initial import

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Jeremie Dimino 2016-10-30 19:07:53 +00:00
commit 93b5d9bdb9
1 changed files with 448 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
module String_set = Set.Make(String)
let max_jobs = ref 1
(* Simplified Async/Lwt like monad *)
module Future : sig
type 'a t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val all : 'a t list -> 'a list t
val all_unit : unit t list -> unit t
module Ivar : sig
type 'a t
val fill : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
val create : ('a Ivar.t -> unit) -> 'a t
val run : string -> string list -> unit t
module Scheduler : sig
val go : 'a t -> 'a
end = struct
type 'a t = { state : 'a state }
and 'a state =
'a state =
| Return of 'a
| Sleep of 'a handlers
| Repr of 'a t
and 'a handlers =
| Empty
| One of ('a -> unit)
| Append of 'a handlers * 'a handlers
let append h1 h2 =
match h1, h2 with
| Empty, _ -> h2
| _, Empty -> h1
| _ -> Append (h1, h2)
let rec repr t =
match t.state with
| Repr t' -> let t'' = repr t' in if t'' != t' then t.state <- Repr t''; t''
| _ -> t
let run_handlers handlers x =
let rec loop handlers acc =
match handlers, acc with
| Empty, [] -> ()
| Empty, h :: acc -> loop h acc
| One f, [] -> f x
| One f, h :: acc -> f x; loop h acc
| Append (h1, h2) -> loop h1 (h2 :: acc)
loop handlers []
let connect t1 t2 =
let t1 = repr t1 and t2 = repr t2 in
match t1.state with
| Sleep h1 ->
if t1 == t2 then
else begin
match t2.state with
| Repr _ -> assert false
| Sleep h2 ->
t2.state <- Repr t1;
t1.state <- Sleep (append h1 h2)
| Return x as state2 ->
t1.state <- state2;
run_handlers h1 x
| _ ->
assert false
let return x = { state = Return x }
let sleeping () = { state = Sleep Empty }
let ( >>= ) t f =
let t = repr t in
match t.state with
| Return v -> f v
| Sleep handlers ->
let res = sleeping () in
t.state <- Sleep (append handlers (One (fun x -> connect res (f x))));
| Repr _ ->
assert false
let create f =
let t = sleeping () in
f t;
module Ivar = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t
let fill t x =
match state t with
| Repr _ -> assert false
| Return _ -> failwith "Ivar.fill"
| Sleep handlers ->
t.state <- Return x;
run_handlers handlers x
let rec all = function
| [] -> return []
| x :: l ->
x >>= fun x ->
all l >>= fun l ->
return (x :: l)
let rec all_unit = function
| [] -> return ()
| x :: l ->
x >>= fun () ->
all l
type job =
{ prog : string
; args : string
; ivar : unit Ivar.t
let to_run = Qeueue.create ()
let run prog args =
create (fun ivar ->
Queue.push { prog; args; ivar } to_run)
module Scheduler = struct
let process_done { prog; args; ivar } status =
match status with
| Unix.WEXITED 0 -> Ivar.fill ivar ()
| _ ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Process \"%s\" exited with status %s"
(String.concat (prog :: args) ~sep:" ")
(match status with
| WEXITED n -> n
| WSIGNALED n -> 128 + n
| WSTOPPED _ -> assert false)
let running = Hashtbl.create 128
let rec wait_win32 () =
let finished =
Hashtbl.fold running ~init:[] ~f:(fun pid job acc ->
let pid, status = Unix.waitpid [WNOHANG] pid in
if pid <> 0 then begin
process_done job status;
pid :: acc
end else
List.iter finished ~f:(Hashtbl.remove running)
let go t =
match (repr t).state with
| Return v -> v
| _ ->
while Hashtbl.length running < !max_jobs && not (Queue.is_empty to_run) do
let job = Queue.pop to_run in
let pid =
Unix.create_process job.prog (Array.of_list (job.prog :: job.args))
Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
Hashtbl.add running pid job
if Sys.win32 then
wait_win32 ()
else begin
let pid, status = Unix.wait () in
process_done (Hashtbl.find running pid) status;
Hashtbl.remove running pid
go t
open Future
type ('a, 'b) eq =
| Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
| Ne : ('a, 'b) eq
module Kind = struct
type 'a t =
| Strings : string list t
let eq : type a b. a t -> b t -> (a, b) eq = fun a b ->
match a, b with
| File, File -> Eq
| Strings, Strings -> Eq
| _ -> Ne
module Vals = struct
type 'a t =
| [] : unit t
| ( :: ) : 'a * 'b t -> ('a -> 'b) t
module Vals_spec = struct
type 'a t =
| [] : unit t
| ( :: ) : (string * 'a Kind.t) * 'b t -> ('a -> 'b) t
(* dep/target specification *)
module Spec = struct
type _ t =
| Files : string list -> unit t
| Vals : 'a Vals_spec.t -> 'a Vals.t t
| Both : string list * 'a Vals_spec.t -> 'a Vals.t t
let to_files_and_vals : type a. a t -> string list * a Vals_spec.t = function
| Files l -> (l, [])
| Vals l -> ([], l)
| Both (f, v) -> (f, v)
module Rule : sig
val rule
: deps:'a Spec.t
-> targets:'b Spec.t
-> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t)
-> unit
end = struct
type t =
{ deps : string list
; targets : string list
; exec : unit Lwt.t Lazy.t
type value_cell =
V : { rule : t (* Rule which produces it *)
; kind : 'a Kind.t
; mutable data : 'a option
} -> value_cell
type packed_value_cell = V : _ value_cell -> packed_value_cell
let values = Hashtbl.create 1024
let files = Hashtbl.create 1024
let rec wait_for_value path kind =
let (V v) = Hashtbl.find values path in
match Kind.eq kind v.kind with
| Ne -> assert false
| Eq ->
Lazy.force rule.exec >>= fun () ->
match with
| Some x -> return x
| None -> assert false
let wait_for_values : type a. a Vals_spec.t -> a Vals.t =
let open Vals_spec in
| [] -> return []
| (path, kind) :: spec ->
let rest = wait_for_values spec in
wait_for_value path kind >>= fun x ->
rest >>= l ->
return (x :: l)
let wait_for_file path =
match Hashtbl.find files path with
| exception Not_found ->
if Sys.file_exists path then
return ()
| rule -> Lazy.force rule.exec
let store path kind x =
let (V v) = Hashtbl.find values path in
match Kind.eq kind v.kind with
| Ne -> assert false
| Eq -> <- Some x
let store_all : type a. a Vals_spec.t -> a Vals.t -> unit =
let open Vals_spec in
let open Vals in
fun spec vals ->
match spec, vals with
| [], [] -> ()
| (path, kind) :: spec, x :: vals ->
store path kind x;
store_all spec vals
let create_value_cells : type a. a Vals_spec.t -> t -> unit =
let open Vals_spec in
fun spec rule ->
match spec with
| [] -> ()
| (path, kind) :: spec ->
Hashtbl.add values path { kind; rule; data = None };
create_value_cells spec rule
let rule ~deps ~targets f =
let fdeps , vdeps = Spec.to_files_and_vals deps in
let ftargets, vtargets = Spec.to_files_and_vals targets in
let exec = lazy (
Future.all_unit ( fdeps ~f:wait_for_file) >>= fun () ->
wait_for_values vdeps >>= fun vals ->
f vals >>= fun results ->
store_all vtargets results;
return ()
) in
let rule = { deps; targets; exec } in
List.iter ftargets ~f:(fun fn -> Hashtbl.add files fn rule);
create_value_cells vtargets rule
module Of_sexp = struct
module Field_spec = struct
type 'a t =
{ name : string
; of_sexp : Sexp.t -> 'a
; default : 'a option
module Spec = struct
module Lib = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; public_name : string option
; libraries : string list
; modules : String_set.t
; c_flags : string list
; c_names : string list
let guess_modules ~dir ~files_produced_by_rules =
Sys.readdir dir
|> Array.to_list
|> List.append files_produced_by_rules
|> List.filter ~f:(fun fn ->
Filename.check_extension fn ".mli"
|| Filename.check_extension fn ".ml")
|> ~f:(fun fn ->
String.capitalize (Filename.chop_extension fn))
|> String_set.of_list
let parse ~dir ~files_produced_by_rules sexp =
Of_sexp.parse sexp
[ field "name" string
; field_o "public_name" string
; field "libraries" (list string) ~default:[]
; field_o "modules" string_set
; field "c_flags" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "c_names" (list string) ~default:[]
(fun name public_name libraries modules c_flags c_names ->
let modules =
match modules with
| None ->
guess_modules ~dir ~files_produced_by_rules
| Some x -> x
{ name
; public_name
; libraries
; modules
; c_flags
; c_names
let setup_rules ~dir t =
let pped_files = t.modules ~f:(fun m ->
dir ^/ String.uncapitalize m ^ ".pp")
let source_deps = (sprintf "ocamldep for %s", Kind.Strings) in
let depends_fn = dir ^/ ".depends" in
rule ~deps:(Files pped_files) ~targets:(Files [depends_fn]) (fun () ->
run ~stdout_to:depends_fn "ocamldep" pped_files);
rule ~deps:(Files [depends_fn]) ~targets:(Vals [source_deps]) (fun () ->
(* parse *)
return [deps]);
List.iter t.modules ~f:(fun m ->
let src = dir ^/ String.uncapitalize m ^ ".ml" in
let dst = dir ^/ ^ "__" ^ m ^ ".cmo" in
rule ~deps:(Both (src, [source_deps])) ~targets:(Files [dst])
(fun deps ->
List.iter (String_map.find deps m) ~f:(fun m -> wait_for_file (... ^ m ^ ".cmi")) >>= fun () ->
run "ocamlc" ["-c"; src]);
module Rule = struct
type t =
{ targets : string list
; deps : string list
; action : string
let parse sexp =
[ field "targets" (string list)
; field "deps" (string list)
; field "action" string
(fun targets deps action ->
{ targets; deps; action })
module Jbuild = struct
type t =
| Library of Lib.t
| Rule of Rule.t
let parse ~dir sexps =
let rules =
List.filter_map sexps ~f:(function
| List [Atom "rule"; arg] ->
Some (Rule.parse arg)
| _ -> None)
let files_produced_by_rules =
List.concat_map rules ~f:(fun r -> r.targets)
List.filter_map sexps ~f:(function
| List [Atom "library"; arg] ->
Some (Library (Lib.parse ~dir ~files_produced_by_rules))
| _ ->
let load ~dir =
let fn = dir ^/ "jbuild" in
let jbuilds = Lexer.jbuilds () in