Move maybe_quoted to string module

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-04-23 23:51:22 +07:00
parent 9aa827ac35
commit 980f5037cc
6 changed files with 16 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ let add_spec t fn spec ~copy_source =
As a result, the rule is currently ignored, however this will become an error \
in the future.\n\
(maybe_quoted (Path.basename fn))
(String.maybe_quoted (Path.basename fn))
(fun ppf ->
match rule.mode with
| Not_a_rule_stanza ->

View File

@ -86,15 +86,6 @@ let hint name candidates =
sprintf "\nHint: did you mean %s?" (mk_hint l)
(* [maybe_quoted s] is [s] if [s] doesn't need escaping according to OCaml lexing
conventions and [sprintf "%S" s] otherwise. *)
let maybe_quoted s =
let escaped = String.escaped s in
if s == escaped || s = escaped then
sprintf {|"%s"|} escaped
(* Disable file operations to force to use the IO module *)
let open_in = `Use_Io
let open_in_bin = `Use_Io

View File

@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ let to_string = function
| t -> t
let to_string_maybe_quoted t =
maybe_quoted (to_string t)
String.maybe_quoted (to_string t)
let root = ""

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@ -175,5 +175,13 @@ let exists s ~f =
with Exit ->
let maybe_quoted s =
let escaped = escaped s in
if s == escaped || s = escaped then
Printf.sprintf {|"%s"|} escaped
module Set = Set.Make(T)
module Map = Map.Make(T)

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@ -40,5 +40,9 @@ val longest_map : 'a list -> f:('a -> string) -> int
val exists : t -> f:(char -> bool) -> bool
(** [maybe_quoted s] is [s] if [s] doesn't need escaping according to OCaml
lexing conventions and [sprintf "%S" s] otherwise. *)
val maybe_quoted : t -> t
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let executable_object_directory ~dir name =
let program_not_found ?context ?hint prog =
die "@{<error>Error@}: Program %s not found in the tree or in PATH%s%a"
(maybe_quoted prog)
(String.maybe_quoted prog)
(match context with
| None -> ""
| Some name -> sprintf " (context: %s)" name)
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ let program_not_found ?context ?hint prog =
let library_not_found ?context ?hint lib =
die "@{<error>Error@}: Library %s not found%s%a" (maybe_quoted lib)
die "@{<error>Error@}: Library %s not found%s%a" (String.maybe_quoted lib)
(match context with
| None -> ""
| Some name -> sprintf " (context: %s)" name)