Move everything to Dsexp for now

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-08-21 19:08:38 +03:00
parent 4ba8f7d225
commit 9c9ea7c60a
10 changed files with 622 additions and 612 deletions

View File

@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ let update_universe t =
let n = let n =
if Path.exists universe_file then if Path.exists universe_file then
Sexp.Of_sexp.(parse int) Univ_map.empty Sexp.Of_sexp.(parse int) Univ_map.empty
(Dsexp.Io.load ~mode:Single universe_file) + 1 (Io.Dsexp.load ~mode:Single universe_file) + 1
else else
0 0
in in

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ let load_config_file p =
| None -> | None ->
parse (enter t) parse (enter t)
(Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key syntax) (0, 0)) (Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key syntax) (0, 0))
(Dsexp.Io.load p ~mode:Many_as_one ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token) (Io.Dsexp.load p ~mode:Many_as_one ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token)
| Some first_line -> | Some first_line ->
parse_contents lb first_line ~f:(fun _lang -> t)) parse_contents lb first_line ~f:(fun _lang -> t))

View File

@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ module Stanzas = struct
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted current_file); (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted current_file);
if List.exists include_stack ~f:(fun (_, f) -> Path.equal f current_file) then if List.exists include_stack ~f:(fun (_, f) -> Path.equal f current_file) then
raise (Include_loop (current_file, include_stack)); raise (Include_loop (current_file, include_stack));
let sexps = Dsexp.Io.load ~lexer current_file ~mode:Many in let sexps = Io.Dsexp.load ~lexer current_file ~mode:Many in
parse stanza_parser sexps ~lexer ~current_file ~include_stack parse stanza_parser sexps ~lexer ~current_file ~include_stack
| stanza -> [stanza]) | stanza -> [stanza])

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ end
Did you forgot to call [Jbuild_plugin.V*.send]?" Did you forgot to call [Jbuild_plugin.V*.send]?"
(Path.to_string file); (Path.to_string file);
Fiber.return Fiber.return
(Dsexp.Io.load generated_jbuild ~mode:Many (Io.Dsexp.load generated_jbuild ~mode:Many
~lexer:(File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.lexer kind) ~lexer:(File_tree.Dune_file.Kind.lexer kind)
|> Jbuild.parse ~dir ~file ~project ~kind ~ignore_promoted_rules)) |> Jbuild.parse ~dir ~file ~project ~kind ~ignore_promoted_rules))
>>| fun dynamic -> >>| fun dynamic ->

View File

@ -1,8 +1,605 @@
include Sexp include Usexp
module Io = struct module To_sexp = struct
let load ?lexer path ~mode = type nonrec 'a t = 'a -> t
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file path ~f:(Usexp.Parser.parse ~mode ?lexer) let unit () = List []
let string = Usexp.atom_or_quoted_string
let int n = Atom (Atom.of_int n)
let float f = Atom (Atom.of_float f)
let bool b = Atom (Atom.of_bool b)
let pair fa fb (a, b) = List [fa a; fb b]
let triple fa fb fc (a, b, c) = List [fa a; fb b; fc c]
let list f l = List ( l ~f)
let array f a = list f (Array.to_list a)
let option f = function
| None -> List []
| Some x -> List [f x]
let string_set set = list atom (String.Set.to_list set)
let string_map f map = list (pair atom f) (String.Map.to_list map)
let record l =
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) -> List [Atom(Atom.of_string n); v]))
let string_hashtbl f h =
string_map f
(Hashtbl.foldi h ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun key data acc ->
String.Map.add acc key data))
type field = string * Usexp.t option
let field name f ?(equal=(=)) ?default v =
match default with
| None -> (name, Some (f v))
| Some d ->
if equal d v then
(name, None)
(name, Some (f v))
let field_o name f v = (name, ~f v)
let record_fields (l : field list) =
List (List.filter_map l ~f:(fun (k, v) -> v ~f:(fun v -> List[Atom (Atom.of_string k); v])))
let unknown _ = unsafe_atom_of_string "<unknown>"
module Of_sexp = struct
type ast = Ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * Atom.t
| Quoted_string of Loc.t * string
| Template of Template.t
| List of Loc.t * ast list
type hint =
{ on: string
; candidates: string list
exception Of_sexp of Loc.t * string * hint option
let of_sexp_error ?hint loc msg =
raise (Of_sexp (loc, msg, hint))
let of_sexp_errorf ?hint loc fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> of_sexp_error loc ?hint msg) fmt
let no_templates ?hint loc fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg ->
of_sexp_error loc ?hint ("No variables allowed " ^ msg)) fmt
type unparsed_field =
{ values : Ast.t list
; entry : Ast.t
; prev : unparsed_field option (* Previous occurrence of this field *)
module Name = struct
type t = string
let compare a b =
let alen = String.length a and blen = String.length b in
match alen blen with
| Eq -> a b
| ne -> ne
module Name_map = Map.Make(Name)
type values = Ast.t list
type fields =
{ unparsed : unparsed_field Name_map.t
; known : string list
(* Arguments are:
- the location of the whole list
- the first atom when parsing a constructor or a field
- the universal map holding the user context
type 'kind context =
| Values : Loc.t * string option * Univ_map.t -> values context
| Fields : Loc.t * string option * Univ_map.t -> fields context
type ('a, 'kind) parser = 'kind context -> 'kind -> 'a * 'kind
type 'a t = ('a, values) parser
type 'a fields_parser = ('a, fields) parser
let return x _ctx state = (x, state)
let (>>=) t f ctx state =
let x, state = t ctx state in
f x ctx state
let (>>|) t f ctx state =
let x, state = t ctx state in
(f x, state)
let (>>>) a b ctx state =
let (), state = a ctx state in
b ctx state
let map t ~f = t >>| f
let try_ t f ctx state =
t ctx state
with exn ->
f exn ctx state
let get_user_context : type k. k context -> Univ_map.t = function
| Values (_, _, uc) -> uc
| Fields (_, _, uc) -> uc
let get key ctx state = (Univ_map.find (get_user_context ctx) key, state)
let get_all ctx state = (get_user_context ctx, state)
let set : type a b k. a Univ_map.Key.t -> a -> (b, k) parser -> (b, k) parser
= fun key v t ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Values (loc, cstr, Univ_map.add uc key v)) state
| Fields (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Fields (loc, cstr, Univ_map.add uc key v)) state
let set_many : type a k. Univ_map.t -> (a, k) parser -> (a, k) parser
= fun map t ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Values (loc, cstr, Univ_map.superpose uc map)) state
| Fields (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Fields (loc, cstr, Univ_map.superpose uc map)) state
let loc : type k. k context -> k -> Loc.t * k = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, _, _) -> (loc, state)
| Fields (loc, _, _) -> (loc, state)
let at_eos : type k. k context -> k -> bool = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> state = []
| Fields _ -> Name_map.is_empty state.unparsed
let eos ctx state = (at_eos ctx state, state)
let if_eos ~then_ ~else_ ctx state =
if at_eos ctx state then
then_ ctx state
else_ ctx state
let repeat : 'a t -> 'a list t =
let rec loop t acc ctx l =
match l with
| [] -> (List.rev acc, [])
| _ ->
let x, l = t ctx l in
loop t (x :: acc) ctx l
fun t ctx state -> loop t [] ctx state
let result : type a k. k context -> a * k -> a =
fun ctx (v, state) ->
match ctx with
| Values (_, cstr, _) -> begin
match state with
| [] -> v
| sexp :: _ ->
match cstr with
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "This value is unused"
| Some s ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "Too many argument for %s" s
| Fields _ -> begin
match Name_map.choose state.unparsed with
| None -> v
| Some (name, { entry; _ }) ->
let name_loc =
match entry with
| List (_, s :: _) -> Ast.loc s
| _ -> assert false
of_sexp_errorf ~hint:{ on = name; candidates = state.known }
name_loc "Unknown field %s" name
let parse t context sexp =
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc sexp, None, context) in
result ctx (t ctx [sexp])
let capture ctx state =
let f t =
result ctx (t ctx state)
(f, [])
let end_of_list (Values (loc, cstr, _)) =
match cstr with
| None ->
let loc = { loc with start = loc.stop } in
of_sexp_errorf loc "Premature end of list"
| Some s ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "Not enough arguments for %s" s
[@@inline never]
let next f ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: sexps -> (f sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let next_with_user_context f ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: sexps -> (f (get_user_context ctx) sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let peek _ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> (None, sexps)
| sexp :: _ -> (Some sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let peek_exn ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: _ -> (sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let junk = next ignore
let junk_everything : type k. (unit, k) parser = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> ((), [])
| Fields _ -> ((), { state with unparsed = Name_map.empty })
let keyword kwd =
next (function
| Atom (_, s) when Atom.to_string s = kwd -> ()
| sexp -> of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "'%s' expected" kwd)
let match_keyword l ~fallback =
peek >>= function
| Some (Atom (_, A s)) -> begin
match List.assoc l s with
| Some t -> junk >>> t
| None -> fallback
| _ -> fallback
let until_keyword kwd ~before ~after =
let rec loop acc =
peek >>= function
| None -> return (List.rev acc, None)
| Some (Atom (_, A s)) when s = kwd ->
junk >>> after >>= fun x ->
return (List.rev acc, Some x)
| _ ->
before >>= fun x ->
loop (x :: acc)
loop []
let plain_string f =
next (function
| Atom (loc, A s) | Quoted_string (loc, s) -> f ~loc s
| Template { loc ; _ } | List (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom or quoted string expected")
let enter t =
next_with_user_context (fun uc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (loc, l) ->
let ctx = Values (loc, None, uc) in
result ctx (t ctx l)
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp) "List expected")
let if_list ~then_ ~else_ =
peek_exn >>= function
| List _ -> then_
| _ -> else_
let if_paren_colon_form ~then_ ~else_ =
peek_exn >>= function
| List (_, Atom (loc, A s) :: _) when String.is_prefix s ~prefix:":" ->
let name = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1) in
(junk >>= fun () ->
then_ >>| fun f ->
f (loc, name))
| _ ->
let fix f =
let rec p = lazy (f r)
and r ast = (Lazy.force p) ast in
let loc_between_states : type k. k context -> k -> k -> Loc.t
= fun ctx state1 state2 ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> begin
match state1 with
| sexp :: rest when rest == state2 -> (* common case *)
Ast.loc sexp
| [] ->
let (Values (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
{ loc with start = loc.stop }
| sexp :: rest ->
let loc = Ast.loc sexp in
let rec search last l =
if l == state2 then
{ loc with stop = (Ast.loc last).stop }
match l with
| [] ->
let (Values (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
{ (Ast.loc sexp) with stop = loc.stop }
| sexp :: rest ->
search sexp rest
search sexp rest
| Fields _ ->
let parsed =
Name_map.merge state1.unparsed state2.unparsed
~f:(fun _key before after ->
match before, after with
| Some _, None -> before
| _ -> None)
Name_map.values parsed
|> ~f:(fun f -> Ast.loc f.entry)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun a b -> a.Loc.start.pos_cnum b.start.pos_cnum)
| [] ->
let (Fields (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
| first :: l ->
let last = List.fold_left l ~init:first ~f:(fun _ x -> x) in
{ first with stop = last.stop }
let located t ctx state1 =
let x, state2 = t ctx state1 in
((loc_between_states ctx state1 state2, x), state2)
let raw = next (fun x -> x)
let unit =
| List (_, []) -> ()
| sexp -> of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp) "() expected")
let basic desc f =
next (function
| Template { loc; _ } | List (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s expected" desc
| Atom (loc, s) ->
match f (Atom.to_string s) with
| Result.Error () ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s expected" desc
| Ok x -> x)
let string = plain_string (fun ~loc:_ x -> x)
let int =
basic "Integer" (fun s ->
match int_of_string s with
| x -> Ok x
| exception _ -> Result.Error ())
let float =
basic "Float" (fun s ->
match float_of_string s with
| x -> Ok x
| exception _ -> Result.Error ())
let pair a b =
(a >>= fun a ->
b >>= fun b ->
return (a, b))
let triple a b c =
(a >>= fun a ->
b >>= fun b ->
c >>= fun c ->
return (a, b, c))
let list t = enter (repeat t)
let array t = list t >>| Array.of_list
let option t =
(eos >>= function
| true -> return None
| false -> t >>| Option.some)
let string_set = list string >>| String.Set.of_list
let string_map t =
list (pair string t) >>= fun bindings ->
match String.Map.of_list bindings with
| Result.Ok x -> return x
| Error (key, _v1, _v2) ->
loc >>= fun loc ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "key %s present multiple times" key
let string_hashtbl t =
string_map t >>| fun map ->
let tbl = Hashtbl.create (String.Map.cardinal map + 32) in
String.Map.iteri map ~f:(Hashtbl.add tbl);
let find_cstr cstrs loc name ctx values =
match List.assoc cstrs name with
| Some t ->
result ctx (t ctx values)
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
~hint:{ on = name
; candidates = cstrs ~f:fst
"Unknown constructor %s" name
let sum cstrs =
next_with_user_context (fun uc sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom (loc, A s) ->
find_cstr cstrs loc s (Values (loc, Some s, uc)) []
| Template { loc; _ }
| Quoted_string (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| List (loc, []) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Non-empty list expected"
| List (loc, name :: args) ->
match name with
| Quoted_string (loc, _) | List (loc, _) | Template { loc; _ } ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| Atom (s_loc, A s) ->
find_cstr cstrs s_loc s (Values (loc, Some s, uc)) args)
let enum cstrs =
next (function
| Quoted_string (loc, _)
| Template { loc; _ }
| List (loc, _) -> of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| Atom (loc, A s) ->
match List.assoc cstrs s with
| Some value -> value
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
~hint:{ on = s
; candidates = cstrs ~f:fst
"Unknown value %s" s)
let bool = enum [ ("true", true); ("false", false) ]
let consume name state =
{ unparsed = Name_map.remove state.unparsed name
; known = name :: state.known
let add_known name state =
{ state with known = name :: state.known }
let map_validate t ~f ctx state1 =
let x, state2 = t ctx state1 in
match f x with
| Result.Ok x -> (x, state2)
| Error msg ->
let loc = loc_between_states ctx state1 state2 in
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s" msg
let field_missing loc name =
of_sexp_errorf loc "field %s missing" name
[@@inline never]
let field_present_too_many_times _ name entries =
match entries with
| _ :: second :: _ ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc second) "Field %S is present too many times"
| _ -> assert false
let multiple_occurrences ?(on_dup=field_present_too_many_times) uc name last =
let rec collect acc x =
let acc = x.entry :: acc in
match x.prev with
| None -> acc
| Some prev -> collect acc prev
on_dup uc name (collect [] last)
[@@inline never]
let find_single ?on_dup uc state name =
let res = Name_map.find state.unparsed name in
(match res with
| Some ({ prev = Some _; _ } as last) ->
multiple_occurrences uc name last ?on_dup
| _ -> ());
let field name ?default ?on_dup t (Fields (loc, _, uc)) state =
match find_single uc state name ?on_dup with
| Some { values; entry; _ } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
(x, consume name state)
| None ->
match default with
| Some v -> (v, add_known name state)
| None -> field_missing loc name
let field_o name ?on_dup t (Fields (_, _, uc)) state =
match find_single uc state name ?on_dup with
| Some { values; entry; _ } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
(Some x, consume name state)
| None ->
(None, add_known name state)
let field_b ?check ?on_dup name =
field name ~default:false ?on_dup
(Option.value check ~default:(return ()) >>= fun () ->
eos >>= function
| true -> return true
| _ -> bool)
let multi_field name t (Fields (_, _, uc)) state =
let rec loop acc field =
match field with
| None -> acc
| Some { values; prev; entry } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
loop (x :: acc) prev
let res = loop [] (Name_map.find state.unparsed name) in
(res, consume name state)
let fields t (Values (loc, cstr, uc)) sexps =
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name_map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (_, name_sexp :: values) -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, A name) ->
Name_map.add acc name
{ values
; entry = sexp
; prev = Name_map.find acc name
| List (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) | Template { loc; _ } ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| _ ->
of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp)
"S-expression of the form (<name> <values>...) expected")
let ctx = Fields (loc, cstr, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx { unparsed; known = [] }) in
(x, [])
let record t = enter (fields t)
type kind =
| Values of Loc.t * string option
| Fields of Loc.t * string option
let kind : type k. k context -> k -> kind * k
= fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, _) -> (Values (loc, cstr), state)
| Fields (loc, cstr, _) -> (Fields (loc, cstr), state)
module Let_syntax = struct
let ( $ ) f t =
f >>= fun f ->
t >>| fun t ->
f t
let const = return
end end
module type Sexpable = sig module type Sexpable = sig

View File

@ -249,3 +249,9 @@ module Of_sexp : sig
val const : 'a -> ('a, _) parser val const : 'a -> ('a, _) parser
end end
end end
module type Sexpable = sig
type t
val t : t Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t To_sexp.t

View File

@ -123,3 +123,8 @@ let compare_text_files fn1 fn2 =
let s1 = read_file_and_normalize_eols fn1 in let s1 = read_file_and_normalize_eols fn1 in
let s2 = read_file_and_normalize_eols fn2 in let s2 = read_file_and_normalize_eols fn2 in s1 s2 s1 s2
module Dsexp = struct
let load ?lexer path ~mode =
with_lexbuf_from_file path ~f:(Usexp.Parser.parse ~mode ?lexer)

View File

@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ val copy_channels : in_channel -> out_channel -> unit
val copy_file : ?chmod:(int -> int) -> src:Path.t -> dst:Path.t -> unit -> unit val copy_file : ?chmod:(int -> int) -> src:Path.t -> dst:Path.t -> unit -> unit
val read_all : in_channel -> string val read_all : in_channel -> string
module Dsexp : sig
val load : ?lexer:Usexp.Lexer.t -> Path.t -> mode:'a Sexp.Parser.Mode.t -> 'a

View File

@ -1,603 +1 @@
include Usexp include Dsexp
module To_sexp = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a -> t
let unit () = List []
let string = Usexp.atom_or_quoted_string
let int n = Atom (Atom.of_int n)
let float f = Atom (Atom.of_float f)
let bool b = Atom (Atom.of_bool b)
let pair fa fb (a, b) = List [fa a; fb b]
let triple fa fb fc (a, b, c) = List [fa a; fb b; fc c]
let list f l = List ( l ~f)
let array f a = list f (Array.to_list a)
let option f = function
| None -> List []
| Some x -> List [f x]
let string_set set = list atom (String.Set.to_list set)
let string_map f map = list (pair atom f) (String.Map.to_list map)
let record l =
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) -> List [Atom(Atom.of_string n); v]))
let string_hashtbl f h =
string_map f
(Hashtbl.foldi h ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun key data acc ->
String.Map.add acc key data))
type field = string * Usexp.t option
let field name f ?(equal=(=)) ?default v =
match default with
| None -> (name, Some (f v))
| Some d ->
if equal d v then
(name, None)
(name, Some (f v))
let field_o name f v = (name, ~f v)
let record_fields (l : field list) =
List (List.filter_map l ~f:(fun (k, v) -> v ~f:(fun v -> List[Atom (Atom.of_string k); v])))
let unknown _ = unsafe_atom_of_string "<unknown>"
module Of_sexp = struct
type ast = Ast.t =
| Atom of Loc.t * Atom.t
| Quoted_string of Loc.t * string
| Template of Template.t
| List of Loc.t * ast list
type hint =
{ on: string
; candidates: string list
exception Of_sexp of Loc.t * string * hint option
let of_sexp_error ?hint loc msg =
raise (Of_sexp (loc, msg, hint))
let of_sexp_errorf ?hint loc fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> of_sexp_error loc ?hint msg) fmt
let no_templates ?hint loc fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun msg ->
of_sexp_error loc ?hint ("No variables allowed " ^ msg)) fmt
type unparsed_field =
{ values : Ast.t list
; entry : Ast.t
; prev : unparsed_field option (* Previous occurrence of this field *)
module Name = struct
type t = string
let compare a b =
let alen = String.length a and blen = String.length b in
match alen blen with
| Eq -> a b
| ne -> ne
module Name_map = Map.Make(Name)
type values = Ast.t list
type fields =
{ unparsed : unparsed_field Name_map.t
; known : string list
(* Arguments are:
- the location of the whole list
- the first atom when parsing a constructor or a field
- the universal map holding the user context
type 'kind context =
| Values : Loc.t * string option * Univ_map.t -> values context
| Fields : Loc.t * string option * Univ_map.t -> fields context
type ('a, 'kind) parser = 'kind context -> 'kind -> 'a * 'kind
type 'a t = ('a, values) parser
type 'a fields_parser = ('a, fields) parser
let return x _ctx state = (x, state)
let (>>=) t f ctx state =
let x, state = t ctx state in
f x ctx state
let (>>|) t f ctx state =
let x, state = t ctx state in
(f x, state)
let (>>>) a b ctx state =
let (), state = a ctx state in
b ctx state
let map t ~f = t >>| f
let try_ t f ctx state =
t ctx state
with exn ->
f exn ctx state
let get_user_context : type k. k context -> Univ_map.t = function
| Values (_, _, uc) -> uc
| Fields (_, _, uc) -> uc
let get key ctx state = (Univ_map.find (get_user_context ctx) key, state)
let get_all ctx state = (get_user_context ctx, state)
let set : type a b k. a Univ_map.Key.t -> a -> (b, k) parser -> (b, k) parser
= fun key v t ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Values (loc, cstr, Univ_map.add uc key v)) state
| Fields (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Fields (loc, cstr, Univ_map.add uc key v)) state
let set_many : type a k. Univ_map.t -> (a, k) parser -> (a, k) parser
= fun map t ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Values (loc, cstr, Univ_map.superpose uc map)) state
| Fields (loc, cstr, uc) ->
t (Fields (loc, cstr, Univ_map.superpose uc map)) state
let loc : type k. k context -> k -> Loc.t * k = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, _, _) -> (loc, state)
| Fields (loc, _, _) -> (loc, state)
let at_eos : type k. k context -> k -> bool = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> state = []
| Fields _ -> Name_map.is_empty state.unparsed
let eos ctx state = (at_eos ctx state, state)
let if_eos ~then_ ~else_ ctx state =
if at_eos ctx state then
then_ ctx state
else_ ctx state
let repeat : 'a t -> 'a list t =
let rec loop t acc ctx l =
match l with
| [] -> (List.rev acc, [])
| _ ->
let x, l = t ctx l in
loop t (x :: acc) ctx l
fun t ctx state -> loop t [] ctx state
let result : type a k. k context -> a * k -> a =
fun ctx (v, state) ->
match ctx with
| Values (_, cstr, _) -> begin
match state with
| [] -> v
| sexp :: _ ->
match cstr with
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "This value is unused"
| Some s ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "Too many argument for %s" s
| Fields _ -> begin
match Name_map.choose state.unparsed with
| None -> v
| Some (name, { entry; _ }) ->
let name_loc =
match entry with
| List (_, s :: _) -> Ast.loc s
| _ -> assert false
of_sexp_errorf ~hint:{ on = name; candidates = state.known }
name_loc "Unknown field %s" name
let parse t context sexp =
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc sexp, None, context) in
result ctx (t ctx [sexp])
let capture ctx state =
let f t =
result ctx (t ctx state)
(f, [])
let end_of_list (Values (loc, cstr, _)) =
match cstr with
| None ->
let loc = { loc with start = loc.stop } in
of_sexp_errorf loc "Premature end of list"
| Some s ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "Not enough arguments for %s" s
[@@inline never]
let next f ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: sexps -> (f sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let next_with_user_context f ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: sexps -> (f (get_user_context ctx) sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let peek _ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> (None, sexps)
| sexp :: _ -> (Some sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let peek_exn ctx sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> end_of_list ctx
| sexp :: _ -> (sexp, sexps)
[@@inline always]
let junk = next ignore
let junk_everything : type k. (unit, k) parser = fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> ((), [])
| Fields _ -> ((), { state with unparsed = Name_map.empty })
let keyword kwd =
next (function
| Atom (_, s) when Atom.to_string s = kwd -> ()
| sexp -> of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc sexp) "'%s' expected" kwd)
let match_keyword l ~fallback =
peek >>= function
| Some (Atom (_, A s)) -> begin
match List.assoc l s with
| Some t -> junk >>> t
| None -> fallback
| _ -> fallback
let until_keyword kwd ~before ~after =
let rec loop acc =
peek >>= function
| None -> return (List.rev acc, None)
| Some (Atom (_, A s)) when s = kwd ->
junk >>> after >>= fun x ->
return (List.rev acc, Some x)
| _ ->
before >>= fun x ->
loop (x :: acc)
loop []
let plain_string f =
next (function
| Atom (loc, A s) | Quoted_string (loc, s) -> f ~loc s
| Template { loc ; _ } | List (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom or quoted string expected")
let enter t =
next_with_user_context (fun uc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (loc, l) ->
let ctx = Values (loc, None, uc) in
result ctx (t ctx l)
| sexp ->
of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp) "List expected")
let if_list ~then_ ~else_ =
peek_exn >>= function
| List _ -> then_
| _ -> else_
let if_paren_colon_form ~then_ ~else_ =
peek_exn >>= function
| List (_, Atom (loc, A s) :: _) when String.is_prefix s ~prefix:":" ->
let name = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1) in
(junk >>= fun () ->
then_ >>| fun f ->
f (loc, name))
| _ ->
let fix f =
let rec p = lazy (f r)
and r ast = (Lazy.force p) ast in
let loc_between_states : type k. k context -> k -> k -> Loc.t
= fun ctx state1 state2 ->
match ctx with
| Values _ -> begin
match state1 with
| sexp :: rest when rest == state2 -> (* common case *)
Ast.loc sexp
| [] ->
let (Values (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
{ loc with start = loc.stop }
| sexp :: rest ->
let loc = Ast.loc sexp in
let rec search last l =
if l == state2 then
{ loc with stop = (Ast.loc last).stop }
match l with
| [] ->
let (Values (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
{ (Ast.loc sexp) with stop = loc.stop }
| sexp :: rest ->
search sexp rest
search sexp rest
| Fields _ ->
let parsed =
Name_map.merge state1.unparsed state2.unparsed
~f:(fun _key before after ->
match before, after with
| Some _, None -> before
| _ -> None)
Name_map.values parsed
|> ~f:(fun f -> Ast.loc f.entry)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun a b -> a.Loc.start.pos_cnum b.start.pos_cnum)
| [] ->
let (Fields (loc, _, _)) = ctx in
| first :: l ->
let last = List.fold_left l ~init:first ~f:(fun _ x -> x) in
{ first with stop = last.stop }
let located t ctx state1 =
let x, state2 = t ctx state1 in
((loc_between_states ctx state1 state2, x), state2)
let raw = next (fun x -> x)
let unit =
| List (_, []) -> ()
| sexp -> of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp) "() expected")
let basic desc f =
next (function
| Template { loc; _ } | List (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s expected" desc
| Atom (loc, s) ->
match f (Atom.to_string s) with
| Result.Error () ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s expected" desc
| Ok x -> x)
let string = plain_string (fun ~loc:_ x -> x)
let int =
basic "Integer" (fun s ->
match int_of_string s with
| x -> Ok x
| exception _ -> Result.Error ())
let float =
basic "Float" (fun s ->
match float_of_string s with
| x -> Ok x
| exception _ -> Result.Error ())
let pair a b =
(a >>= fun a ->
b >>= fun b ->
return (a, b))
let triple a b c =
(a >>= fun a ->
b >>= fun b ->
c >>= fun c ->
return (a, b, c))
let list t = enter (repeat t)
let array t = list t >>| Array.of_list
let option t =
(eos >>= function
| true -> return None
| false -> t >>| Option.some)
let string_set = list string >>| String.Set.of_list
let string_map t =
list (pair string t) >>= fun bindings ->
match String.Map.of_list bindings with
| Result.Ok x -> return x
| Error (key, _v1, _v2) ->
loc >>= fun loc ->
of_sexp_errorf loc "key %s present multiple times" key
let string_hashtbl t =
string_map t >>| fun map ->
let tbl = Hashtbl.create (String.Map.cardinal map + 32) in
String.Map.iteri map ~f:(Hashtbl.add tbl);
let find_cstr cstrs loc name ctx values =
match List.assoc cstrs name with
| Some t ->
result ctx (t ctx values)
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
~hint:{ on = name
; candidates = cstrs ~f:fst
"Unknown constructor %s" name
let sum cstrs =
next_with_user_context (fun uc sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom (loc, A s) ->
find_cstr cstrs loc s (Values (loc, Some s, uc)) []
| Template { loc; _ }
| Quoted_string (loc, _) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| List (loc, []) ->
of_sexp_error loc "Non-empty list expected"
| List (loc, name :: args) ->
match name with
| Quoted_string (loc, _) | List (loc, _) | Template { loc; _ } ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| Atom (s_loc, A s) ->
find_cstr cstrs s_loc s (Values (loc, Some s, uc)) args)
let enum cstrs =
next (function
| Quoted_string (loc, _)
| Template { loc; _ }
| List (loc, _) -> of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| Atom (loc, A s) ->
match List.assoc cstrs s with
| Some value -> value
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
~hint:{ on = s
; candidates = cstrs ~f:fst
"Unknown value %s" s)
let bool = enum [ ("true", true); ("false", false) ]
let consume name state =
{ unparsed = Name_map.remove state.unparsed name
; known = name :: state.known
let add_known name state =
{ state with known = name :: state.known }
let map_validate t ~f ctx state1 =
let x, state2 = t ctx state1 in
match f x with
| Result.Ok x -> (x, state2)
| Error msg ->
let loc = loc_between_states ctx state1 state2 in
of_sexp_errorf loc "%s" msg
let field_missing loc name =
of_sexp_errorf loc "field %s missing" name
[@@inline never]
let field_present_too_many_times _ name entries =
match entries with
| _ :: second :: _ ->
of_sexp_errorf (Ast.loc second) "Field %S is present too many times"
| _ -> assert false
let multiple_occurrences ?(on_dup=field_present_too_many_times) uc name last =
let rec collect acc x =
let acc = x.entry :: acc in
match x.prev with
| None -> acc
| Some prev -> collect acc prev
on_dup uc name (collect [] last)
[@@inline never]
let find_single ?on_dup uc state name =
let res = Name_map.find state.unparsed name in
(match res with
| Some ({ prev = Some _; _ } as last) ->
multiple_occurrences uc name last ?on_dup
| _ -> ());
let field name ?default ?on_dup t (Fields (loc, _, uc)) state =
match find_single uc state name ?on_dup with
| Some { values; entry; _ } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
(x, consume name state)
| None ->
match default with
| Some v -> (v, add_known name state)
| None -> field_missing loc name
let field_o name ?on_dup t (Fields (_, _, uc)) state =
match find_single uc state name ?on_dup with
| Some { values; entry; _ } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
(Some x, consume name state)
| None ->
(None, add_known name state)
let field_b ?check ?on_dup name =
field name ~default:false ?on_dup
(Option.value check ~default:(return ()) >>= fun () ->
eos >>= function
| true -> return true
| _ -> bool)
let multi_field name t (Fields (_, _, uc)) state =
let rec loop acc field =
match field with
| None -> acc
| Some { values; prev; entry } ->
let ctx = Values (Ast.loc entry, Some name, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx values) in
loop (x :: acc) prev
let res = loop [] (Name_map.find state.unparsed name) in
(res, consume name state)
let fields t (Values (loc, cstr, uc)) sexps =
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name_map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (_, name_sexp :: values) -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, A name) ->
Name_map.add acc name
{ values
; entry = sexp
; prev = Name_map.find acc name
| List (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) | Template { loc; _ } ->
of_sexp_error loc "Atom expected"
| _ ->
of_sexp_error (Ast.loc sexp)
"S-expression of the form (<name> <values>...) expected")
let ctx = Fields (loc, cstr, uc) in
let x = result ctx (t ctx { unparsed; known = [] }) in
(x, [])
let record t = enter (fields t)
type kind =
| Values of Loc.t * string option
| Fields of Loc.t * string option
let kind : type k. k context -> k -> kind * k
= fun ctx state ->
match ctx with
| Values (loc, cstr, _) -> (Values (loc, cstr), state)
| Fields (loc, cstr, _) -> (Fields (loc, cstr), state)
module Let_syntax = struct
let ( $ ) f t =
f >>= fun f ->
t >>| fun t ->
f t
let const = return

View File

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ let load ?x ?profile p =
parse_contents lb first_line ~f:(fun _lang -> t ?x ?profile ())) parse_contents lb first_line ~f:(fun _lang -> t ?x ?profile ()))
| Jbuilder -> | Jbuilder ->
let sexp = let sexp =
Dsexp.Io.load p ~mode:Many_as_one ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token Io.Dsexp.load p ~mode:Many_as_one ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token
in in
parse parse
(enter (t ?x ?profile ())) (enter (t ?x ?profile ()))