Added a simple version of a polling loop. (#1140)

`dune build -w` keeps running and automatically rebuilds the project
when changes are detected.

Note that on platforms other than Linux, you need to have `fswatch`
installed for watch mode to work.

Signed-off-by: Pavel Senchanka <>
This commit is contained in:
Pavel Senchanka 2018-09-05 05:53:21 -04:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 22fe0696ff
commit 8f2a4c0741
15 changed files with 299 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ type common =
orig_args : string list
; config : Config.t
; default_target : string
(* For build & runtest only *)
; watch : bool
let prefix_target common s = common.target_prefix ^ s
@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ let set_common_other c ~targets =
Clflags.diff_command := c.diff_command;
Clflags.auto_promote := c.auto_promote;
Clflags.force := c.force; :=;
Clflags.external_lib_deps_hint :=
[ ["dune"; "external-lib-deps"; "--missing"]
@ -130,6 +133,39 @@ module Log = struct
Log.create ~display:common.config.display ()
let watch_command =
lazy (
let excludes = [ {|\.#|}
; {|_build|}
; {|\.hg|}
; {|\.git|}
; {|~$|}
; {|/#[^#]*#$|}
; {|\.install$|}
let path = Path.to_string_maybe_quoted Path.root in
match Bin.which "inotifywait" with
| Some inotifywait ->
(* On Linux, use inotifywait. *)
let excludes = String.concat ~sep:"|" excludes in
inotifywait, ["-r"; path; "--exclude"; excludes; "-e"; "close_write"; "-q"]
| None ->
(* On all other platforms, try to use fswatch. fswatch's event
filtering is not reliable (at least on Linux), so don't try to
use it, instead act on all events. *)
(match Bin.which "fswatch" with
| Some fswatch ->
let excludes = List.concat_map excludes ~f:(fun x -> ["--exclude"; x]) in
fswatch, ["-r"; path; "-1"] @ excludes
| None ->
die "@{<error>Error@}: fswatch (or inotifywait) was not found. \
One of them needs to be installed for watch mode to work.\n"))
let watch_changes () =
let watch, args = Lazy.force watch_command in Strict watch args ~env:Env.initial ~stdout_to:(File Config.dev_null)
module Scheduler = struct
include Dune.Scheduler
@ -140,6 +176,22 @@ module Scheduler = struct
Scheduler.go ?log ~config:common.config fiber
let poll ?log ?cache_init ~common ~init ~once ~finally () =
let init () =
Main.set_concurrency ?log common.config
>>= fun () ->
init ()
type target =
@ -331,6 +383,12 @@ let common =
& info ["force"; "f"]
~doc:"Force actions associated to aliases to be re-executed even
if their dependencies haven't changed.")
and watch =
& flag
& info ["watch"; "w"]
~doc:"Instead of terminating build after completion, wait continuously
for file changes.")
and root,
@ -556,6 +614,7 @@ let common =
; config
; build_dir
; default_target
; watch
let installed_libraries =
@ -753,6 +812,25 @@ let resolve_targets_exn ~log common setup user_targets =
| Ok targets ->
let run_build_command ~log ~common ~targets =
let init () = Fiber.return () in
let once () =
Main.setup ~log common
>>= fun setup ->
do_build setup (targets setup)
let finally () = ();
Fiber.return ()
if then begin
(* Forcing this lazy here causes the exception raised when watch binary is not found
to actually terminate the program, instead of entering an error loop. *)
ignore (Lazy.force watch_command);
Scheduler.poll ~cache_init:false ~log ~common ~init ~once ~finally ()
else Scheduler.go ~log ~common (once ())
let build_targets =
let doc = "Build the given targets, or all installable targets if none are given." in
let man =
@ -773,10 +851,8 @@ let build_targets =
set_common common ~targets;
let log = Log.create common in
Scheduler.go ~log ~common
(Main.setup ~log common >>= fun setup ->
let targets = resolve_targets_exn ~log common setup targets in
do_build setup targets)
let targets setup = resolve_targets_exn ~log common setup targets in
run_build_command ~log ~common ~targets
(term, "build" ~doc ~man)
@ -800,16 +876,14 @@ let runtest =
| dir when dir.[String.length dir - 1] = '/' -> sprintf "@%sruntest" dir
| dir -> sprintf "@%s/runtest" dir));
let log = Log.create common in
Scheduler.go ~log ~common
(Main.setup ~log common >>= fun setup ->
let check_path = check_path setup.contexts in
let targets = dirs ~f:(fun dir ->
let dir = Path.(relative root) (prefix_target common dir) in
check_path dir;
Alias_rec (Path.relative dir "runtest"))
do_build setup targets)
let targets (setup : Main.setup) =
let check_path = check_path setup.contexts in dirs ~f:(fun dir ->
let dir = Path.(relative root) (prefix_target common dir) in
check_path dir;
Alias_rec (Path.relative dir "runtest"))
run_build_command ~log ~common ~targets
(term, "runtest" ~doc ~man)

View File

@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ let create_file_specs t targets rule ~copy_source =
let pending_targets = ref Path.Set.empty
let () =
at_exit (fun () ->
Hooks.End_of_build.always (fun () ->
let fns = !pending_targets in
pending_targets := Path.Set.empty;
Path.Set.iter fns ~f:Path.unlink_no_err)
@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ let create ~contexts ~file_tree ~hook =
; hook
at_exit (fun () -> finalize t);
Hooks.End_of_build.once (fun () -> finalize t);
let eval_request t ~request ~process_target =

View File

@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ let debug_backtraces = ref false
let diff_command = ref None
let auto_promote = ref false
let force = ref false
let watch = ref false

View File

@ -32,3 +32,6 @@ val auto_promote : bool ref
(** Force re-running actions associated to aliases *)
val force : bool ref
(** Instead of terminating build after completion, watch for changes *)
val watch : bool ref

View File

@ -684,6 +684,11 @@ end
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32
let clear_cache () =
Hashtbl.reset cache
let () = Hooks.End_of_build.always clear_cache
let rec get sctx ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find cache dir with
| Some t -> t

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
open Stdune
module End_of_build = struct
let persistent_hooks = ref []
let one_off_hooks = ref []
let always hook =
persistent_hooks := hook :: !persistent_hooks
let once hook =
one_off_hooks := hook :: !one_off_hooks
let run () =
List.iter !one_off_hooks ~f:(fun f -> f ());
List.iter !persistent_hooks ~f:(fun f -> f ());
one_off_hooks := []
let () = at_exit

src/hooks.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
(** This module deals with management of hooks that run
after specific events (e.g. end of build). *)
module End_of_build : sig
(** Register a hook called at the end of every build.
For watch mode, this means that once registered, the hook
will be called after every iteration. *)
val always : (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** Register a hook called at the end of current build only.
For watch mode, this means that after current iteration
is over, the hook will be called and deregistered
automatically. *)
val once : (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** Signalize end of build and run all registered hooks. *)
val run : unit -> unit

View File

@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ let setup ?(log=Log.no_log)
let rule_done = ref 0 in
let rule_total = ref 0 in
let gen_status_line () =
Some (sprintf "Done: %u/%u" !rule_done !rule_total)
{ Scheduler.
message = Some (sprintf "Done: %u/%u" !rule_done !rule_total)
; show_jobs = true
let hook (hook : Build_system.hook) =
match hook with

View File

@ -19,12 +19,17 @@ module File = struct
let register t = db := t :: !db
let promote { src; dst } =
Format.eprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
Errors.print_to_console (Format.sprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst));
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst ()
let clear_cache () =
File.db := []
let () = Hooks.End_of_build.always clear_cache
module P = Utils.Persistent(struct
type t = File.t list
let name = "TO-PROMOTE"
@ -49,6 +54,8 @@ let group_by_targets db =
(* Sort the list of possible sources for deterministic behavior *)
|> ~f:(List.sort
let were_files_promoted = ref false
type files_to_promote =
| All
| These of Path.t list * (Path.t -> unit)
@ -79,6 +86,7 @@ let do_promote db files_to_promote =
List.iter dirs_to_clear_from_cache ~f:(fun dir ->
Utils.Cached_digest.remove (Path.append dir dst));
File.promote { src; dst };
were_files_promoted := true;
List.iter others ~f:(fun path ->
Format.eprintf " -> ignored %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path))
@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ let do_promote db files_to_promote = srcs ~f:(fun src -> { File.src; dst }))
let finalize () =
were_files_promoted := false;
let db =
if !Clflags.auto_promote then
do_promote !File.db All
@ -114,6 +123,9 @@ let finalize () =
dump_db db
let were_files_promoted () =
let promote_files_registered_in_last_run files_to_promote =
let db = load_db () in
let db = do_promote db files_to_promote in

View File

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ end
dump the list of registered files to [_build/.to-promote]. *)
val finalize : unit -> unit
(** Returns true if any files were promoted the last time [finalize] ran. *)
val were_files_promoted : unit -> bool
(** Describe what files should be promoted. The second argument of
[These] is a function that is called on files that cannot be
promoted. *)

View File

@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ let report_with_backtrace exn =
let reported = ref String.Set.empty
let clear_cache () =
reported := String.Set.empty
let () = Hooks.End_of_build.always clear_cache
let report exn =
let exn, dependency_path = Dep_path.unwrap_exn exn in
match exn with

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ open! Stdune
open Import
open Fiber.O
type status_line_config =
{ message : string option
; show_jobs : bool
type running_job =
{ pid : int
; ivar : Unix.process_status Fiber.Ivar.t
@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ type t =
; mutable concurrency : int
; waiting_for_available_job : t Fiber.Ivar.t Queue.t
; mutable status_line : string
; mutable gen_status_line : unit -> string option
; mutable gen_status_line : unit -> status_line_config
let log t = t.log
@ -136,13 +141,18 @@ let rec go_rec t =
end else begin
if t.display = Progress then begin
match t.gen_status_line () with
| None ->
| { message = None; _ } ->
if t.status_line <> "" then begin
hide_status_line t.status_line;
flush stderr
| Some status_line ->
let status_line = sprintf "%s (jobs: %u)" status_line count in
| { message = Some status_line; show_jobs } ->
let status_line =
if show_jobs then
sprintf "%s (jobs: %u)" status_line count
hide_status_line t.status_line;
show_status_line status_line;
flush stderr;
@ -156,8 +166,8 @@ let rec go_rec t =
go_rec t
let go ?(log=Log.no_log) ?(config=Config.default)
?(gen_status_line=fun () -> None) fiber =
let prepare ?(log=Log.no_log) ?(config=Config.default)
?(gen_status_line=fun () -> { message = None; show_jobs = false }) () =
Log.infof log "Workspace root: %s"
(Path.to_absolute_filename Path.root |> String.maybe_quoted);
let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
@ -190,18 +200,102 @@ let go ?(log=Log.no_log) ?(config=Config.default)
{ log
; gen_status_line
; original_cwd = cwd
; display = config.display
; display = config.Config.display
; concurrency = (match config.concurrency with Auto -> 1 | Fixed n -> n)
; status_line = ""
; waiting_for_available_job = Queue.create ()
Errors.printer := print t;
let run t fiber =
let fiber =
Fiber.Var.set t_var t
(Fiber.with_error_handler (fun () -> fiber)
(Fiber.with_error_handler fiber
(fun () -> go_rec t)
(fun () -> fiber))
let go ?log ?config ?gen_status_line fiber =
let t = prepare ?log ?config ?gen_status_line () in
run t (fun () -> fiber)
(** Fiber loop looks like this (if cache_init is true):
v |
init --> once --> finally --/
The result of [~init] gets passed in every call to [~once] and [~finally].
If cache_init is false, every iteration reexecutes init instead of
saving it.
[~watch] should return after the first change to any of the project files.
let poll ?log ?config ?(cache_init=true) ~init ~once ~finally ~watch () =
let t = prepare ?log ?config () in
let wait_success () =
let old_generator = t.gen_status_line in
(fun () ->
{ message = Some "Success.\nWaiting for filesystem changes..."
; show_jobs = false
>>= fun () ->
watch ()
>>= fun _ ->
set_status_line_generator old_generator
let wait_failure () =
let old_generator = t.gen_status_line in
(fun () ->
{ message = Some "Had errors.\nWaiting for filesystem changes..."
; show_jobs = false
>>= fun () ->
(if Promotion.were_files_promoted () then
Fiber.return ()
watch ())
>>= fun _ ->
set_status_line_generator old_generator
let rec main_loop () =
(if cache_init then
Fiber.return ()
init ())
>>= fun _ ->
once ()
>>= fun _ ->
finally ()
>>= fun _ ->
wait_success ()
>>= fun _ ->
main_loop ()
let continue_on_error () =
finally ()
>>= fun _ ->
wait_failure ()
>>= fun _ ->
main_loop ()
let main () =
(if cache_init then
init ()
Fiber.return ())
>>= fun _ ->
main_loop ()
let rec loop f =
run t f
with Fiber.Never ->
loop continue_on_error
loop main

View File

@ -2,21 +2,47 @@
open! Stdune
type status_line_config =
{ message : string option
; show_jobs : bool
(** [go ?log ?config ?gen_status_line fiber] runs the following fiber until it
terminates. [gen_status_line] is used to print a status line when [config.display =
Progress]. *)
val go
: ?log:Log.t
-> ?config:Config.t
-> ?gen_status_line:(unit -> string option)
-> ?gen_status_line:(unit -> status_line_config)
-> 'a Fiber.t
-> 'a
(** Runs a fiber loop that looks like this (if cache_init is true, as default):
v |
init --> once --> finally --/
If cache_init is false, every iteration reexecutes init instead of
saving it.
[~watch] should return after the first change to any of the project files.
val poll
: ?log:Log.t
-> ?config:Config.t
-> ?cache_init:bool
-> init:(unit -> unit Fiber.t)
-> once:(unit -> unit Fiber.t)
-> finally:(unit -> unit Fiber.t)
-> watch:(unit -> unit Fiber.t)
-> unit
-> 'a
(** Wait for the following process to terminate *)
val wait_for_process : int -> Unix.process_status Fiber.t
(** Set the status line generator for the current scheduler *)
val set_status_line_generator : (unit -> string option) -> unit Fiber.t
val set_status_line_generator : (unit -> status_line_config) -> unit Fiber.t
val set_concurrency : int -> unit Fiber.t

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ let replace = replace
let length = length
let remove = remove
let mem = mem
let reset = reset
let find = find_opt

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ val hash : 'a -> int
val create : ?random:bool -> int -> ('a, 'b) t
val reset : ('a, 'b) t -> unit
val remove : ('a, _) t -> 'a -> unit
val length : (_, _) t -> int