Initial import of configurator

This is the original source imported
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-02-28 23:36:35 +07:00
parent 070fd95cac
commit 9b6abc4014
2 changed files with 620 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
open Base
open Stdio
module Sys = Caml.Sys
module Fn = Caml.Filename
module Arg = Caml.Arg
module Buffer = Caml.Buffer
module Pervasives = Caml.Pervasives
let ( ^^ ) = Caml.( ^^ )
let ( ^/ ) = Fn.concat
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
exception Fatal_error of string
let die fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun s ->
raise (Fatal_error s);
) fmt
type t =
{ name : string
; dest_dir : string
; ocamlc : string
; log : string -> unit
; mutable counter : int
; ext_obj : string
; c_compiler : string
; stdlib_dir : string
; ccomp_type : string
; ocamlc_config : string Map.M(String).t
; ocamlc_config_cmd : string
let rec rm_rf dir =
Array.iter (Sys.readdir dir) ~f:(fun fn ->
let fn = dir ^/ fn in
if Sys.is_directory fn then
rm_rf fn
Unix.unlink fn);
Unix.rmdir dir
module Temp = struct
(* Copied from and adapted for directories *)
let prng = lazy(Random.State.make_self_init ())
let gen_name ~temp_dir ~prefix ~suffix =
let rnd = Int.bit_and (Random.State.bits (Lazy.force prng)) 0xFFFFFF in
temp_dir ^/ (Printf.sprintf "%s%06x%s" prefix rnd suffix)
let create ~prefix ~suffix ~mk =
let temp_dir = Fn.get_temp_dir_name () in
let rec try_name counter =
let name = gen_name ~temp_dir ~prefix ~suffix in
match mk name with
| () -> name
| exception (Unix.Unix_error _) when counter < 1000 ->
try_name (counter + 1)
try_name 0
let create_temp_dir ~prefix ~suffix =
let dir = create ~prefix ~suffix ~mk:(fun name -> Unix.mkdir name 0o700) in
Caml.at_exit (fun () -> rm_rf dir);
module Find_in_path = struct
let path_sep =
if Sys.win32 then
let get_path () =
match Sys.getenv "PATH" with
| exception Not_found -> []
| s -> String.split s ~on:path_sep
let exe = if Sys.win32 then ".exe" else ""
let prog_not_found prog =
die "Program %s not found in PATH" prog
let best_prog dir prog =
let fn = dir ^/ prog ^ ".opt" ^ exe in
if Sys.file_exists fn then
Some fn
let fn = dir ^/ prog ^ exe in
if Sys.file_exists fn then
Some fn
let find_ocaml_prog prog =
List.find_map (get_path ()) ~f:(fun dir ->
best_prog dir prog)
| None -> prog_not_found prog
| Some fn -> fn
let find prog =
List.find_map (get_path ()) ~f:(fun dir ->
let fn = dir ^/ prog ^ exe in
Option.some_if (Sys.file_exists fn) fn)
let logf t fmt = Printf.ksprintf t.log fmt
let gen_id t =
let n = t.counter in
t.counter <- n + 1;
type run_result =
{ exit_code : int
; stdout : string
; stderr : string
let quote =
let need_quote = function
| ' ' | '\"' -> true
| _ -> false
fun s ->
if String.is_empty s || String.exists ~f:need_quote s
then Fn.quote s
else s
let command_line prog args =
String.concat ~sep:" " ( (prog :: args) ~f:quote)
let run t ~dir cmd =
logf t "run: %s" cmd;
let n = gen_id t in
let stdout_fn = t.dest_dir ^/ sprintf "stdout-%d" n in
let stderr_fn = t.dest_dir ^/ sprintf "stderr-%d" n in
let exit_code =
Sys.command "cd %s && %s > %s 2> %s"
(Fn.quote dir)
(Fn.quote stdout_fn)
(Fn.quote stderr_fn)
let stdout = In_channel.read_all stdout_fn in
let stderr = In_channel.read_all stderr_fn in
logf t "-> process exited with code %d" exit_code;
logf t "-> stdout:";
List.iter (String.split_lines stdout) ~f:(logf t " | %s");
logf t "-> stderr:";
List.iter (String.split_lines stderr) ~f:(logf t " | %s");
{ exit_code; stdout; stderr }
let run_capture_exn t ~dir cmd =
let { exit_code; stdout; stderr } = run t ~dir cmd in
if exit_code <> 0 then
die "command exited with code %d: %s" exit_code cmd
else if not (String.is_empty stderr) then
die "command has non-empty stderr: %s" cmd
let run_ok t ~dir cmd = (run t ~dir cmd).exit_code = 0
let get_ocaml_config_var_exn ~ocamlc_config_cmd map var =
match Map.find map var with
| None -> die "variable %S not found in the output of `%s`" var ocamlc_config_cmd
| Some s -> s
let ocaml_config_var t var = Map.find t.ocamlc_config var
let ocaml_config_var_exn t var =
get_ocaml_config_var_exn t.ocamlc_config var
let create ?dest_dir ?ocamlc ?(log=ignore) name =
let dest_dir =
match dest_dir with
| Some dir -> dir
| None -> Temp.create_temp_dir ~prefix:"ocaml-configurator" ~suffix:""
let ocamlc =
match ocamlc with
| Some fn -> fn
| None -> Find_in_path.find_ocaml_prog "ocamlc"
let ocamlc_config_cmd = command_line ocamlc ["-config"] in
let t =
{ name
; ocamlc
; log
; dest_dir
; counter = 0
; ext_obj = ""
; c_compiler = ""
; stdlib_dir = ""
; ccomp_type = ""
; ocamlc_config = Map.empty (module String)
; ocamlc_config_cmd
let ocamlc_config =
let colon_space = String.Search_pattern.create ": " in
run_capture_exn t ~dir:dest_dir ocamlc_config_cmd
|> String.split_lines
|> ~f:(fun line ->
match String.Search_pattern.index colon_space ~in_:line with
| Some i ->
(String.sub line ~pos:0 ~len:i,
String.sub line ~pos:(i + 2) ~len:(String.length line - i - 2))
| None ->
die "unrecognized line in the output of `%s`: %s" ocamlc_config_cmd
|> Map.of_alist (module String)
|> function
| `Ok x -> x
| `Duplicate_key key ->
die "variable %S present twice in the output of `%s`" key ocamlc_config_cmd
let get = get_ocaml_config_var_exn ocamlc_config ~ocamlc_config_cmd in
let c_compiler =
match Map.find ocamlc_config "c_compiler" with
| Some c_comp -> c_comp ^ " " ^ get "ocamlc_cflags"
| None -> get "bytecomp_c_compiler"
{ t with
; ext_obj = get "ext_obj"
; c_compiler
; stdlib_dir = get "standard_library"
; ccomp_type = get "ccomp_type"
let need_to_compile_and_link_separately t =
(* Vague memory from writing the script for Lwt... *)
match t.ccomp_type with
| "msvc" -> true
| _ -> false
let compile_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) ?(link_flags=[]) code =
let dir = t.dest_dir ^/ sprintf "c-test-%d" (gen_id t) in
Unix.mkdir dir 0o777;
let base = dir ^/ "test" in
let c_fname = base ^ ".c" in
let obj_fname = base ^ t.ext_obj in
let exe_fname = base ^ ".exe" in
Out_channel.write_all c_fname ~data:code;
logf t "compiling c program:";
List.iter (String.split_lines code) ~f:(logf t " | %s");
let run_ok args =
run_ok t ~dir
(String.concat ~sep:" "
(t.c_compiler :: args ~f:Fn.quote))
let ok =
if need_to_compile_and_link_separately t then
run_ok (c_flags @ ["-I"; t.stdlib_dir; "-c"; c_fname]) &&
run_ok ("-o" :: exe_fname :: obj_fname :: link_flags)
[ c_flags
; [ "-I"; t.stdlib_dir
; "-o"; exe_fname
; c_fname
; link_flags
if ok then Ok exe_fname else Error ()
let c_test t ?c_flags ?link_flags code =
match compile_c_prog t ?c_flags ?link_flags code with
| Ok _ -> true
| Error _ -> false
module C_define = struct
module Type = struct
type t =
| Switch
| Int
| String
let compare x y =
match x, y with
| Switch, Switch -> 0
| Int, Int -> 0
| String, String -> 0
| Switch, (Int | String) -> 1
| (Int | String), Switch -> -1
| Int, String -> 1
| String, Int -> -1
let sexp_of_t = function
| Switch -> Sexp.Atom "switch"
| Int -> Sexp.Atom "int"
| String -> Sexp.Atom "string"
let t_of_sexp = function
| Sexp.Atom "switch" -> Switch
| Sexp.Atom "int" -> Int
| Sexp.Atom "string" -> String
| s -> raise (Sexp.Of_sexp_error (Failure "C_define.Type.t_of_sexp", s))
module Value = struct
type t =
| Switch of bool
| Int of int
| String of string
let compare x y =
match x, y with
| Switch x, Switch y -> x y
| Int x, Int y -> x y
| String x, String y -> x y
| Switch _, (Int _ | String _) -> 1
| (Int _ | String _), Switch _ -> -1
| Int _, String _ -> 1
| String _, Int _ -> -1
let sexp_of_t =
let open Sexp in
| Switch b -> List [Atom "switch"; Bool.sexp_of_t b]
| Int i -> List [Atom "int"; Int.sexp_of_t i]
| String s -> List [Atom "string"; String.sexp_of_t s]
let t_of_sexp =
let open Sexp in
| List [Atom "switch"; x] -> Switch (Bool.t_of_sexp x)
| List [Atom "int"; x] -> Int (Int.t_of_sexp x)
| List [Atom "string"; x] -> String (String.t_of_sexp x)
| s -> raise (Sexp.Of_sexp_error (Failure "C_define.Value.t_of_sexp", s))
let import t ?c_flags ?link_flags ~includes vars =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
let pr fmt = Printf.bprintf buf (fmt ^^ "\n") in
let includes = "stdio.h" :: includes in
List.iter includes ~f:(pr "#include <%s>");
pr "";
pr "int main()";
pr "{";
List.iter vars ~f:(fun (name, (kind : Type.t)) ->
match kind with
| Switch ->
pr {|#if defined(%s)|} name;
pr {| printf("%s=b:true\n");|} name;
pr {|#else|};
pr {| printf("%s=b:false\n");|} name;
pr {|#endif|}
| Int ->
pr {| printf("%s=i:%%d\n", %s);|} name name
| String ->
pr {| printf("%s=s:%%s\n", %s);|} name name);
pr " return 0;";
pr "}";
let code = Buffer.contents buf in
match compile_c_prog t ?c_flags ?link_flags code with
| Error () -> die "failed to compile program"
| Ok exe ->
run_capture_exn t ~dir:(Fn.dirname exe) (command_line exe [])
|> String.split_lines
|> ~f:(fun s : (string * Value.t) ->
let var, data = String.lsplit2_exn s ~on:'=' in
match String.lsplit2_exn data ~on:':' with
| "b", s -> Switch (Bool.of_string s)
| "i", s -> Int (Int. of_string s)
| "s", s -> String s
| _ -> assert false))
let gen_header_file t ~fname ?protection_var vars =
let protection_var =
match protection_var with
| Some v -> v
| None -> ( ^ "_" ^ Fn.basename fname) ~f:(function
| 'a'..'z' as c -> Char.uppercase c
| 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' as c -> c
| _ -> '_')
let vars = List.sort vars ~cmp:(fun (a, _) (b, _) -> a b) in
let lines = vars ~f:(fun (name, value) ->
match (value : Value.t) with
| Switch false -> sprintf "#undef %s" name
| Switch true -> sprintf "#define %s" name
| Int n -> sprintf "#define %s (%d)" name n
| String s -> sprintf "#define %s %S" name s)
let lines =
[ [ sprintf "#ifndef %s" protection_var
; sprintf "#define %s" protection_var
; lines
; [ "#endif" ]
logf t "writing header file %s" fname;
List.iter lines ~f:(logf t " | %s");
let tmp_fname = fname ^ ".tmp" in
Out_channel.write_lines tmp_fname lines;
Sys.rename tmp_fname fname
let find_in_path t prog =
logf t "find_in_path: %s" prog;
let x = Find_in_path.find prog in
logf t "-> %s"
(match x with
| None -> "not found"
| Some fn -> "found: " ^ quote fn);
module Pkg_config = struct
type nonrec t =
{ pkg_config : string
; configurator : t
let get c = (find_in_path c "pkg-config") ~f:(fun pkg_config ->
{ pkg_config; configurator = c })
type package_conf =
{ libs : string list
; cflags : string list
let query t ~package =
let package = quote package in
let pkg_config = quote t.pkg_config in
let c = t.configurator in
let dir = c.dest_dir in
let env =
match ocaml_config_var c "system" with
| Some "macosx" -> begin
match find_in_path c "brew" with
| Some brew ->
let prefix =
String.strip (run_capture_exn c ~dir (command_line brew ["--prefix"]))
sprintf "env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%s/opt/%s/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH "
(quote prefix) package
| None ->
| _ -> ""
if run_ok c ~dir (sprintf "%s%s %s" env pkg_config package) then
let run what =
(run_capture_exn c ~dir (sprintf "%s%s %s %s" env pkg_config what package))
| "" -> []
| s -> String.split s ~on:' '
{ libs = run "--libs"
; cflags = run "--cflags"
let main ?(args=[]) ~name f =
let ocamlc = ref None in
let verbose = ref false in
let dest_dir = ref None in
let args =
([ "-ocamlc", Arg.String (fun s -> ocamlc := Some s),
"PATH ocamlc command to use"
; "-verbose", Arg.Set verbose,
" be verbose"
; "-dest-dir", Arg.String (fun s -> dest_dir := Some s),
"DIR save temporary files to this directory"
] @ args)
let anon s = raise (Arg.Bad (sprintf "don't know what to do with %s" s)) in
let usage = sprintf "%s [OPTIONS]" (Fn.basename Sys.executable_name) in
Arg.parse args anon usage;
let log_db = ref [] in
let log s = log_db := s :: !log_db in
let t =
~log:(if !verbose then prerr_endline else log)
f t
with exn ->
List.iter (List.rev !log_db) ~f:(eprintf "%s\n");
match exn with
| Fatal_error msg ->
eprintf "Error: %s\n%!" msg;
Caml.exit 1
| exn -> raise exn

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
open Base
type t
val create
: ?dest_dir:string
-> ?ocamlc:string
-> ?log:(string -> unit)
-> string (** name, such as library name *)
-> t
(** Return the value associated to a variable in the output of [ocamlc -config] *)
val ocaml_config_var : t -> string -> string option
val ocaml_config_var_exn : t -> string -> string
(** [c_test t ?c_flags ?link_flags c_code] try to compile and link the C code given in
[c_code]. Return whether compilation was successful. *)
val c_test
: t
-> ?c_flags: string list (** default: [] *)
-> ?link_flags:string list (** default: [] *)
-> string
-> bool
module C_define : sig
module Type : sig
type t =
| Switch (** defined/undefined *)
| Int
| String
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module Value : sig
type t =
| Switch of bool
| Int of int
| String of string
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Import some #define from the given header files. For instance:
# C.C_define.import c ~includes:"caml/config.h" ["ARCH_SIXTYFOUR", Switch];;
- (string * Configurator.C_define.Value.t) list = ["ARCH_SIXTYFOUR", Switch true]
val import
: t
-> ?c_flags: string list
-> ?link_flags:string list
-> includes: string list
-> (string * Type.t ) list
-> (string * Value.t) list
(** Generate a C header file containing the following #define. [protection_var] is used
to enclose the file with:
#ifndef BLAH
#define BLAH
If not specified, it is inferred from the name given to [create] and the
filename. *)
val gen_header_file
: t
-> fname:string
-> ?protection_var:string
-> (string * Value.t) list -> unit
module Pkg_config : sig
type configurator = t
type t
(** Returns [None] if pkg-config is not installed *)
val get : configurator -> t option
type package_conf =
{ libs : string list
; cflags : string list
(** Returns [None] if [package] is not available *)
val query : t -> package:string -> package_conf option
end with type configurator := t
(** Typical entry point for configurator programs *)
val main
: ?args:(Caml.Arg.key * Caml.Arg.spec * Caml.Arg.doc) list
-> name:string
-> (t -> unit)
-> unit
(** Abort execution. If raised from within [main], the argument of [die] is printed as
[Error: <message>]. *)
val die : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a