. An example of alternative driver is [[https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_driver][ppx_driver]]. To
use it instead of =ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver-main=, simply write
=ppx_driver.runner= as the last library:
#+begin_src scheme
(preprocess (pps (ppx_sexp_conv ppx_bin_prot ppx_driver.runner)))
****** Driver expectation
Jbuilder will invoke the executable resulting from linking the
libraries given in the =(pps ...)= form as follow:
#+begin_src sh
ppx.exe <flags-written-by-user> --dump-ast -o <output-file> [--impl|--intf] <source-file>
Where =<source-file>= is either an implementation (=.ml=) or interface
(=.mli=) OCaml source file. The command is expected to write a binary
OCaml AST in =<output-file>=.
Additionally, it is expected that if the executable is invoked with
=--as-ppx= as its first argument, then it will behave as a standard
ppx rewirter as passed to =-ppx= option of OCaml. This is for two
- to improve interoperability with build systems that Jbuilder
- so that it can be used with merlin