Make the preprocessor more generic

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-07-14 03:58:23 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 62f0e826ce
commit 9734b2e6d0
3 changed files with 193 additions and 187 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
(executable (name pp))
(ocamllex pp)
(ocamllex lexer)

src/let-syntax/lexer.mll Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
open StdLabels
open Printf
type mode = Generated_code | Source_code
type t =
{ fname : string
; output_fname : string
; (* Line number in generated file *)
mutable line : int
; oc : out_channel
; mutable mode : mode
; buf : Buffer.t
let lexeme_len lb =
Lexing.lexeme_end lb - Lexing.lexeme_start lb
let fail t lb msg =
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb in
let stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lb in
"File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d:\n\
Error: %s\n%!"
t.fname start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
(stop.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
exit 1
let ps t s =
String.iter s ~f:(function
| '\n' -> t.line <- t.line + 1
| _ -> ());
output_string t.oc s
let pc t = function
| '\n' -> t.line <- t.line + 1; output_char t.oc '\n'
| c -> output_char t.oc c
let npc t n c = for _ = 1 to n do pc t c done
let pf t fmt = ksprintf (ps t) fmt
let enter_generated_code t =
t.mode <- Generated_code;
pc t '\n';
pf t "# %d %S\n" t.line t.output_fname
let enter_source_code t (pos : Lexing.position) =
t.mode <- Source_code;
pc t '\n';
pf t "# %d %S\n" pos.pos_lnum t.fname;
let col = pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol in
npc t col ' '
let pass_through t lb =
if t.mode = Generated_code then
enter_source_code t (Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb);
ps t (Lexing.lexeme lb)
type and_or_in = And | In
let space = [' ' '\t']
let newline = '\n' | "\r\n"
let id = ['a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0'-'9']*
rule main t col = parse
| eof
{ In }
| newline
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_newline t col lexbuf
| " in" newline
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_in_and_newline t col lexbuf
| _
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
main t col lexbuf
| id as id
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
match id with
| "let" -> after_let t col (Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf) lexbuf
| _ -> main t col lexbuf
and after_let t col pos = parse
| "%" (id as id)
{ if id <> "map" then begin
pass_through t lexbuf;
main t col lexbuf
end else begin
let col' = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - pos.Lexing.pos_bol in
let rec loop i =
let pos = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
enter_generated_code t;
let id = sprintf "__x%d__" i in
ps t id;
lhs t lexbuf;
let pattern = Buffer.contents t.buf in
Buffer.clear t.buf;
(id, (pos, pattern)) ::
match main t col' lexbuf with
| And -> loop (i + 1)
| In -> []
let ids, patterns = List.split (loop 1) in
enter_generated_code t;
ps t "Let_syntax.(fun f -> const f";
List.iter ids ~f:(pf t "$ %s");
ps t ") @@ fun ";
List.iter patterns ~f:(fun (pos, pattern) ->
pc t '(';
enter_source_code t pos;
ps t pattern;
pc t ')');
ps t "->";
t.mode <- Generated_code;
main t col lexbuf
| ""
{ main t col lexbuf }
and after_newline t col = parse
| space*
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
if lexeme_len lexbuf = col then
after_indent t col lexbuf
main t col lexbuf
and after_indent t col = parse
| id as id
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
match id with
| "and" -> And
| "in" -> In
| _ -> fail t lexbuf "'and' or 'in' keyword expected"
and after_in_and_newline t col = parse
| space* newline
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_in_and_newline t col lexbuf
| space*
{ pass_through t lexbuf;
if lexeme_len lexbuf = col then
main t col lexbuf
and lhs t = parse
| eof
{ ()
| newline as s
{ Buffer.add_string t.buf s;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
lhs t lexbuf
| "="
{ pass_through t lexbuf
| _ as c
{ Buffer.add_char t.buf c;
lhs t lexbuf
let process_file ~fname ~output_fname ~oc =
let (And | In) =
let t =
{ fname
; output_fname
; line = 1
; oc
; mode = Generated_code
; buf = Buffer.create 512
main t (-1) (Lexing.from_channel (open_in_bin fname))

View File

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
open StdLabels
open Printf
let fname = Sys.argv.(1)
let fname_gen = fname ^ ".generated"
let lexeme_len lb =
Lexing.lexeme_end lb - Lexing.lexeme_start lb
let fail lb msg =
let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb in
let stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lb in
"File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d:\n\
Error: %s\n%!"
fname start.pos_lnum (start.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
(stop.pos_cnum - start.pos_bol)
exit 1
(* Line number in generated file *)
let lnum = ref 1
let ps s =
String.iter s ~f:(function
| '\n' -> incr lnum
| _ -> ());
print_string s
let pc = function
| '\n' -> incr lnum; print_char '\n'
| c -> print_char c
let npc n c = for _ = 1 to n do pc c done
let pf fmt = ksprintf ps fmt
let gen_id =
let n = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr n;
sprintf "__x%d__" !n
let buf = Buffer.create 512
let add_lexeme lb = Buffer.add_string buf (Lexing.lexeme lb)
type mode = Generated_code | Source_code
let mode = ref Generated_code
let enter_generated_code () =
mode := Generated_code;
pc '\n';
pf "# %d %S\n" !lnum fname_gen
let enter_source_code (pos : Lexing.position) =
mode := Source_code;
pc '\n';
pf "# %d %S\n" pos.pos_lnum fname;
let col = pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol in
npc col ' '
let pass_through lb =
if !mode = Generated_code then
enter_source_code (Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb);
ps (Lexing.lexeme lb)
type and_or_in = And | In
let space = [' ' '\t']
let newline = '\n' | "\r\n"
let id = ['a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\'' '0'-'9']*
rule main col = parse
| eof
{ In }
| newline
{ pass_through lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_newline col lexbuf
| " in" newline
{ pass_through lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_in_and_newline col lexbuf
| _
{ pass_through lexbuf;
main col lexbuf
| id as id
{ pass_through lexbuf;
match id with
| "let" -> after_let col (Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf) lexbuf
| _ -> main col lexbuf
and after_let col pos = parse
| "%" (id as id)
{ if id <> "map" then begin
pass_through lexbuf;
main col lexbuf
end else begin
let col' = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - pos.Lexing.pos_bol in
let rec loop () =
let pos = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf in
enter_generated_code ();
let id = gen_id () in
ps id;
lhs lexbuf;
let pattern = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.clear buf;
(id, (pos, pattern)) ::
match main col' lexbuf with
| And -> loop ()
| In -> []
let ids, patterns = List.split (loop ()) in
enter_generated_code ();
ps "Let_syntax.(fun f -> const f";
List.iter ids ~f:(pf "$ %s");
ps ") @@ fun ";
List.iter patterns ~f:(fun (pos, pattern) ->
pc '(';
enter_source_code pos;
ps pattern;
pc ')');
ps "->";
mode := Generated_code;
main col lexbuf
| ""
{ main col lexbuf }
and after_newline col = parse
| space*
{ pass_through lexbuf;
if lexeme_len lexbuf = col then
after_indent col lexbuf
main col lexbuf
and after_indent col = parse
| id as id
{ pass_through lexbuf;
match id with
| "and" -> And
| "in" -> In
| _ -> fail lexbuf "'and' or 'in' keyword expected"
and after_in_and_newline col = parse
| space* newline
{ pass_through lexbuf;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
after_in_and_newline col lexbuf
| space*
{ pass_through lexbuf;
if lexeme_len lexbuf = col then
main col lexbuf
and lhs = parse
| eof
{ ()
| newline as s
{ Buffer.add_string buf s;
Lexing.new_line lexbuf;
lhs lexbuf
| "="
{ pass_through lexbuf
| _ as c
{ Buffer.add_char buf c;
lhs lexbuf
let (And | In) = main (-1) (Lexing.from_channel (open_in_bin fname))