Remove constructor side validation

And make the tests reflect back Invalid_argument

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-06-20 11:59:18 +06:30
parent 5618be7ab0
commit 99fbac26ab
10 changed files with 61 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ module Lang = struct
let ver =
Sexp.Of_sexp.parse Syntax.Version.t Univ_map.empty
(Atom (ver_loc, Sexp.Atom.of_string_exn Sexp.Atom.Dune ver)) in
(Atom (ver_loc, Sexp.Atom.of_string ver)) in
match Hashtbl.find langs name with
| None -> name_loc "Unknown language %S.%s" name

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@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ let int n = Usexp.Atom (Usexp.Atom.of_int n)
let string = Usexp.atom_or_quoted_string
let record l =
let open Usexp in
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) ->
List [Atom(Atom.of_string_exn Atom.Dune n); v]))
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) -> List [Atom(Atom.of_string n); v]))
let sexp_of_position_no_file (p : Lexing.position) =

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@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ module To_sexp = struct
let string_set set = list atom (String.Set.to_list set)
let string_map f map = list (pair atom f) (String.Map.to_list map)
let record l =
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) ->
List [Atom(Atom.of_string_exn Usexp.Atom.Dune n); v]))
List ( l ~f:(fun (n, v) -> List [Atom(Atom.of_string n); v]))
let string_hashtbl f h =
string_map f
(Hashtbl.foldi h ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun key data acc ->
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ module To_sexp = struct
let record_fields (l : field list) =
List (List.filter_map l ~f:(fun (k, v) -> v ~f:(fun v -> List[Atom (Atom.of_string_exn Atom.Dune k); v]))) v ~f:(fun v -> List[Atom (Atom.of_string k); v])))
let unknown _ = unsafe_atom_of_string "<unknown>"

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@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ let invalid_argf fmt = Printf.ksprintf invalid_arg fmt
type syntax = Jbuild | Dune
let string_of_syntax = function
| Jbuild -> "jbuild"
| Dune -> "dune"
let (is_valid_jbuild, is_valid_dune) =
let rec jbuild s i len =
i = len ||
@ -31,29 +27,23 @@ let (is_valid_jbuild, is_valid_dune) =
(make jbuild, make dune)
let of_string syn s =
match syn with
| Jbuild when is_valid_jbuild s -> Some (A s)
| Dune when is_valid_dune s -> Some (A s)
| _ -> None
let of_string_exn syn s =
match of_string syn s with
| Some s -> s
| None ->
invalid_argf "'%s' is not a valid %s atom" s (string_of_syntax syn)
let of_string s = A s
let to_string (A t) syntax =
match syntax with
| Jbuild -> t
| Jbuild ->
if is_valid_jbuild t then
invalid_argf "Dune atom '%s' cannot be printed" t
| Dune ->
if is_valid_dune t then
invalid_argf "Jbuild atom '%s' is not a valid dune atom" t
invalid_argf "Jbuild atom '%s' cannot be printed" t
let of_int i = of_string_exn Dune (string_of_int i)
let of_float x = of_string_exn Dune (string_of_float x)
let of_bool x = of_string_exn Dune (string_of_bool x)
let of_int64 i = of_string_exn Dune (Int64.to_string i)
let of_digest d = of_string_exn Dune (Digest.to_hex d)
let of_int i = of_string (string_of_int i)
let of_float x = of_string (string_of_float x)
let of_bool x = of_string (string_of_bool x)
let of_digest d = of_string (Digest.to_hex d)
let of_int64 i = of_string (Int64.to_string i)

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ type t = private A of string [@@unboxed]
type syntax = Jbuild | Dune
val of_string : syntax -> string -> t option
val is_valid_dune : string -> bool
val of_string_exn : syntax -> string -> t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> syntax -> string

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let hexdigit = ['0'-'9' 'a'-'f' 'A'-'F']
let atom_char_jbuild =
[^ ';' '(' ')' '"' ' ' '\t' '\r' '\n' '\012']
let atom_char_dune =
[^ ';' '(' ')' '"' '\000'-'\032' '\127'-'\255']
[^ '%' ';' '(' ')' '"' '\000'-'\032' '\127'-'\255']
(* rule for jbuild files *)
rule jbuild_token = parse
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ and jbuild_atom acc start = parse
error lexbuf "Internal error in the S-expression parser, \
please report upstream.";
lexbuf.lex_start_p <- start;
Token.Atom (Atom.of_string_exn Jbuild acc)
Token.Atom (Atom.of_string acc)
and quoted_string mode = parse
@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ and token = parse
Quoted_string s
| atom_char_dune+ as s
{ Token.Atom (Atom.of_string_exn Dune s) }
{ Token.Atom (Atom.of_string s) }
| _ as c { error lexbuf (Printf.sprintf "Invalid atom character '%c'" c) }
| eof
{ Eof }

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@ -19,14 +19,15 @@ type t =
type sexp = t
let atom s = Atom (Atom.of_string_exn Dune s)
let atom s = Atom (Atom.of_string s)
let unsafe_atom_of_string s = atom s
let atom_or_quoted_string s =
match Atom.of_string Atom.Dune s with
| None -> Quoted_string s
| Some a -> Atom a
if Atom.is_valid_dune s then
Atom (Atom.of_string s)
Quoted_string s
let quote_length s =
let n = ref 0 in
@ -221,9 +222,10 @@ module Ast = struct
| List of Loc.t * t list
let atom_or_quoted_string loc s =
match Atom.of_string Atom.Dune s with
| None -> Quoted_string (loc, s)
| Some a -> Atom (loc, a)
match atom_or_quoted_string s with
| Atom a -> Atom (loc, a)
| Quoted_string s -> Quoted_string (loc, s)
| List _ -> assert false
let loc (Atom (loc, _) | Quoted_string (loc, _) | List (loc, _)) = loc

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module Atom : sig
type syntax = Jbuild | Dune
val of_string : syntax -> string -> t option
val is_valid_dune : string -> bool
val of_string_exn : syntax -> string -> t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> syntax -> string

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@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ let parse s =
let f ~lexer =
Ok (Sexp.parse_string ~fname:"" ~mode:Many ~lexer s)
with Sexp.Parse_error e ->
Error (Sexp.Parse_error.message e)
| Sexp.Parse_error e -> Error (Sexp.Parse_error.message e)
| Invalid_argument e -> Error e
let jbuild = f ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token in
let dune = f ~lexer:Sexp.Lexer.token in
@ -140,7 +141,12 @@ parse {|"$bar%foo%"|}
parse {|\%{foo}|}
Exception: Invalid_argument "'\\%{foo}' is not a valid dune atom".
- : parse_result =
{jbuild =
[<printer pp_sexp_ast raised an exception: Invalid_argument("Jbuild atom '\\%{foo}' cannot be printed")>];
dune = Error "Invalid atom character '%'"}
parse {|\${foo}|}
@ -150,15 +156,30 @@ parse {|\${foo}|}
parse {|\$bar%foo%|}
Exception: Invalid_argument "'\\$bar%foo%' is not a valid dune atom".
- : parse_result =
{jbuild =
[<printer pp_sexp_ast raised an exception: Invalid_argument("Jbuild atom '\\$bar%foo%' cannot be printed")>];
dune = Error "Invalid atom character '%'"}
parse {|\$bar\%foo%|}
Exception: Invalid_argument "'\\$bar\\%foo%' is not a valid dune atom".
- : parse_result =
{jbuild =
[<printer pp_sexp_ast raised an exception: Invalid_argument("Jbuild atom '\\$bar\\%foo%' cannot be printed")>];
dune = Error "Invalid atom character '%'"}
parse {|\$bar\%foo%{bar}|}
Exception: Invalid_argument "'\\$bar\\%foo%{bar}' is not a valid dune atom".
- : parse_result =
{jbuild =
[<printer pp_sexp_ast raised an exception: Invalid_argument("Jbuild atom '\\$bar\\%foo%{bar}' cannot be printed")>];
dune = Error "Invalid atom character '%'"}

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@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ let () =
| Atom _ -> true
| _ -> false
let valid_dune_atom =
Option.is_some (Usexp.Atom.of_string Dune s) in
let valid_dune_atom = Usexp.Atom.is_valid_dune s in
if valid_dune_atom <> parser_recognizes_as_atom then begin
"Usexp.Atom.is_valid error:\n\