Update the package-dep test to test dependencies between packages

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-03-18 06:27:11 -04:00 committed by Rudi Grinberg
parent b5fad14f16
commit a729409fa7
3 changed files with 37 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,29 @@
(public_name foo)
(modules (foo))))
((name bar)
(public_name bar)
(libraries (foo))
(modules (bar))))
(with-stdout-to foo.ml
(echo "let x = 42")))
(with-stdout-to bar.ml
(echo "let x = string_of_int Foo.x")))
(with-stdout-to test.ml
(echo "let () = Printf.printf \"%d %s\" Foo.x Bar.x")))
((deps ((package bar)))
(targets (test.exe))
(action (run ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package bar -o test.exe test.ml))))
((name runtest)
(deps ((package foo)))
(action (echo "package foo"))))
(action (run ./test.exe))))

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@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
$ $JBUILDER runtest -j1 --display short --root .
ocamldep bar.ml.d
ocamldep foo.ml.d
ocamlc .foo.objs/foo.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlc .bar.objs/bar.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlc bar.cma
ocamlopt .foo.objs/foo.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt foo.{a,cmxa}
ocamlopt foo.cmxs
ocamlc foo.cma
package foo
ocamlopt .bar.objs/bar.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt bar.{a,cmxa}
ocamlopt bar.cmxs
ocamlfind test.exe (exit 2)
(cd _build/default && /Users/rgrinberg/.opam/4.05.0/bin/ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package bar -o test.exe test.ml)
ocamlfind: Package `foo' not found - required by `bar'