A bit more colors

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-02-24 11:28:30 +00:00
parent 03f788a0fa
commit a3cd58de5d
5 changed files with 13 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ let all =
let () =
Ansi_color.setup_err_formatter_colors ();
match Term.eval_choice (build_targets ~name:"jbuilder") all ~catch:false with
| `Error _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 0
with exn ->
Ansi_color.setup_err_formatter_colors ();
Format.eprintf "%a@?" (Main.report_error ?map_fname:None) exn;
exit 1

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@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ let setup_err_formatter_colors () =
| "loc" -> [Bold]
| "error" -> [Bold; Foreground Red]
| "warning" -> [Bold; Foreground Magenta]
| "kwd" -> [Bold; Foreground Blue]
| "id" -> [Bold; Foreground Yellow]
| "prompt" -> [Bold; Foreground Green]
| _ -> []))

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@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ val setup_env_for_ocaml_colors : unit Lazy.t
(** Strip colors in [not (Lazy.force stderr_supports_colors)] *)
val strip_colors_for_stderr : string -> string
(** Enable the interpretation of ["loc"], ["error"] and ["warning"] tags for
[Format.err_formatter] *)
(** Enable the interpretation of color tags for [Format.err_formatter] *)
val setup_err_formatter_colors : unit -> unit

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@ -235,13 +235,6 @@ module Scheduler = struct
let running = Hashtbl.create 128
let handle_process_status job (status : Unix.process_status) =
match status with
| WEXITED 0 -> ()
| WEXITED n -> die "Command [%d] exited with code %d" job.id n
| WSIGNALED n -> die "Command [%d] got killed by signal %d" job.id n
| WSTOPPED _ -> assert false
let process_done ?(exiting=false) job (status : Unix.process_status) =
Hashtbl.remove running job.pid;
let output =
@ -271,13 +264,15 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Printf.eprintf "Output[%d]:\n%s%!" job.id output;
Ivar.fill job.job.ivar ()
| WEXITED n ->
Printf.eprintf "\nCommand [%d] exited with code %d:\n$ %s\n%s%!"
Format.eprintf "\n@{<kwd>Command@} [@{<id>%d@}] exited with code %d:\n\
@{<prompt>$@} %s\n%s%!"
job.id n
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr job.command_line)
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr output);
die ""
Printf.eprintf "\nCommand [%d] got signal %d:\n$ %s\n%s%!"
Printf.eprintf "\n@{<kwd>Command@} [@{<id>%d@}] got signal %d:\n\
@{<prompt>$@} %s\n%s%!"
job.id n
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr job.command_line)
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr output);
@ -325,7 +320,7 @@ module Scheduler = struct
let id = gen_id () in
let command_line = command_line job in
if !Clflags.debug_run then
Printf.eprintf "Running[%d]: %s\n%!" id
Format.eprintf "@{<kwd>Running@}[@{<id>%d@}]: %s@." id
(Ansi_color.strip_colors_for_stderr command_line);
Option.iter job.dir ~f:(fun dir -> Sys.chdir dir);
let argv = Array.of_list (job.prog :: job.args) in

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@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
| Fatal_error msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize msg)
| Findlib.Package_not_found pkg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Findlib package %S not found.\n" pkg
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Findlib package %S not found.@}\n" pkg
| Code_error msg ->
let bt = Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string backtrace in
Format.fprintf ppf "Internal error, please report upstream.\n\
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Internal error, please report upstream.@}\n\
Description: %s\n\
%s" msg bt
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"File \"" then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\nBacktrace:\n%s" s bt
Format.fprintf ppf "Error: exception %s\nBacktrace:\n%s" s bt
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Error@}: exception %s\nBacktrace:\n%s" s bt
let report_error ?map_fname ppf exn =
match exn with