Implement a more elaborate variable expansion mechanism

That embeds changes across versions

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-07-07 08:59:08 +07:00
parent 8ef6af2675
commit 9811031899
4 changed files with 344 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -33,6 +33,225 @@ module Env_node = struct
} }
end end
module Var = struct
module Info = struct
type t =
| Since of Syntax.Version.t
| Renamed_in of Syntax.Version.t * string
| Deleted_in of Syntax.Version.t
module Kind = struct
type t =
| Values of Value.t list
| Project_root
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets
let to_value_no_deps_or_targets ~scope = function
| Values v -> Some v
| Project_root -> Some [Value.Dir (Scope.root scope)]
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets -> None
module Form = struct
type t =
| Exe
| Dep
| Bin
| Lib
| Libexec
| Lib_available
| Version
| Read
| Read_strings
| Read_lines
| Path_no_dep
type 'a t =
{ kind: 'a option
; info: Info.t option
module Map = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t String.Map.t
let values v =
{ kind = Some (Kind.Values v)
; info = None
let renamed_in ~new_name ~version =
{ kind = None
; info = Some (Info.Renamed_in (version, new_name))
let deleted_in ~version kind =
{ kind = Some kind
; info = Some (Info.Deleted_in version)
let since ~version v =
{ kind = Some v
; info = Some (Info.Since version)
let static_vars =
[ "first-dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.First_dep
; "targets", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Targets
; "deps", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Deps
; "project_root", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Project_root
; "<", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"first-dep"
; "@", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"targets"
; "^", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"deps"
; "SCOPE_ROOT", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"project_root"
let forms =
let form kind =
{ info = None
; kind = Some kind
let open Form in
[ "exe", form Exe
; "bin", form Bin
; "lib", form Lib
; "libexec", form Libexec
; "lib-available", form Lib_available
; "version", form Version
; "read", form Read
; "read-lines", form Read_lines
; "read-strings", form Read_strings
; "dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Dep
; "path", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"dep"
; "findlib", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"lib"
; "path-no-dep", deleted_in ~version:(1, 0) Path_no_dep
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let create_vars ~(context : Context.t) ~cxx_flags =
let ocamlopt =
match context.ocamlopt with
| None -> Path.relative context.ocaml_bin "ocamlopt"
| Some p -> p
let string s = values [Value.String s] in
let path p = values [Value.Path p] in
let make =
match Bin.make with
| None -> string "make"
| Some p -> path p
let cflags = context.ocamlc_cflags in
let strings s = values (Value.L.strings s) in
let lowercased =
[ "cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags @ ["-E"])
; "cc" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags)
; "cxx" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cxx_flags)
; "ocaml" , path context.ocaml
; "ocamlc" , path context.ocamlc
; "ocamlopt" , path ocamlopt
; "arch_sixtyfour" , string (string_of_bool context.arch_sixtyfour)
; "make" , make
; "root" , values [Value.Dir context.build_dir]
] in
let uppercased = lowercased ~f:(fun (k, _) ->
(String.uppercase k, renamed_in ~new_name:k ~version:(1, 0))) in
let vars =
[ "-verbose" , values []
; "pa_cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags
@ ["-undef"; "-traditional";
"-x"; "c"; "-E"])
; "ocaml_bin" , path context.ocaml_bin
; "ocaml_version" , string context.version_string
; "ocaml_where" , string (Path.to_string context.stdlib_dir)
; "null" , string (Path.to_string Config.dev_null)
; "ext_obj" , string context.ext_obj
; "ext_asm" , string context.ext_asm
; "ext_lib" , string context.ext_lib
; "ext_dll" , string context.ext_dll
; "ext_exe" , string context.ext_exe
; "profile" , string context.profile
let ocaml_config = (Ocaml_config.to_list context.ocaml_config) ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
("ocaml-config:" ^ k,
match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> strings (x.prog :: x.args)))
[ ocaml_config
; static_vars
; lowercased
; uppercased
; vars
|> List.concat
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let rec expand t ~syntax_version ~var =
let name =
match String_with_vars.Var.destruct var with
| Single v -> v
| Pair (v, _) -> v
Option.bind (String.Map.find t name) ~f:(fun {kind; info} ->
match info, kind with
| None, Some v -> Some v
| Some (Since min_version), Some v ->
if syntax_version >= min_version then
Some v
else var ~f:(fun var ->
sprintf "Variable %s is available in since version %s. \
Current version is %s"
(Syntax.Version.to_string min_version)
(Syntax.Version.to_string syntax_version))
| Some (Renamed_in (in_version, new_name)), None ->
if syntax_version >= in_version then var ~f:(fun old_name ->
sprintf "Variable %s has been renamed to %s since %s"
(String_with_vars.Var.(to_string (rename var ~new_name)))
(Syntax.Version.to_string in_version))
expand t ~syntax_version:in_version
~var:(String_with_vars.Var.rename var ~new_name)
| Some (Deleted_in in_version), Some v ->
if syntax_version < in_version then
Some v
else var ~f:(fun var ->
sprintf "Variable %s has been deleted in version %s. \
Current version is: %s"
(Syntax.Version.to_string in_version)
(Syntax.Version.to_string syntax_version)
| Some (Renamed_in _), Some _
| Some (Since _), None
| Some (Deleted_in _), None
| None, None -> assert false
type t = type t =
{ context : Context.t { context : Context.t
; build_system : Build_system.t ; build_system : Build_system.t
@ -45,8 +264,8 @@ type t =
; artifacts : Artifacts.t ; artifacts : Artifacts.t
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install : Installable.t list ; stanzas_to_consider_for_install : Installable.t list
; cxx_flags : string list ; cxx_flags : string list
; vars : Value.t list String.Map.t ; vars : Var.Kind.t Var.Map.t
; uppercase_vars : Value.t list String.Map.t ; forms : Var.Form.t Var.Map.t
; chdir : (Action.t, Action.t) Build.t ; chdir : (Action.t, Action.t) Build.t
; host : t option ; host : t option
; libs_by_package : (Package.t * Lib.Set.t) Package.Name.Map.t ; libs_by_package : (Package.t * Lib.Set.t) Package.Name.Map.t
@ -85,40 +304,39 @@ let installed_libs t = t.installed_libs
let find_scope_by_dir t dir = Scope.DB.find_by_dir t.scopes dir let find_scope_by_dir t dir = Scope.DB.find_by_dir t.scopes dir
let find_scope_by_name t name = Scope.DB.find_by_name t.scopes name let find_scope_by_name t name = Scope.DB.find_by_name t.scopes name
let expand_var_no_root t loc syntax_version var = let expand_var_no_root t ~syntax_version ~var : Var.Kind.t option =
match String.Map.find t.vars var with begin match String_with_vars.Var.destruct var with
| Some _ as v -> v | Single _ -> ()
| None -> | Pair (_, _) ->
begin match String.Map.find t.uppercase_vars var with Exn.code_error "expand_var_no_root can't expand forms"
| None -> None [ "var", String_with_vars.Var.sexp_of_t var
| Some _ as v -> ]
if syntax_version < (1, 0) then end;
v Var.Map.expand t.vars ~syntax_version ~var
else loc "Uppercase variables are removed in dune files.@.\ let expand_form t ~syntax_version ~var =
Hint: Did you mean %%{%s} instead?" begin match String_with_vars.Var.destruct var with
(String.lowercase var) | Pair (_, _) -> ()
end | Single _ ->
Exn.code_error "expand_var_no_root can't expand single variables"
[ "var", String_with_vars.Var.sexp_of_t var
Var.Map.expand t.forms ~syntax_version ~var
let (expand_vars, expand_vars_path) = let (expand_vars, expand_vars_path) =
let expand t ~scope ~dir ?(extra_vars=String.Map.empty) s = let expand t ~scope ~dir ?(extra_vars=String.Map.empty) s =
String_with_vars.expand ~mode:Single ~dir s ~f:(fun v syntax_version -> String_with_vars.expand ~mode:Single ~dir s ~f:(fun var syntax_version ->
match String_with_vars.Var.full_name v with match expand_var_no_root t ~syntax_version ~var with
| "SCOPE_ROOT" -> | None ->
if syntax_version >= (1, 0) then String.Map.find extra_vars (String_with_vars.Var.full_name var) (String_with_vars.Var.loc v) | Some v ->
"Variable %%{SCOPE_ROOT} has been renamed to %%{project_root} \ begin match Var.Kind.to_value_no_deps_or_targets ~scope v with
in dune files" | Some _ as v -> v
else | None ->
Some [Value.Path (Scope.root scope)] var ~f:(fun var ->
| "project_root" when syntax_version >= (1, 0) -> sprintf "Variable %s is not allowed in this context" var)
Some [Value.Path (Scope.root scope)] end)
| var ->
expand_var_no_root t (String_with_vars.Var.loc v) syntax_version var
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> String.Map.find extra_vars var))
in in
let expand_vars t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s = let expand_vars t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s =
expand t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s expand t ~scope ~dir ?extra_vars s
@ -295,68 +513,7 @@ let create
List.filter context.ocamlc_cflags List.filter context.ocamlc_cflags
~f:(fun s -> not (String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"-std=")) ~f:(fun s -> not (String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"-std="))
in in
let (vars, uppercase_vars) = let vars = Var.Map.create_vars ~context ~cxx_flags in
let ocamlopt =
match context.ocamlopt with
| None -> Path.relative context.ocaml_bin "ocamlopt"
| Some p -> p
let string s = [Value.String s] in
let path p = [Value.Path p] in
let make =
match Bin.make with
| None -> string "make"
| Some p -> path p
let cflags = context.ocamlc_cflags in
let strings = Value.L.strings in
let lowercased =
[ "cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags @ ["-E"])
; "cc" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags)
; "cxx" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cxx_flags)
; "ocaml" , path context.ocaml
; "ocamlc" , path context.ocamlc
; "ocamlopt" , path ocamlopt
; "arch_sixtyfour" , string (string_of_bool context.arch_sixtyfour)
; "make" , make
; "root" , [Value.Dir context.build_dir]
] in
let vars =
@ [ "-verbose" , []
; "pa_cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags
@ ["-undef"; "-traditional";
"-x"; "c"; "-E"])
; "ocaml_bin" , path context.ocaml_bin
; "ocaml_version" , string context.version_string
; "ocaml_where" , string (Path.to_string context.stdlib_dir)
; "null" , string (Path.to_string Config.dev_null)
; "ext_obj" , string context.ext_obj
; "ext_asm" , string context.ext_asm
; "ext_lib" , string context.ext_lib
; "ext_dll" , string context.ext_dll
; "ext_exe" , string context.ext_exe
; "profile" , string context.profile
let uppercase_vars =
|> ~f:(fun (k, v) -> (String.uppercase k, v))
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let vars =
vars @ (Ocaml_config.to_list context.ocaml_config) ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
("ocaml-config:" ^ k,
match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> strings (x.prog :: x.args)))
(String.Map.of_list_exn vars, uppercase_vars)
let t = let t =
{ context { context
; host ; host
@ -370,8 +527,8 @@ let create
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install ; stanzas_to_consider_for_install
; artifacts ; artifacts
; cxx_flags ; cxx_flags
; uppercase_vars
; vars ; vars
; forms = Var.Map.forms
; chdir = Build.arr (fun (action : Action.t) -> ; chdir = Build.arr (fun (action : Action.t) ->
match action with match action with
| Chdir _ -> action | Chdir _ -> action
@ -666,33 +823,23 @@ module Action = struct
Some (path_exp (Path.relative dir s) ) Some (path_exp (Path.relative dir s) )
in in
match String_with_vars.Var.destruct var with match String_with_vars.Var.destruct var with
| Pair ("exe", s) -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (Path.relative dir s))) | Single _ ->
| Pair ("path", s) when syntax_version < (1, 0) -> begin match expand_var_no_root sctx ~syntax_version ~var with
path_with_dep s | Some x -> Var.Kind.to_value_no_deps_or_targets x ~scope
| Pair ("dep", s) when syntax_version >= (1, 0) -> | None -> String.Map.find extra_vars key
path_with_dep s end
| Pair ("dep", s) -> | Pair (_, s)-> begin match expand_form sctx ~syntax_version ~var with
loc | Some Var.Form.Exe -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (Path.relative dir s)))
"${dep:%s} is not supported in jbuild files.\n\ | Some Dep -> path_with_dep s
Hint: Did you mean ${path:%s} instead?" | Some Bin -> begin
| Pair ("bin", s) -> begin
let sctx = host sctx in let sctx = host sctx in
match Artifacts.binary (artifacts sctx) s with match Artifacts.binary (artifacts sctx) s with
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path) | Ok path -> Some (path_exp path)
| Error e -> | Error e ->
add_fail acc ({ fail = fun () -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise e }) add_fail acc ({ fail = fun () -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise e })
end end
| Pair ("findlib", s) when syntax_version >= (1, 0) -> | Some Lib -> begin
"The findlib special variable is not supported in jbuild files, \
please use lib instead:\n%%{lib:%s} in dune files"
| Pair ("findlib", s)
| Pair ("lib", s) -> begin
let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind; add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
match match
@ -701,7 +848,7 @@ module Action = struct
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path) | Ok path -> Some (path_exp path)
| Error fail -> add_fail acc fail | Error fail -> add_fail acc fail
end end
| Pair ("libexec" , s) -> begin | Some Libexec -> begin
let sctx = host sctx in let sctx = host sctx in
let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in let lib_dep, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind; add_lib_dep acc lib_dep dep_kind;
@ -722,11 +869,13 @@ module Action = struct
add_ddep acc ~key dep add_ddep acc ~key dep
end end
end end
| Pair ("lib-available", lib) -> | Some Lib_available -> begin
let lib = s in
add_lib_dep acc lib Optional; add_lib_dep acc lib Optional;
Some (str_exp (string_of_bool ( Some (str_exp (string_of_bool (
Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs scope) lib))) Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs scope) lib)))
| Pair ("version", s) -> begin end
| Some Version -> begin
match Package.Name.Map.find (Scope.project scope).packages match Package.Name.Map.find (Scope.project scope).packages
(Package.Name.of_string s) with (Package.Name.of_string s) with
| Some p -> | Some p ->
@ -741,7 +890,7 @@ module Action = struct loc "Package %S doesn't exist in the current project." s loc "Package %S doesn't exist in the current project." s
} }
end end
| Pair ("read", s) -> begin | Some Read -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data = let data =
Build.contents path Build.contents path
@ -749,7 +898,7 @@ module Action = struct
in in
add_ddep acc ~key data add_ddep acc ~key data
end end
| Pair ("read-lines", s) -> begin | Some Read_lines -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data = let data =
Build.lines_of path Build.lines_of path
@ -757,7 +906,7 @@ module Action = struct
in in
add_ddep acc ~key data add_ddep acc ~key data
end end
| Pair ("read-strings", s) -> begin | Some Read_strings -> begin
let path = Path.relative dir s in let path = Path.relative dir s in
let data = let data =
Build.strings path Build.strings path
@ -765,10 +914,11 @@ module Action = struct
in in
add_ddep acc ~key data add_ddep acc ~key data
end end
| _ -> | Some Path_no_dep -> Some [Value.Dir (Path.relative dir s)]
match expand_var_no_root sctx loc syntax_version key with | None ->
| Some _ as x -> x var ~f:(fun var ->
| None -> String.Map.find extra_vars key sprintf "Unknown form: %s" var)
in in
let targets loc name = let targets loc name =
let var = let var =

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ All builtin variables are lower cased in Dune:
$ dune runtest --root dune-upper $ dune runtest --root dune-upper
Entering directory 'dune-upper' Entering directory 'dune-upper'
File "dune", line 3, characters 41-46: File "dune", line 3, characters 41-46:
Error: Uppercase variables are removed in dune files. Error: Variable %{MAKE} has been renamed to %{make} since 1.0
Hint: Did you mean %{make} instead?
[1] [1]
jbuild files retain the the old names: jbuild files retain the the old names:

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ We are dropping support for findlib in dune
$ dune build --root in-dune target.txt $ dune build --root in-dune target.txt
Entering directory 'in-dune' Entering directory 'in-dune'
File "dune", line 2, characters 25-37: File "dune", line 2, characters 25-37:
Error: The findlib special variable is not supported in jbuild files, please use lib instead: Error: Variable %{findlib:pkg} has been renamed to %{lib:pkg} since 1.0
%{lib:pkg} in dune files
[1] [1]
But it must still be available in jbuild files But it must still be available in jbuild files

View File

@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ In expands to a file name, and registers this as a dependency.
$ dune build --root dune @test-dep $ dune build --root dune @test-dep
Entering directory 'dune' Entering directory 'dune'
dynamic-contents File "dune", line 13, characters 17-47:
Error: Variable %{path:file-that-does-not-exist} has been renamed to %{dep:file-that-does-not-exist} since 1.0
%{path-no-dep:string} %{path-no-dep:string}
--------------------- ---------------------
@ -51,6 +53,5 @@ This form does not exist, but displays an hint:
$ dune build --root jbuild-invalid @test-dep $ dune build --root jbuild-invalid @test-dep
Entering directory 'jbuild-invalid' Entering directory 'jbuild-invalid'
File "jbuild", line 5, characters 16-37: File "jbuild", line 5, characters 16-37:
Error: ${dep:generated-file} is not supported in jbuild files. Error: Variable ${dep:generated-file} is available in since version 1.0. Current version is 0.0
Hint: Did you mean ${path:generated-file} instead?
[1] [1]